This is the complete list of members for osgWidget::GeometryHints, including all inherited members.
AspectRatioPolicy enum name | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
aspectRatioPolicy | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
backgroundColor | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
GeometryHints() | osgWidget::GeometryHints | inline |
GeometryHints(const osg::Vec3 &pos, const osg::Vec3 &wVec, const osg::Vec3 &hVec, const osg::Vec4 &bColor, AspectRatioPolicy asp=RESIZE_HEIGHT_TO_MAINTAINCE_ASPECT_RATIO, unsigned int wRes=1024, unsigned int hRes=1024) | osgWidget::GeometryHints | inline |
heightResolution | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
heightVec | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
IGNORE_DOCUMENT_ASPECT_RATIO enum value | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
position | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
RESIZE_HEIGHT_TO_MAINTAINCE_ASPECT_RATIO enum value | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
RESIZE_WIDTH_TO_MAINTAINCE_ASPECT_RATIO enum value | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
widthResolution | osgWidget::GeometryHints | |
widthVec | osgWidget::GeometryHints |
![]() | Generated at Wed Nov 11 2015 22:15:26 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.8.10. |