| StateSet () |
| StateSet (const StateSet &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) |
virtual Object * | cloneType () const |
| Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type. More...
virtual Object * | clone (const CopyOp ©op) const |
| Clone an object, with Object* return type. More...
virtual bool | isSameKindAs (const Object *obj) const |
virtual const char * | libraryName () const |
| return the name of the object's library. More...
virtual const char * | className () const |
| return the name of the object's class type. More...
int | compare (const StateSet &rhs, bool compareAttributeContents=false) const |
| return -1 if *this < *rhs, 0 if *this==*rhs, 1 if *this>*rhs. More...
bool | operator< (const StateSet &rhs) const |
bool | operator== (const StateSet &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const StateSet &rhs) const |
const ParentList & | getParents () const |
| Get the parent list of this StateSet. More...
ParentList | getParents () |
| Get the a copy of parent list of node. More...
Node * | getParent (unsigned int i) |
const Node * | getParent (unsigned int i) const |
| Get a single const parent of this StateSet. More...
unsigned int | getNumParents () const |
| Get the number of parents of this StateSet. More...
virtual void | computeDataVariance () |
| Compute the DataVariance based on an assessment of callback etc. More...
void | setGlobalDefaults () |
| Set all the modes to on or off so that it defines a complete state, typically used for a default global state. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear the StateSet of all modes and attributes. More...
void | merge (const StateSet &rhs) |
| Merge this StateSet with the StateSet passed as parameter. More...
void | setMode (StateAttribute::GLMode mode, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value) |
| Set this StateSet to contain the specified GLMode with a given value. More...
void | removeMode (StateAttribute::GLMode mode) |
| Remove mode from this StateSet . More...
StateAttribute::GLModeValue | getMode (StateAttribute::GLMode mode) const |
| Get the value for a given GLMode . More...
void | setModeList (ModeList &ml) |
| Set the list of all GLMode s contained in this StateSet . More...
ModeList & | getModeList () |
| Return the list of all GLMode s contained in this StateSet . More...
const ModeList & | getModeList () const |
| Return the const list of all GLMode s contained in this const StateSet . More...
void | setAttribute (StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF) |
| Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and override flag. More...
template<class T > |
void | setAttribute (const ref_ptr< T > &attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF) |
void | setAttributeAndModes (StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
| Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and set the associated GLMode's to specified value. More...
template<class T > |
void | setAttributeAndModes (const ref_ptr< T > &attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
void | removeAttribute (StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member=0) |
| remove attribute of specified type from StateSet. More...
void | removeAttribute (StateAttribute *attribute) |
| remove attribute from StateSet. More...
template<class T > |
void | removeAttribute (const ref_ptr< T > &attribute) |
StateAttribute * | getAttribute (StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member=0) |
| Get specified StateAttribute for specified type. More...
const StateAttribute * | getAttribute (StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member=0) const |
| Get specified const StateAttribute for specified type. More...
const RefAttributePair * | getAttributePair (StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int member=0) const |
| Get specified RefAttributePair for specified type. More...
void | setAttributeList (AttributeList &al) |
| set the list of all StateAttributes contained in this StateSet. More...
AttributeList & | getAttributeList () |
| return the list of all StateAttributes contained in this StateSet. More...
const AttributeList & | getAttributeList () const |
| return the const list of all StateAttributes contained in this const StateSet. More...
void | setTextureMode (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::GLMode mode, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value) |
| Set this StateSet to contain specified GLMode with a given value. More...
void | removeTextureMode (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::GLMode mode) |
| Remove texture mode from StateSet. More...
StateAttribute::GLModeValue | getTextureMode (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::GLMode mode) const |
| Get specified GLModeValue for specified GLMode. More...
void | setTextureModeList (TextureModeList &tml) |
| set the list of all Texture related GLModes contained in this StateSet. More...
TextureModeList & | getTextureModeList () |
| return the list of all Texture related GLModes contained in this StateSet. More...
const TextureModeList & | getTextureModeList () const |
| return the const list of all Texture related GLModes contained in this const StateSet. More...
unsigned int | getNumTextureModeLists () const |
| Return the number texture units active in the TextureModeList. More...
void | setTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF) |
| Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and override flag. More...
template<class T > |
void | setTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, const ref_ptr< T > &attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF) |
void | setTextureAttributeAndModes (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
| Set this StateSet to contain specified attribute and set the associated GLMode's to specified value. More...
template<class T > |
void | setTextureAttributeAndModes (unsigned int unit, const ref_ptr< T > &attribute, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::OFF) |
void | removeTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::Type type) |
| remove texture attribute of specified type from StateSet. More...
void | removeTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute *attribute) |
| remove texture attribute from StateSet. More...
template<class T > |
void | removeTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, const ref_ptr< T > &attribute) |
StateAttribute * | getTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::Type type) |
| Get specified Texture related StateAttribute for specified type. More...
const StateAttribute * | getTextureAttribute (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::Type type) const |
| Get specified Texture related const StateAttribute for specified type. More...
const RefAttributePair * | getTextureAttributePair (unsigned int unit, StateAttribute::Type type) const |
| Get specified Texture related RefAttributePair for specified type. More...
void | setTextureAttributeList (TextureAttributeList &tal) |
| Set the list of all Texture related StateAttributes contained in this StateSet. More...
TextureAttributeList & | getTextureAttributeList () |
| Return the list of all Texture related StateAttributes contained in this StateSet. More...
const TextureAttributeList & | getTextureAttributeList () const |
| Return the const list of all Texture related StateAttributes contained in this const StateSet. More...
unsigned int | getNumTextureAttributeLists () const |
| Return the number of texture units active in the TextureAttributeList. More...
void | setAssociatedModes (const StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value) |
void | removeAssociatedModes (const StateAttribute *attribute) |
void | setAssociatedTextureModes (unsigned int unit, const StateAttribute *attribute, StateAttribute::GLModeValue value) |
void | removeAssociatedTextureModes (unsigned int unit, const StateAttribute *attribute) |
void | addUniform (Uniform *uniform, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
| Set this StateSet to contain specified uniform and override flag. More...
template<class T > |
void | addUniform (const ref_ptr< T > &uniform, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
void | removeUniform (const std::string &name) |
| remove uniform of specified name from StateSet. More...
void | removeUniform (Uniform *uniform) |
| remove Uniform from StateSet. More...
template<class T > |
void | removeUniform (const ref_ptr< T > &uniform) |
Uniform * | getUniform (const std::string &name) |
| Get Uniform for specified name. More...
Uniform * | getOrCreateUniform (const std::string &name, Uniform::Type type, unsigned int numElements=1) |
| Get Uniform for specified name, if one is not available create it, add it to this StateSet and return a pointer to it. More...
const Uniform * | getUniform (const std::string &name) const |
| Get const Uniform for specified name. More...
const RefUniformPair * | getUniformPair (const std::string &name) const |
| Get specified RefUniformPair for specified Uniform name. More...
void | setUniformList (UniformList &al) |
| set the list of all Uniforms contained in this StateSet. More...
UniformList & | getUniformList () |
| return the list of all Uniforms contained in this StateSet. More...
const UniformList & | getUniformList () const |
| return the const list of all Uniforms contained in this const StateSet. More...
void | setDefine (const std::string &defineName, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
| Added define pass on to shaders that use utilize that define, as specified by the GLSL #pragma import_defines(..) and #pragma requires(..). More...
void | setDefine (const std::string &defineName, const std::string &defineValue, StateAttribute::OverrideValue value=StateAttribute::ON) |
| Added define with value to pass on to shaders that use utilize that define, as specified by the GLSL #pragma import_defines(..) and #pragma requires(..). More...
DefinePair * | getDefinePair (const std::string &defineName) |
const DefinePair * | getDefinePair (const std::string &defineName) const |
void | removeDefine (const std::string &defineName) |
| Remove define. More...
void | setDefineList (const DefineList &dl) |
| Set the list of defines to pass on to shaders. More...
DefineList & | getDefineList () |
| Get the list of defines to pass on to shaders. More...
const DefineList & | getDefineList () const |
| Get the const list of defines to pass on to shaders. More...
void | setRenderingHint (int hint) |
| Set the RenderingHint of this StateSet . More...
int | getRenderingHint () const |
| Get the RenderingHint of this StateSet . More...
void | setRenderBinDetails (int binNum, const std::string &binName, RenderBinMode mode=USE_RENDERBIN_DETAILS) |
| Set the render bin details. More...
void | setRenderBinToInherit () |
| Set the render bin details to inherit. More...
bool | useRenderBinDetails () const |
| Get whether the render bin details are set and should be used. More...
void | setRenderBinMode (RenderBinMode mode) |
| Set the render bin mode. More...
RenderBinMode | getRenderBinMode () const |
| Get the render bin mode. More...
void | setBinNumber (int num) |
| Set the render bin number. More...
int | getBinNumber () const |
| Get the render bin number. More...
void | setBinName (const std::string &name) |
| Set the render bin name. More...
const std::string & | getBinName () const |
| Get the render bin name. More...
void | setNestRenderBins (bool val) |
| By default render bins will be nested within each other dependent upon where they are set in the scene graph. More...
bool | getNestRenderBins () const |
| Get whether associated RenderBin should be nested within parents RenderBin. More...
void | setUpdateCallback (Callback *ac) |
| Set the Update Callback which allows users to attach customize the updating of an object during the update traversal. More...
template<class T > |
void | setUpdateCallback (const ref_ptr< T > &ac) |
Callback * | getUpdateCallback () |
| Get the non const Update Callback. More...
const Callback * | getUpdateCallback () const |
| Get the const Update Callback. More...
bool | requiresUpdateTraversal () const |
| Return whether this StateSet has update callbacks associated with it, and therefore must be traversed. More...
unsigned int | getNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal () const |
| Get the number of Objects of this StateSet which require Update traversal, since they have an Update Callback attached to them or their children. More...
void | runUpdateCallbacks (osg::NodeVisitor *nv) |
| Run the update callbacks attached directly to this StateSet or to its children. More...
void | setEventCallback (Callback *ac) |
| Set the Event Callback which allows users to attach customize the updating of an object during the event traversal. More...
template<class T > |
void | setEventCallback (const ref_ptr< T > &ec) |
Callback * | getEventCallback () |
| Get the non const Event Callback. More...
const Callback * | getEventCallback () const |
| Get the const Event Callback. More...
bool | requiresEventTraversal () const |
| Return whether this StateSet has event callbacks associated with it, and therefore must be traversed. More...
unsigned int | getNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal () const |
| Get the number of Objects of this StateSet which require Event traversal, since they have an Eevnt Callback attached to them or their children. More...
void | runEventCallbacks (osg::NodeVisitor *nv) |
| Run the event callbacks attached directly to this StateSet or to its children. More...
bool | checkValidityOfAssociatedModes (State &state) const |
| Check the modes associated with this StateSet are supported by current OpenGL drivers, and if not set the associated mode in osg::State to be black listed/invalid. More...
virtual void | setThreadSafeRefUnref (bool threadSafe) |
| Set whether to use a mutex to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe. More...
void | compileGLObjects (State &state) const |
| call compile on all StateAttributes contained within this StateSet. More...
virtual void | resizeGLObjectBuffers (unsigned int maxSize) |
| Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. More...
virtual void | releaseGLObjects (State *state=0) const |
| call release on all StateAttributes contained within this StateSet. More...
| Object () |
| Construct an object. More...
| Object (bool threadSafeRefUnref) |
| Object (const Object &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) |
| Copy constructor, optional CopyOp object can be used to control shallow vs deep copying of dynamic data. More...
std::string | getCompoundClassName () const |
| return the compound class name that combines the library name and class name. More...
virtual Node * | asNode () |
| Convert 'this' into a Node pointer if Object is a Node, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const Node * | asNode () const |
| convert 'const this' into a const Node pointer if Object is a Node, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual NodeVisitor * | asNodeVisitor () |
| Convert 'this' into a NodeVisitor pointer if Object is a NodeVisitor, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const NodeVisitor * | asNodeVisitor () const |
| convert 'const this' into a const NodeVisitor pointer if Object is a NodeVisitor, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual StateAttribute * | asStateAttribute () |
| Convert 'this' into a StateAttribute pointer if Object is a StateAttribute, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const StateAttribute * | asStateAttribute () const |
| convert 'const this' into a const StateAttribute pointer if Object is a StateAttribute, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual Uniform * | asUniform () |
| Convert 'this' into a Uniform pointer if Object is a Uniform, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const Uniform * | asUniform () const |
| convert 'const this' into a const Uniform pointer if Object is a Uniform, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual void | setName (const std::string &name) |
| Set the name of object using C++ style string. More...
void | setName (const char *name) |
| Set the name of object using a C style string. More...
const std::string & | getName () const |
| Get the name of object. More...
void | setDataVariance (DataVariance dv) |
| Set the data variance of this object. More...
DataVariance | getDataVariance () const |
| Get the data variance of this object. More...
void | setUserDataContainer (osg::UserDataContainer *udc) |
| set the UserDataContainer object. More...
template<class T > |
void | setUserDataContainer (const ref_ptr< T > &udc) |
osg::UserDataContainer * | getUserDataContainer () |
| get the UserDataContainer attached to this object. More...
const osg::UserDataContainer * | getUserDataContainer () const |
| get the const UserDataContainer attached to this object. More...
osg::UserDataContainer * | getOrCreateUserDataContainer () |
| Convenience method that returns the UserDataContainer, and if one doesn't already exist creates and assigns a DefaultUserDataContainer to the Object and then return this new UserDataContainer. More...
virtual void | setUserData (Referenced *obj) |
| Set user data, data must be subclassed from Referenced to allow automatic memory handling. More...
template<class T > |
void | setUserData (const ref_ptr< T > &ud) |
virtual Referenced * | getUserData () |
| Get user data. More...
virtual const Referenced * | getUserData () const |
| Get const user data. More...
template<typename T > |
bool | getUserValue (const std::string &name, T &value) const |
| Convenience method that casts the named UserObject to osg::TemplateValueObject<T> and gets the value. More...
template<typename T > |
void | setUserValue (const std::string &name, const T &value) |
| Convenience method that creates the osg::TemplateValueObject<T> to store the specified value and adds it as a named UserObject. More...
template<typename T > |
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject BoundingBoxdValueObject BoundingSpheredValueObject bool | getUserValue (const std::string &name, T &value) const |
| provide implementation of osg::Object::getUserValue(..) template More...
| Referenced () |
| Referenced (bool threadSafeRefUnref) |
| Referenced (const Referenced &) |
Referenced & | operator= (const Referenced &) |
bool | getThreadSafeRefUnref () const |
| Get whether a mutex is used to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe. More...
OpenThreads::Mutex * | getRefMutex () const |
| Get the mutex used to ensure thread safety of ref()/unref(). More...
int | ref () const |
| Increment the reference count by one, indicating that this object has another pointer which is referencing it. More...
int | unref () const |
| Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is no longer referencing it. More...
int | unref_nodelete () const |
| Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is no longer referencing it. More...
int | referenceCount () const |
| Return the number of pointers currently referencing this object. More...
ObserverSet * | getObserverSet () const |
| Get the ObserverSet if one is attached, otherwise return NULL. More...
ObserverSet * | getOrCreateObserverSet () const |
| Get the ObserverSet if one is attached, otherwise create an ObserverSet, attach it, then return this newly created ObserverSet. More...
void | addObserver (Observer *observer) const |
| Add a Observer that is observing this object, notify the Observer when this object gets deleted. More...
void | removeObserver (Observer *observer) const |
| Remove Observer that is observing this object. More...