OpenSceneGraph  3.5.1
Namespaces | Macros | Functions | Variables
Math File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <cfloat>
#include <osg/Export>


 The core osg library provides the basic scene graph classes such as Nodes, State and Drawables, and maths and general helper classes.


#define __OSG_MATH


template<typename T >
osg::absolute (T v)
bool osg::equivalent (float lhs, float rhs, float epsilon=1e-6)
 return true if float lhs and rhs are equivalent, meaning that the difference between them is less than an epsilon value which defaults to 1e-6. More...
bool osg::equivalent (double lhs, double rhs, double epsilon=1e-6)
 return true if double lhs and rhs are equivalent, meaning that the difference between them is less than an epsilon value which defaults to 1e-6. More...
template<typename T >
osg::minimum (T lhs, T rhs)
 return the minimum of two values, equivalent to std::min. More...
template<typename T >
osg::maximum (T lhs, T rhs)
 return the maximum of two values, equivalent to std::max. More...
template<typename T >
osg::clampTo (T v, T minimum, T maximum)
template<typename T >
osg::clampAbove (T v, T minimum)
template<typename T >
osg::clampBelow (T v, T maximum)
template<typename T >
osg::clampBetween (T v, T minimum, T maximum)
template<typename T >
osg::sign (T v)
template<typename T >
osg::signOrZero (T v)
template<typename T >
osg::square (T v)
template<typename T >
osg::signedSquare (T v)
float osg::inDegrees (float angle)
double osg::inDegrees (double angle)
template<typename T >
osg::inRadians (T angle)
float osg::DegreesToRadians (float angle)
double osg::DegreesToRadians (double angle)
float osg::RadiansToDegrees (float angle)
double osg::RadiansToDegrees (double angle)
float osg::round (float v)
double osg::round (double v)
bool osg::isNaN (float v)
bool osg::isNaN (double v)
template<typename T >
float osg::computeVolume (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d)
 compute the volume of a tetrahedron. More...
template<typename T >
float osg::computeVolume (const T &f1, const T &f2, const T &f3, const T &b1, const T &b2, const T &b3)
 compute the volume of a prism. More...
OSG_EXPORT double osg::asciiToDouble (const char *str)
 Convert a ascii number to a double, ignoring locale settings. More...
float osg::asciiToFloat (const char *str)
 Convert a ascii number to a float, ignoring locale settings. More...
OSG_EXPORT double osg::findAsciiToDouble (const char *str)
 Detect first ascii POSITIVE number in string and convert to double. More...
float osg::findAsciiToFloat (const char *str)
 Detect first ascii POSITIVE number in string and convert to double. More...


const double osg::PI = 3.14159265358979323846
const double osg::PI_2 = 1.57079632679489661923
const double osg::PI_4 = 0.78539816339744830962
const double osg::LN_2 = 0.69314718055994530942
const double osg::INVLN_2 = 1.0 / LN_2

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __OSG_MATH

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Generated at Wed Nov 11 2015 22:14:22 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.8.10.