OpenSceneGraph  3.5.1
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
osgDB Namespace Reference

The osgDB library provides support for reading and writing scene graphs, providing a plugin framework and file utility classes. More...




class  Archive
 Base class for implementing database Archives. More...
class  AuthenticationDetails
class  AuthenticationMap
struct  base64_decodestate
struct  base64_encodestate
class  Base64decoder
class  Base64encoder
class  BaseCompressor
class  BaseSerializer
struct  basic_type_wrapper
 basic structure for custom runtime inheritance checking More...
class  BitFlagsSerializer
class  ClassInterface
 ClassInterface provides a general means of checking for supported properties of classes, and getting/setting thoses properties. More...
class  DatabasePager
 Database paging class which manages the loading of files in a background thread, and synchronizing of loaded models with the main scene graph. More...
class  DatabaseRevision
class  DatabaseRevisions
class  DeprecatedDotOsgWrapperManager
 deprecated. More...
class  DotOsgWrapper
 deprecated. More...
class  DynamicLibrary
 DynamicLibrary - encapsulates the loading and unloading of dynamic libraries, typically used for loading ReaderWriter plug-ins. More...
class  EnumSerializer
class  ExternalFileWriter
 Helper allowing 'intelligent' writing of external files (images, shaders, etc.), regarding to a main file (a scene), especially in plugins. More...
class  Field
 deprecated. More...
class  FieldReader
 deprecated. More...
class  FieldReaderIterator
 deprecated. More...
class  FileCache
class  FileList
class  FileLocationCallback
struct  FileNameComparator
 Functor for helping sort filename in alphabetical and numerical order when using in conjunction with std::sort. More...
class  FindFileCallback
struct  FinishedObjectReadCallback
class  GLenumSerializer
class  ifstream
class  ImageOptions
class  ImagePager
class  ImageProcessor
class  ImageSerializer
class  Input
 deprecated. More...
class  InputException
class  InputIterator
class  InputStream
class  IntLookup
class  IsAVectorSerializer
class  ListSerializer
class  MapBaseSerializer
class  MapIteratorObject
class  MapSerializer
class  MatrixSerializer
struct  MethodObject
class  ObjectCache
struct  ObjectGLenum
class  ObjectMark
class  ObjectProperty
class  ObjectSerializer
class  ObjectWrapper
class  ObjectWrapperManager
class  ofstream
class  Options
 Options base class used for passing options into plugins to control their operation. More...
class  Output
 deprecated. More...
class  OutputException
class  OutputIterator
class  OutputStream
class  ParameterOutput
struct  PluginFunctionProxy
class  PropByRefSerializer
class  PropByValSerializer
class  ReaderWriter
 Pure virtual base class for reading and writing of non native formats. More...
class  ReaderWriterInfo
class  ReadFileCallback
class  RegisterCompressorProxy
class  RegisterCustomWrapperProxy
class  RegisterDotOsgWrapperProxy
 deprecated. More...
class  RegisterImageProcessorProxy
 Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry. More...
class  RegisterReaderWriterProxy
 Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry. More...
class  RegisterWrapperProxy
class  Registry
 Registry is a singleton factory which stores the reader/writers which are linked in at runtime for reading non-native file formats. More...
class  SharedStateManager
class  StringSerializer
class  TemplateRegisterDotOsgWrapperProxy
 deprecated. More...
class  TemplateSerializer
struct  type_wrapper
 a class template that checks inheritance between a given Object's class and a class defined at compile time through the template parameter T. More...
struct  UpdateWrapperVersionProxy
class  UserLookupTableProxy
class  UserSerializer
class  VectorBaseSerializer
class  VectorSerializer
class  WriteFileCallback
class  XmlNode
 XmlNode class for very basic reading and writing of xml files. More...


typedef std::deque< std::string > FilePathList
 list of directories to search through which searching for files. More...
typedef osg::ObjectObjectPtr
typedef std::vector< std::string > DirectoryContents
 simple list of names to represent a directory's contents. More...
typedef std::list< std::string > FileNameList
typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr< ReaderWriterInfo > > ReaderWriterInfoList
typedef std::vector< std::string > StringList


enum  base64_decodestep { step_a, step_b, step_c, step_d }
enum  base64_encodestep { step_A, step_B, step_C }


OSGDB_EXPORT ArchiveopenArchive (const std::string &filename, ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus status, unsigned int indexBlockSizeHint=4096)
 Open an archive for reading or writing. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT ArchiveopenArchive (const std::string &filename, ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus status, unsigned int indexBlockSizeHint, Options *options)
 Open an archive for reading or writing. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::BaseSerializer::Type getTypeEnumFromPtr (const osg::Object *)
OSGDB_EXPORT const char * getTypeStringFromPtr (const osg::Object *)
OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::BaseSerializer::Type getTypeEnumFromPtr (const osg::Image *)
OSGDB_EXPORT const char * getTypeStringFromPtr (const osg::Image *)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertUTF16toUTF8 (const wchar_t *source, unsigned sourceLength)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::wstring convertUTF8toUTF16 (const char *source, unsigned sourceLength)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertUTF16toUTF8 (const std::wstring &s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertUTF16toUTF8 (const wchar_t *s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::wstring convertUTF8toUTF16 (const std::string &s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::wstring convertUTF8toUTF16 (const char *s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8 (const char *source, unsigned sourceLength)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertStringFromUTF8toCurrentCodePage (const char *source, unsigned sourceLength)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8 (const std::string &s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8 (const char *s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertStringFromUTF8toCurrentCodePage (const std::string &s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertStringFromUTF8toCurrentCodePage (const char *s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getFilePath (const std::string &filename)
 Gets the parent path from full name (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => /a/b). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getFileExtension (const std::string &filename)
 Gets the extension without dot (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => Ext). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getFileExtensionIncludingDot (const std::string &filename)
 Gets the extension including dot (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => .Ext). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getLowerCaseFileExtension (const std::string &filename)
 Gets the lowercase extension without dot (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => ext). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getSimpleFileName (const std::string &fileName)
 Gets file name with extension (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => c.Ext). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getNameLessExtension (const std::string &fileName)
 Gets file path without last extension (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => /a/b/c ; file.ext1.ext2 => file.ext1). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getNameLessAllExtensions (const std::string &fileName)
 Gets file path without all extensions (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => /a/b/c ; file.ext1.ext2 => file). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getStrippedName (const std::string &fileName)
 Gets file name without last extension (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => c ; file.ext1.ext2 => file.ext1). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getPathRelative (const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
 If 'to' is in a subdirectory of 'from' then this function returns the subpath, otherwise it just returns the file name. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getPathRoot (const std::string &path)
 Gets root part of a path ("/" or "C:"), or an empty string if none found. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool isAbsolutePath (const std::string &path)
 Tests if path is absolute, as !getPathRoot(path).empty(). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertFileNameToWindowsStyle (const std::string &fileName)
 Converts forward slashes (/) to back slashes (). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertFileNameToUnixStyle (const std::string &fileName)
 Converts back slashes () to forward slashes (/). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertToLowerCase (const std::string &fileName)
OSGDB_EXPORT char getNativePathSeparator ()
 Get the path separator for the current platform. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool isFileNameNativeStyle (const std::string &fileName)
 Check if the path contains only the current platform's path separators. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string convertFileNameToNativeStyle (const std::string &fileName)
 Convert the path to contain only the current platform's path separators. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool equalCaseInsensitive (const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs)
OSGDB_EXPORT bool equalCaseInsensitive (const std::string &lhs, const char *rhs)
OSGDB_EXPORT bool containsServerAddress (const std::string &filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getServerProtocol (const std::string &filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getServerAddress (const std::string &filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getServerFileName (const std::string &filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string concatPaths (const std::string &left, const std::string &right)
 Concatenates two paths. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getRealPath (const std::string &path)
 Removes . More...
OSGDB_EXPORT void getPathElements (const std::string &path, std::vector< std::string > &out_elements)
 Splits a path into elements between separators (including Windows' root, if any). More...
OSGDB_EXPORT FILE * fopen (const char *filename, const char *mode)
 Overload of the standard fopen function. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool makeDirectory (const std::string &directoryPath)
 Make a new directory. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool makeDirectoryForFile (const std::string &filePath)
 Make a new directory for a given file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string getCurrentWorkingDirectory (void)
 Get current working directory. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool setCurrentWorkingDirectory (const std::string &newCurrentWorkingDirectory)
 Set current working directory. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool fileExists (const std::string &filename)
 return true if a file exists. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT FileType fileType (const std::string &filename)
 return type of file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string findFileInPath (const std::string &filename, const FilePathList &filePath, CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=CASE_SENSITIVE)
 find specified file in specified file path. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string findFileInDirectory (const std::string &fileName, const std::string &dirName, CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=CASE_SENSITIVE)
 return the directory/filename of a file if its is contained within specified directory. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT DirectoryContents getDirectoryContents (const std::string &dirName)
 Return the contents of a directory. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT DirectoryContents getSortedDirectoryContents (const std::string &dirName)
 Return the contents of a directory, sorting the names into alphabetic and numberical order. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT DirectoryContents expandWildcardsInFilename (const std::string &filename)
 Return the list of filenames that match the given filename with wildcards. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT FileOpResult::Value copyFile (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination)
 Copy a file to another location, overwriting if necessary. More...
void setDataFilePathList (const FilePathList &filepath)
void setDataFilePathList (const std::string &paths)
FilePathListgetDataFilePathList ()
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string findDataFile (const std::string &filename, CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=CASE_SENSITIVE)
 Search for specified file in file system, checking the DataFilePathList for possible paths, returning the full path of the first valid file found, return an empty string if no string is found. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string findDataFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options, CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=CASE_SENSITIVE)
 Search for specified file in file system, checking first the database path set in the Options structure, then the DataFilePathList for possible paths, returning the full path of the first valid file found, return an empty string if no string is found. More...
void setLibraryFilePathList (const FilePathList &filepaths)
void setLibraryFilePathList (const std::string &paths)
FilePathListgetLibraryFilePathList ()
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string findLibraryFile (const std::string &filename, CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=CASE_SENSITIVE)
OSGDB_EXPORT void convertStringPathIntoFilePathList (const std::string &paths, FilePathList &filepath)
 convert a string containing a list of paths delimited either with ';' (Windows) or ':' (All other platforms) into FilePath representation. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool containsCurrentWorkingDirectoryReference (const FilePathList &paths)
 Return true if FilePathList contains a filepath that is significies checking of the current working directory. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT void appendPlatformSpecificLibraryFilePaths (FilePathList &filepath)
OSGDB_EXPORT void appendPlatformSpecificResourceFilePaths (FilePathList &filepath)
void OSGDB_EXPORT open (std::fstream &fs, const char *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
 Convenience function for fstream open , std::ifstream, and std::ofstream to automatically handle UTF-8 to UTF-16 filename conversion. More...
template<class Iterator >
void writeArray (Output &fw, Iterator first, Iterator last, int noItemsPerLine=0)
template<class Iterator >
void writeArrayAsInts (Output &fw, Iterator first, Iterator last, int noItemsPerLine=0)
FileNameList OSGDB_EXPORT listAllAvailablePlugins ()
bool OSGDB_EXPORT queryPlugin (const std::string &fileName, ReaderWriterInfoList &infoList)
bool OSGDB_EXPORT outputPluginDetails (std::ostream &out, const std::string &fileName)
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::ObjectreadRefObjectFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Object from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ObjectreadRefObjectFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::Object from file. More...
template<class T >
osg::ref_ptr< T > readRefFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
template<class T >
osg::ref_ptr< T > readRefFile (const std::string &filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::ImagereadRefImageFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Image from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ImagereadRefImageFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::Image from file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::HeightFieldreadRefHeightFieldFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::HeightField from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::HeightFieldreadRefHeightFieldFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::HeightField from file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodereadRefNodeFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Node from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodereadRefNodeFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::Node from file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodereadRefNodeFiles (std::vector< std::string > &fileList, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodereadRefNodeFiles (std::vector< std::string > &fileList)
 Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodereadRefNodeFiles (osg::ArgumentParser &parser, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodereadRefNodeFiles (osg::ArgumentParser &parser)
 Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderreadRefShaderFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Shader from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderreadRefShaderFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::Shader from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderreadRefShaderFile (osg::Shader::Type type, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderreadRefShaderFile (osg::Shader::Type type, const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type Return valid osg::Shader on success, return NULL on failure. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderreadRefShaderFileWithFallback (osg::Shader::Type type, const std::string &filename, const Options *options, const char *fallback)
 Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type, if a shader isn't loaded fallback to specific shader source. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderreadRefShaderFileWithFallback (osg::Shader::Type type, const std::string &filename, const char *fallback)
 Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type, if a shader isn't loaded fallback to specific shader source. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr< osg::ScriptreadRefScriptFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Read an osg::Script from file. More...
osg::ref_ptr< osg::ScriptreadRefScriptFile (const std::string &filename)
 Read an osg::Script from file. More...
void readCommandLine (osg::ArgumentParser &parser)
 read the command line arguments. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT void split (const std::string &src, StringList &list, char separator=' ')
OSGDB_EXPORT bool writeObjectFile (const osg::Object &object, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Write an osg::Object to file. More...
bool writeObjectFile (const osg::Object &object, const std::string &filename)
 Write an osg::Object to file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool writeImageFile (const osg::Image &image, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Write an osg::Image to file. More...
bool writeImageFile (const osg::Image &image, const std::string &filename)
 Write an osg::Image to file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool writeHeightFieldFile (const osg::HeightField &hf, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Write an osg::HeightField to file. More...
bool writeHeightFieldFile (const osg::HeightField &hf, const std::string &filename)
 Write an osg::HeightField to file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool writeNodeFile (const osg::Node &node, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Write an osg::Node to file. More...
bool writeNodeFile (const osg::Node &node, const std::string &filename)
 Write an osg::Node to file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool writeShaderFile (const osg::Shader &shader, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Write an osg::Shader to file. More...
bool writeShaderFile (const osg::Shader &shader, const std::string &filename)
 Write an osg::Shader to file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT bool writeScriptFile (const osg::Script &image, const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 Write an osg::Script to file. More...
bool writeScriptFile (const osg::Script &image, const std::string &filename)
 Write an osg::Script to file. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT XmlNodereadXmlFile (const std::string &filename, const Options *options)
 read an Xml file, find the file in Options DataFilePathList. More...
XmlNodereadXmlFile (const std::string &filename)
 read an Xml file, find the file in osgDB::Registry's eaderWriter::Options DataFilePathList. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT XmlNodereadXmlStream (std::istream &fin)
 read an Xml from from an istream. More...
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string trimEnclosingSpaces (const std::string &str)


const int BUFFERSIZE = 8192
const unsigned int PLUGIN_VERSION = 2
const int BOOL_SIZE = 1
const int CHAR_SIZE = 1
const int SHORT_SIZE = 2
const int INT_SIZE = 4
const int LONG_SIZE = 4
const int FLOAT_SIZE = 4
const int DOUBLE_SIZE = 8
const int GLENUM_SIZE = 4
const int ID_BYTE_ARRAY = 0
const int ID_UBYTE_ARRAY = 1
const int ID_SHORT_ARRAY = 2
const int ID_USHORT_ARRAY = 3
const int ID_INT_ARRAY = 4
const int ID_UINT_ARRAY = 5
const int ID_FLOAT_ARRAY = 6
const int ID_DOUBLE_ARRAY = 7
const int ID_VEC2B_ARRAY = 8
const int ID_VEC3B_ARRAY = 9
const int ID_VEC4B_ARRAY = 10
const int ID_VEC4UB_ARRAY = 11
const int ID_VEC2S_ARRAY = 12
const int ID_VEC3S_ARRAY = 13
const int ID_VEC4S_ARRAY = 14
const int ID_VEC2_ARRAY = 15
const int ID_VEC3_ARRAY = 16
const int ID_VEC4_ARRAY = 17
const int ID_VEC2D_ARRAY = 18
const int ID_VEC3D_ARRAY = 19
const int ID_VEC4D_ARRAY = 20
const int ID_VEC2UB_ARRAY = 21
const int ID_VEC3UB_ARRAY = 22
const int ID_VEC2US_ARRAY = 23
const int ID_VEC3US_ARRAY = 24
const int ID_VEC4US_ARRAY = 25
const int ID_VEC2I_ARRAY = 26
const int ID_VEC3I_ARRAY = 27
const int ID_VEC4I_ARRAY = 28
const int ID_VEC2UI_ARRAY = 29
const int ID_VEC3UI_ARRAY = 30
const int ID_VEC4UI_ARRAY = 31
const int ID_DRAWARRAYS = 50
const int ID_DRAWARRAY_LENGTH = 51
const int INDENT_VALUE = 2
const int IMAGE_INLINE_DATA = 0
const int IMAGE_INLINE_FILE = 1
const int IMAGE_EXTERNAL = 2
const int IMAGE_WRITE_OUT = 3
const char UNIX_PATH_SEPARATOR = '/'
const char WINDOWS_PATH_SEPARATOR = '\\'

Detailed Description

The osgDB library provides support for reading and writing scene graphs, providing a plugin framework and file utility classes.

The plugin framework in centered around the osgDB::Registry, and allows plugins which provide specific file format support to be dynamically loaded on demand.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<std::string> osgDB::DirectoryContents

simple list of names to represent a directory's contents.

typedef std::list<std::string> osgDB::FileNameList
typedef std::deque< std::string > osgDB::FilePathList

list of directories to search through which searching for files.

List of directories to search through which searching for files.

typedef std::vector<std::string> osgDB::StringList

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

OSGDB_EXPORT void osgDB::appendPlatformSpecificLibraryFilePaths ( FilePathList filepath)
OSGDB_EXPORT void osgDB::appendPlatformSpecificResourceFilePaths ( FilePathList filepath)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::concatPaths ( const std::string &  left,
const std::string &  right 

Concatenates two paths.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::containsCurrentWorkingDirectoryReference ( const FilePathList paths)

Return true if FilePathList contains a filepath that is significies checking of the current working directory.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::containsServerAddress ( const std::string &  filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertFileNameToNativeStyle ( const std::string &  fileName)

Convert the path to contain only the current platform's path separators.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertFileNameToUnixStyle ( const std::string &  fileName)

Converts back slashes () to forward slashes (/).

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertFileNameToWindowsStyle ( const std::string &  fileName)

Converts forward slashes (/) to back slashes ().

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8 ( const char *  source,
unsigned  sourceLength 
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8 ( const std::string &  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8 ( const char *  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertStringFromUTF8toCurrentCodePage ( const char *  source,
unsigned  sourceLength 
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertStringFromUTF8toCurrentCodePage ( const std::string &  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertStringFromUTF8toCurrentCodePage ( const char *  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT void osgDB::convertStringPathIntoFilePathList ( const std::string &  paths,
FilePathList filepath 

convert a string containing a list of paths delimited either with ';' (Windows) or ':' (All other platforms) into FilePath representation.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertToLowerCase ( const std::string &  fileName)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertUTF16toUTF8 ( const wchar_t *  source,
unsigned  sourceLength 
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertUTF16toUTF8 ( const std::wstring &  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::convertUTF16toUTF8 ( const wchar_t *  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::wstring osgDB::convertUTF8toUTF16 ( const char *  source,
unsigned  sourceLength 
OSGDB_EXPORT std::wstring osgDB::convertUTF8toUTF16 ( const std::string &  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::wstring osgDB::convertUTF8toUTF16 ( const char *  s)
OSGDB_EXPORT FileOpResult::Value osgDB::copyFile ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  destination 

Copy a file to another location, overwriting if necessary.

You must provide full path for both source and destination.

true on success, or if source and destination are the same.
Replace the implementation with filesystem functions from TR2 when available.
OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::equalCaseInsensitive ( const std::string &  lhs,
const std::string &  rhs 
OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::equalCaseInsensitive ( const std::string &  lhs,
const char *  rhs 
OSGDB_EXPORT DirectoryContents osgDB::expandWildcardsInFilename ( const std::string &  filename)

Return the list of filenames that match the given filename with wildcards.

Will only expand '*', and will not expand wildcards in directory, only in filename part of the given filename. Return value will contain path+filename so that if ever the above limitation (expanding wildcards in directory) is fixed, client code will still work unchanged.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::fileExists ( const std::string &  filename)

return true if a file exists.

OSGDB_EXPORT FileType osgDB::fileType ( const std::string &  filename)

return type of file.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::findDataFile ( const std::string &  filename,
CaseSensitivity  caseSensitivity = CASE_SENSITIVE 

Search for specified file in file system, checking the DataFilePathList for possible paths, returning the full path of the first valid file found, return an empty string if no string is found.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::findDataFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options,
CaseSensitivity  caseSensitivity = CASE_SENSITIVE 

Search for specified file in file system, checking first the database path set in the Options structure, then the DataFilePathList for possible paths, returning the full path of the first valid file found, return an empty string if no string is found.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::findFileInDirectory ( const std::string &  fileName,
const std::string &  dirName,
CaseSensitivity  caseSensitivity = CASE_SENSITIVE 

return the directory/filename of a file if its is contained within specified directory.

return "" if directory does not contain file. If caseInsensitive is set to true then a case insensitive comparison is used to compare fileName to directory contents. This is useful when unix programs attempt read case insensitive windows filenames.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::findFileInPath ( const std::string &  filename,
const FilePathList filePath,
CaseSensitivity  caseSensitivity = CASE_SENSITIVE 

find specified file in specified file path.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::findLibraryFile ( const std::string &  filename,
CaseSensitivity  caseSensitivity = CASE_SENSITIVE 
OSGDB_EXPORT FILE* osgDB::fopen ( const char *  filename,
const char *  mode 

Overload of the standard fopen function.

If OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME is defined, filename will be expanded from UTF8 to UTF16 and _wfopen will be called.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getCurrentWorkingDirectory ( void  )

Get current working directory.

FilePathList& osgDB::getDataFilePathList ( )
OSGDB_EXPORT DirectoryContents osgDB::getDirectoryContents ( const std::string &  dirName)

Return the contents of a directory.

Return value will contain filenames only, not absolute paths. Returns an empty array on any error.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getFileExtension ( const std::string &  filename)

Gets the extension without dot (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => Ext).

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getFileExtensionIncludingDot ( const std::string &  filename)

Gets the extension including dot (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => .Ext).

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getFilePath ( const std::string &  filename)

Gets the parent path from full name (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => /a/b).

FilePathList& osgDB::getLibraryFilePathList ( )
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension ( const std::string &  filename)

Gets the lowercase extension without dot (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => ext).

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getNameLessAllExtensions ( const std::string &  fileName)

Gets file path without all extensions (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => /a/b/c ; file.ext1.ext2 => file).

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getNameLessExtension ( const std::string &  fileName)

Gets file path without last extension (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => /a/b/c ; file.ext1.ext2 => file.ext1).

OSGDB_EXPORT char osgDB::getNativePathSeparator ( )

Get the path separator for the current platform.

OSGDB_EXPORT void osgDB::getPathElements ( const std::string &  path,
std::vector< std::string > &  out_elements 

Splits a path into elements between separators (including Windows' root, if any).

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getPathRelative ( const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  to 

If 'to' is in a subdirectory of 'from' then this function returns the subpath, otherwise it just returns the file name.

The function does not automagically resolve paths as the system does, so be careful to give canonical paths. However, the function interprets slashes ('/') ans backslashes ('\') as they were equal.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getPathRoot ( const std::string &  path)

Gets root part of a path ("/" or "C:"), or an empty string if none found.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getRealPath ( const std::string &  path)

Removes .

. and . dirs in a path

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getServerAddress ( const std::string &  filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getServerFileName ( const std::string &  filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getServerProtocol ( const std::string &  filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getSimpleFileName ( const std::string &  fileName)

Gets file name with extension (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => c.Ext).

OSGDB_EXPORT DirectoryContents osgDB::getSortedDirectoryContents ( const std::string &  dirName)

Return the contents of a directory, sorting the names into alphabetic and numberical order.

Return value will contain filenames only, not absolute paths. Returns an empty array on any error.

OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::getStrippedName ( const std::string &  fileName)

Gets file name without last extension (Ex: /a/b/c.Ext => c ; file.ext1.ext2 => file.ext1).

OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::BaseSerializer::Type osgDB::getTypeEnumFromPtr ( const osg::Object )
OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::BaseSerializer::Type osgDB::getTypeEnumFromPtr ( const osg::Image )
OSGDB_EXPORT const char* osgDB::getTypeStringFromPtr ( const osg::Object )
OSGDB_EXPORT const char* osgDB::getTypeStringFromPtr ( const osg::Image )
OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::isAbsolutePath ( const std::string &  path)

Tests if path is absolute, as !getPathRoot(path).empty().

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::isFileNameNativeStyle ( const std::string &  fileName)

Check if the path contains only the current platform's path separators.

FileNameList OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::listAllAvailablePlugins ( )
OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::makeDirectory ( const std::string &  directoryPath)

Make a new directory.

Returns true if directory exists or was created.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::makeDirectoryForFile ( const std::string &  filePath)

Make a new directory for a given file.

void OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::open ( std::fstream &  fs,
const char *  filename,
std::ios_base::openmode  mode 

Convenience function for fstream open , std::ifstream, and std::ofstream to automatically handle UTF-8 to UTF-16 filename conversion.

Always use one of these classes in any OpenSceneGraph code instead of the STL equivalent.

OSGDB_EXPORT Archive* osgDB::openArchive ( const std::string &  filename,
ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus  status,
unsigned int  indexBlockSizeHint = 4096 

Open an archive for reading or writing.

OSGDB_EXPORT Archive* osgDB::openArchive ( const std::string &  filename,
ReaderWriter::ArchiveStatus  status,
unsigned int  indexBlockSizeHint,
Options options 

Open an archive for reading or writing.

bool OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::outputPluginDetails ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::string &  fileName 
bool OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::queryPlugin ( const std::string &  fileName,
ReaderWriterInfoList infoList 
void osgDB::readCommandLine ( osg::ArgumentParser parser)

read the command line arguments.

template<class T >
osg::ref_ptr<T> osgDB::readRefFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 
template<class T >
osg::ref_ptr<T> osgDB::readRefFile ( const std::string &  filename)
OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> osgDB::readRefHeightFieldFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::HeightField from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> osgDB::readRefHeightFieldFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read an osg::HeightField from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> osgDB::readRefImageFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Image from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> osgDB::readRefImageFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read an osg::Image from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgDB::readRefNodeFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Node from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgDB::readRefNodeFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read an osg::Node from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgDB::readRefNodeFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  fileList,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded.

Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. Does NOT ignore strings beginning with a dash '-' character.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgDB::readRefNodeFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  fileList)

Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgDB::readRefNodeFiles ( osg::ArgumentParser parser,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded.

Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgDB::readRefNodeFiles ( osg::ArgumentParser parser)

Read an osg::Node subgraph from files, creating a osg::Group to contain the nodes if more than one subgraph has been loaded.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> osgDB::readRefObjectFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Object from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> osgDB::readRefObjectFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read an osg::Object from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Script> osgDB::readRefScriptFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Script from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Script> osgDB::readRefScriptFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read an osg::Script from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> osgDB::readRefShaderFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Shader from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> osgDB::readRefShaderFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Read an osg::Shader from file.

Return an assigned osg::ref_ptr on success, return an osg::ref_ptr with a NULL pointer assigned to it on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> osgDB::readRefShaderFile ( osg::Shader::Type  type,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type.

Return valid osg::Shader on success, return NULL on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> osgDB::readRefShaderFile ( osg::Shader::Type  type,
const std::string &  filename 

Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type Return valid osg::Shader on success, return NULL on failure.

The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> osgDB::readRefShaderFileWithFallback ( osg::Shader::Type  type,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options,
const char *  fallback 

Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type, if a shader isn't loaded fallback to specific shader source.

Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> osgDB::readRefShaderFileWithFallback ( osg::Shader::Type  type,
const std::string &  filename,
const char *  fallback 

Read an osg::Shader from file and set to specified shader type, if a shader isn't loaded fallback to specific shader source.

The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to read the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT XmlNode* osgDB::readXmlFile ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

read an Xml file, find the file in Options DataFilePathList.

XmlNode* osgDB::readXmlFile ( const std::string &  filename)

read an Xml file, find the file in osgDB::Registry's eaderWriter::Options DataFilePathList.

OSGDB_EXPORT XmlNode* osgDB::readXmlStream ( std::istream &  fin)

read an Xml from from an istream.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::setCurrentWorkingDirectory ( const std::string &  newCurrentWorkingDirectory)

Set current working directory.

void osgDB::setDataFilePathList ( const FilePathList filepath)
void osgDB::setDataFilePathList ( const std::string &  paths)
void osgDB::setLibraryFilePathList ( const FilePathList filepaths)
void osgDB::setLibraryFilePathList ( const std::string &  paths)
OSGDB_EXPORT void osgDB::split ( const std::string &  src,
StringList list,
char  separator = ' ' 
OSGDB_EXPORT std::string osgDB::trimEnclosingSpaces ( const std::string &  str)
template<class Iterator >
void osgDB::writeArray ( Output fw,
Iterator  first,
Iterator  last,
int  noItemsPerLine = 0 
template<class Iterator >
void osgDB::writeArrayAsInts ( Output fw,
Iterator  first,
Iterator  last,
int  noItemsPerLine = 0 
OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::writeHeightFieldFile ( const osg::HeightField hf,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Write an osg::HeightField to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

bool osgDB::writeHeightFieldFile ( const osg::HeightField hf,
const std::string &  filename 

Write an osg::HeightField to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::writeImageFile ( const osg::Image image,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Write an osg::Image to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

bool osgDB::writeImageFile ( const osg::Image image,
const std::string &  filename 

Write an osg::Image to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::writeNodeFile ( const osg::Node node,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Write an osg::Node to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

bool osgDB::writeNodeFile ( const osg::Node node,
const std::string &  filename 

Write an osg::Node to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::writeObjectFile ( const osg::Object object,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Write an osg::Object to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

bool osgDB::writeObjectFile ( const osg::Object object,
const std::string &  filename 

Write an osg::Object to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::writeScriptFile ( const osg::Script image,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Write an osg::Script to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

bool osgDB::writeScriptFile ( const osg::Script image,
const std::string &  filename 

Write an osg::Script to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

OSGDB_EXPORT bool osgDB::writeShaderFile ( const osg::Shader shader,
const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 

Write an osg::Shader to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. Use the Options object to control cache operations and file search paths in osgDB::Registry. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

bool osgDB::writeShaderFile ( const osg::Shader shader,
const std::string &  filename 

Write an osg::Shader to file.

Return true on success, return false on failure. The osgDB::Registry is used to load the appropriate ReaderWriter plugin for the filename extension, and this plugin then handles the request to write the specified file.

Variable Documentation

const int osgDB::BOOL_SIZE = 1
const int osgDB::BUFFERSIZE = 8192
const int osgDB::CHAR_SIZE = 1
const int osgDB::DOUBLE_SIZE = 8
const int osgDB::FLOAT_SIZE = 4
const int osgDB::GLENUM_SIZE = 4
const int osgDB::ID_BYTE_ARRAY = 0
const int osgDB::ID_DOUBLE_ARRAY = 7
const int osgDB::ID_DRAWARRAY_LENGTH = 51
const int osgDB::ID_DRAWARRAYS = 50
const int osgDB::ID_DRAWELEMENTS_UBYTE = 52
const int osgDB::ID_DRAWELEMENTS_UINT = 54
const int osgDB::ID_DRAWELEMENTS_USHORT = 53
const int osgDB::ID_FLOAT_ARRAY = 6
const int osgDB::ID_INT_ARRAY = 4
const int osgDB::ID_SHORT_ARRAY = 2
const int osgDB::ID_UBYTE_ARRAY = 1
const int osgDB::ID_UINT_ARRAY = 5
const int osgDB::ID_USHORT_ARRAY = 3
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2_ARRAY = 15
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2B_ARRAY = 8
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2D_ARRAY = 18
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2I_ARRAY = 26
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2S_ARRAY = 12
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2UB_ARRAY = 21
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2UI_ARRAY = 29
const int osgDB::ID_VEC2US_ARRAY = 23
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3_ARRAY = 16
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3B_ARRAY = 9
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3D_ARRAY = 19
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3I_ARRAY = 27
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3S_ARRAY = 13
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3UB_ARRAY = 22
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3UI_ARRAY = 30
const int osgDB::ID_VEC3US_ARRAY = 24
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4_ARRAY = 17
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4B_ARRAY = 10
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4D_ARRAY = 20
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4I_ARRAY = 28
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4S_ARRAY = 14
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4UB_ARRAY = 11
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4UI_ARRAY = 31
const int osgDB::ID_VEC4US_ARRAY = 25
const int osgDB::IMAGE_EXTERNAL = 2
const int osgDB::IMAGE_INLINE_DATA = 0
const int osgDB::IMAGE_INLINE_FILE = 1
const int osgDB::IMAGE_WRITE_OUT = 3
const int osgDB::INDENT_VALUE = 2
const int osgDB::INT_SIZE = 4
const int osgDB::LONG_SIZE = 4
const unsigned int osgDB::PLUGIN_VERSION = 2
const int osgDB::SHORT_SIZE = 2
const char osgDB::UNIX_PATH_SEPARATOR = '/'
const char osgDB::WINDOWS_PATH_SEPARATOR = '\\'

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Generated at Wed Nov 11 2015 22:14:52 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.8.10.