OpenSceneGraph  3.5.1
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
osg Namespace Reference

The core osg library provides the basic scene graph classes such as Nodes, State and Drawables, and maths and general helper classes. More...


class  AlphaFunc
 Encapsulates OpenGL glAlphaFunc. More...
class  AnimationPath
 AnimationPath encapsulates a time varying transformation pathway. More...
class  AnimationPathCallback
class  ApplicationUsage
class  ApplicationUsageProxy
class  ArgumentParser
class  Array
class  ArrayDispatchers
 Helper class for managing the dispatch to OpenGL of various attribute arrays such as stored in osg::Geometry. More...
class  ArrayVisitor
class  AtomicCounterBufferBinding
 StateAttribute for binding a atomic counter buffer index target. More...
class  AtomicCounterBufferObject
struct  AttributeDispatch
class  AttributeFunctorArrayVisitor
class  AudioSink
 Pure virtual AudioSink bass class that is used to connect the audio system with AudioStreams. More...
class  AudioStream
 Pure virtual AudioStream base class. More...
class  AutoTransform
 AutoTransform is a derived form of Transform that automatically scales or rotates to keep its children aligned with screen coordinates. More...
struct  BarrierOperation
 BarrierOperation allows one to synchronize multiple GraphicsThreads with each other. More...
class  Billboard
 Billboard is a derived form of Geode that orients its osg::Drawable children to face the eye point. More...
class  BlendColor
 Encapsulates OpenGL blend/transparency state. More...
class  BlendEquation
 Encapsulates OpenGL BlendEquation state. More...
class  BlendEquationi
 Encapsulates glBlendEquationi function : the index version of glBlendEquation for multiple render target. More...
class  BlendFunc
 Encapsulates OpenGL blend/transparency state. More...
class  BlendFunci
 Encapsulates glBlendFunci function : the index version of glBlendEquation for multiple render target. More...
struct  BlockAndFlushOperation
class  BoundingBoxImpl
 General purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices. More...
class  BoundingSphereImpl
 General purpose bounding sphere class for enclosing nodes/objects/vertices. More...
class  Box
class  BufferData
class  buffered_object
class  buffered_value
 Implements a simple buffered value for values that need to be buffered on a per graphics context basis. More...
class  BufferIndexBinding
 Encapsulate binding buffer objects to index targets. More...
class  BufferObject
class  BufferObjectProfile
class  BufferTemplate
 Template buffer class to be used with a struct as template parameter. More...
class  BufferTemplate< std::vector< T > >
 BufferTemplate specialization for std::vector. More...
class  Callback
class  CallbackObject
 Callback for attaching a script to a Node's via there UserDataContainer for the purpose of overriding class methods within scripts. More...
class  Camera
 Camera - is a subclass of Transform which represents encapsulates the settings of a Camera. More...
struct  CameraRenderOrderSortOp
 Functor to assist with ordering cameras in the order they should be rendered in. More...
class  CameraView
 CameraView - is a Transform that is used to specify camera views from within the scene graph. More...
class  Capability
class  Capabilityi
 Encapsulates glEnablei/glDisablei. More...
class  Capsule
struct  CastAndScaleToFloatOperation
 Convenience method for making it easy to cast all pixel channels types to a unit float RGBA form. More...
class  ClampColor
 Encapsulates OpenGL ClampColor state. More...
struct  ClampedLinearCostFunction1D
class  ClearNode
 A Group node for clearing the color and depth buffers. More...
class  ClipControl
 Encapsulate OpenGL glClipControl functions. More...
class  ClipNode
 Node for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene. More...
class  ClipPlane
 Encapsulates OpenGL glClipPlane(). More...
class  ClusterCullingCallback
 Implements cluster culling to cull back facing drawables. More...
class  CollectOccludersVisitor
class  ColorMask
 Encapsulates OpenGL glColorMaskFunc/Op/Mask functions. More...
class  ColorMaski
 Encapsulates glColorMaski function : the index version of glColorMask for multiple render target. More...
class  ColorMatrix
 Encapsulates OpenGL color matrix functionality. More...
class  CompositeShape
class  ComputeBoundsVisitor
class  Cone
class  ConstArrayVisitor
class  ConstAttributeFunctorArrayVisitor
class  ConstShapeVisitor
class  ConstValueVisitor
class  ContextData
class  ConvexHull
class  ConvexPlanarOccluder
 A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up of several ConvexPlanarPolygon. More...
class  ConvexPlanarPolygon
 A class for representing components of convex clipping volumes. More...
class  CoordinateSystemNode
 CoordinateSystem encapsulate the coordinate system that is associated with objects in a scene. More...
class  CopyOp
 Copy Op(erator) used to control whether shallow or deep copy is used during copy construction and clone operation. More...
class  CullFace
 Class to globally enable/disable OpenGL's polygon culling mode. More...
class  CullingSet
 A CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluders. More...
class  CullSettings
class  CullStack
 A CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices and the CullingSet. More...
class  Cylinder
class  DefaultUserDataContainer
 Internal structure for storing all user data. More...
class  DeleteHandler
 Class for overriding the default delete behaviour so that users can implement their own object deletion schemes. More...
struct  depends_on
 template class to help enforce static initialization order. More...
class  Depth
 Encapsulate OpenGL glDepthFunc/Mask/Range functions. More...
class  Disablei
class  DisplaySettings
 DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing. More...
class  Drawable
 Pure virtual base class for drawable geometry. More...
class  DrawArrayLengths
class  DrawArrays
class  DrawElements
class  DrawElementsUByte
class  DrawElementsUInt
class  DrawElementsUShort
class  DrawPixels
 DrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels. More...
class  DummyObject
 DummyObject that can be used as placeholder but otherwise has no other functionality. More...
class  ElapsedTime
 Helper class for timing sections of code. More...
class  ElementBufferObject
class  EllipsoidModel
 EllipsoidModel encapsulates the ellipsoid used to model astronomical bodies, such as sun, planets, moon etc. More...
class  Enablei
class  EndOfDynamicDrawBlock
class  fast_back_stack
 Simple stack implementation that keeps the back() cached locally for fast access rather than at the back of the vector which is the traditional stack implementation. More...
struct  FlushDeletedGLObjectsOperation
class  Fog
 Fog - encapsulates OpenGL fog state. More...
class  FragmentProgram
 FragmentProgram - encapsulates the OpenGL ARB fragment program state. More...
class  FrameBufferAttachment
class  FrameBufferObject
class  FrameStamp
 Class which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calendar time of specific frame, used to synchronize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster. More...
class  FrontFace
 Class to specify the orientation of front-facing polygons. More...
class  Geode
 A Geode is a "geometry node", that is, a leaf node on the scene graph that can have "renderable things" attached to it. More...
class  Geometry
class  GeometryCostEstimator
class  GLBeginEndAdapter
 A class adapting OpenGL 1.0 glBegin()/glEnd() style code to vertex array based code. More...
class  GLBufferObject
class  GLBufferObjectManager
class  GLBufferObjectSet
class  GLExtensions
 Main GLExtensions class for managing OpenGL extensions per graphics context. More...
class  GLFrameBufferObjectManager
class  GLObjectManager
class  GLRenderBufferManager
class  GraphicsContext
 Base class for providing Windowing API agnostic access to creating and managing graphics context. More...
class  GraphicsCostEstimator
class  GraphicsObject
class  GraphicsObjectManager
struct  GraphicsOperation
class  GraphicsThread
 GraphicsThread is a helper class for running OpenGL GraphicsOperation within a single thread assigned to a specific GraphicsContext. More...
class  Group
 General group node which maintains a list of children. More...
class  HeightField
class  Hint
class  Image
 Image class for encapsulating the storage texture image data. More...
class  ImageSequence
 Image Buffer class. More...
class  ImageStream
 Image Stream class. More...
class  IndexArray
class  InfinitePlane
class  KdTree
 Implementation of a kdtree for Geometry leaves, to enable fast intersection tests. More...
class  KdTreeBuilder
class  Light
 Light state class which encapsulates OpenGL glLight() functionality. More...
class  LightModel
class  LightSource
 Leaf Node for defining a light in the scene. More...
class  LineSegment
 LineSegment class for representing a line segment. More...
class  LineStipple
class  LineWidth
 LineWidth - encapsulates the OpenGL glLineWidth for setting the width of lines in pixels. More...
class  LOD
 LOD - Level Of Detail group node which allows switching between children depending on distance from eye point. More...
class  LogicOp
 Encapsulates OpenGL LogicOp state. More...
class  Material
 Material - encapsulates OpenGL glMaterial state. More...
class  Matrix2Template
class  Matrix2x3Template
class  Matrix2x4Template
class  Matrix3Template
class  Matrix3x2Template
class  Matrix3x4Template
class  Matrix4x2Template
class  Matrix4x3Template
class  Matrixd
class  Matrixf
class  MatrixTemplate
class  MatrixTransform
 MatrixTransform - is a subclass of Transform which has an osg::Matrix which represents a 4x4 transformation of its children from local coordinates into the Transform's parent coordinates. More...
class  MixinVector
 MixinVector is a base class that allows inheritance to be used to easily emulate derivation from std::vector but without introducing undefined behaviour through violation of virtual destructor rules. More...
class  Multisample
 Multisample - encapsulates the OpenGL Multisample state. More...
class  Node
 Base class for all internal nodes in the scene graph. More...
class  NodeAcceptOp
 Convenience functor for assisting visiting of arrays of osg::Node's. More...
class  NodeCallback
 Deprecated. More...
class  NodeTrackerCallback
class  NodeVisitor
 Visitor for type safe operations on osg::Nodes. More...
class  NotifyHandler
 Handler processing output of notification stream. More...
class  Object
 Base class/standard interface for objects which require IO support, cloning and reference counting. More...
class  Observer
 Observer base class for tracking when objects are unreferenced (their reference count goes to 0) and are being deleted. More...
class  observer_ptr
 Smart pointer for observed objects, that automatically set pointers to them to null when they are deleted. More...
class  ObserverNodePath
 ObserverNodePath is an observer class for tracking changes to a NodePath, that automatically invalidates it when nodes are deleted. More...
class  ObserverSet
 Class used by osg::Referenced to track the observers associated with it. More...
class  OccluderNode
 OccluderNode is a Group node which provides hooks for adding ConvexPlanarOccluders to the scene. More...
class  OcclusionQueryNode
class  Operation
 Base class for implementing graphics operations. More...
class  OperationQueue
class  OperationThread
 OperationThread is a helper class for running Operation within a single thread. More...
class  PagedLOD
 PagedLOD. More...
class  PatchParameter
 Class which encapsulates glPatchParameter(..). More...
class  PixelBufferObject
class  PixelDataBufferObject
 This object represent a general class of pixel buffer objects, which are capable of allocating buffer object (memory) on the GPU. More...
struct  PixelStorageModes
class  Plane
 A plane class. More...
class  Point
 Point - encapsulates the OpenGL point smoothing and size state. More...
class  PointSprite
 PointSprite base class which encapsulates enabling of point sprites . More...
class  PolygonMode
 State Class for setting OpenGL's polygon culling mode. More...
class  PolygonOffset
 PolygonOffset - encapsulates the OpenGL glPolygonOffset state. More...
class  PolygonStipple
class  Polytope
 A Polytope class for representing convex clipping volumes made up of a set of planes. More...
class  PositionAttitudeTransform
 PositionAttitudeTransform - is a Transform. More...
class  PrimitiveFunctor
 A PrimitiveFunctor is used (in conjunction with osg::Drawable::accept (PrimitiveFunctor&)) to get access to the primitives that compose the things drawn by OSG. More...
class  PrimitiveIndexFunctor
class  PrimitiveRestartIndex
 osg::PrimitiveRestartIndex does nothing if OpenGL 3.1 is not available. More...
class  PrimitiveSet
class  Program
 osg::Program is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glProgram. More...
class  ProgramCostEstimator
class  Projection
 Projection nodes set up the frustum/orthographic projection used when rendering the scene. More...
class  ProxyNode
 ProxyNode. More...
class  Quat
 A quaternion class. More...
class  QueryGeometry
class  ref_ptr
 Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects. More...
class  RefBlock
class  RefBlockCount
class  Referenced
 Base class for providing reference counted objects. More...
class  RefMatrixd
class  RefMatrixf
struct  ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation
 ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation releases the context for another thread to acquire, then blocks waiting for context to be released, once the block is release the context is re-acquired. More...
class  RenderBuffer
class  RenderInfo
class  RunOperations
class  SampleMaski
 osg::SampleMaski does nothing if OpenGL 3.2 or ARB_texture_multisample are not available. More...
class  Scissor
 Encapsulate OpenGL glScissor. More...
class  Script
class  ScriptEngine
 ScriptEngine base class for integrating different scripting languages. More...
class  ScriptNodeCallback
 NodeCallback for attaching a script to a NodeCallback so that it can be called as an update or event callback. More...
class  Sequence
 Sequence is a Group node which allows automatic, time based switching between children. More...
class  ShadeModel
 Class which encapsulates glShadeModel(..). More...
class  Shader
 osg::Shader is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glShader. More...
class  ShaderAttribute
class  ShaderBinary
 Simple class for wrapping up the data used in OpenGL ES 2's glShaderBinary calls. More...
class  ShaderComponent
class  ShaderComposer
class  ShaderStorageBufferBinding
class  ShaderStorageBufferObject
class  ShadowVolumeOccluder
 ShadowVolumeOccluder is a helper class for implementing shadow occlusion culling. More...
class  Shape
 Base class for all shape types. More...
class  ShapeDrawable
 Allow the use of Shapes as Drawables, so that they can be rendered with reduced effort. More...
class  ShapeVisitor
class  Sphere
class  StandardNotifyHandler
 Redirects notification stream to stderr (severity <= WARN) or stdout (severity > WARN). More...
class  State
 Encapsulates the current applied OpenGL modes, attributes and vertex arrays settings, implements lazy state updating and provides accessors for querying the current state. More...
class  StateAttribute
 Base class for state attributes. More...
class  StateAttributeCallback
 Deprecated. More...
class  StateSet
 Stores a set of modes and attributes which represent a set of OpenGL state. More...
class  Stats
class  Stencil
 Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions. More...
class  StencilTwoSided
 Provides OpenGL two sided stencil functionality, also known as separate stencil. More...
struct  SwapBuffersOperation
 SwapBufferOperation calls swap buffers on the GraphicsContext. More...
class  Switch
 Switch is a Group node that allows switching between children. More...
class  SyncSwapBuffersCallback
class  TemplateArray
class  TemplateIndexArray
class  TemplatePrimitiveFunctor
 Provides access to the primitives that compose an osg::Drawable. More...
class  TemplateValueObject
class  TessellationHints
 Describe several hints that can be passed to a Tessellator (like the one used by ShapeDrawable) as a mean to try to influence the way it works. More...
class  TestResult
class  TexEnv
 TexEnv encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (texture environment) state. More...
class  TexEnvCombine
 TexEnvCombine encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnvCombine (texture environment) state. More...
class  TexEnvFilter
 TexEnvFilter - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL) state. More...
class  TexGen
 TexGen encapsulates the OpenGL glTexGen (texture coordinate generation) state. More...
class  TexGenNode
 Node for defining the position of TexGen in the scene. More...
class  TexMat
 A texture matrix state class that encapsulates OpenGL texture matrix functionality. More...
class  Texture
 Texture pure virtual base class that encapsulates OpenGL texture functionality common to the various types of OSG textures. More...
class  Texture1D
 Encapsulates OpenGL 1D texture functionality. More...
class  Texture2D
 Encapsulates OpenGL 2D texture functionality. More...
class  Texture2DArray
 Texture2DArray state class which encapsulates OpenGL 2D array texture functionality. More...
class  Texture2DMultisample
 Texture2DMultisample state class which encapsulates OpenGL 2D multisampled texture functionality. More...
class  Texture3D
 Encapsulates OpenGL 3D texture functionality. More...
class  TextureBuffer
 Encapsulates OpenGL texture buffer functionality. More...
class  TextureCostEstimator
class  TextureCubeMap
 TextureCubeMap state class which encapsulates OpenGL texture cubemap functionality. More...
class  TextureObjectManager
class  TextureObjectSet
class  TextureRectangle
 Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGL texture functionality. More...
class  Timer
 Timer class is used for measuring elapsed time or time between two points. More...
class  TransferFunction
 TransferFunction is a class that provide a 1D,2D or 3D colour look up table that can be used on the GPU as a 1D, 2D or 3D texture. More...
class  TransferFunction1D
 1D variant of TransferFunction. More...
class  Transform
 A Transform is a group node for which all children are transformed by a 4x4 matrix. More...
class  TransformFeedbackBufferBinding
 StateAttribute for binding a transform feedback index target. More...
class  TriangleFunctor
 Provides access to the triangles that compose an osg::Drawable. More...
class  TriangleIndexFunctor
class  TriangleMesh
 Exists to support collision detection engines not for doing rendering, use osg::Geometry instead. More...
class  Uniform
 Uniform encapsulates glUniform values. More...
class  UniformBufferBinding
 StateAttribute for binding a uniform buffer index target. More...
class  UniformBufferObject
class  UniformCallback
 Deprecated. More...
class  UserDataContainer
 Internal structure for storing all user data. More...
class  ValueObject
struct  ValueObjectClassNameTrait
class  ValueVisitor
class  Vec2b
 General purpose float triple. More...
class  Vec2d
 General purpose double pair, uses include representation of texture coordinates. More...
class  Vec2f
 General purpose float pair. More...
class  Vec2i
 General purpose integer pair. More...
class  Vec2s
class  Vec2ub
 General purpose unsigned byte pair. More...
class  Vec2ui
 General purpose integer pair. More...
class  Vec2us
class  Vec3b
 General purpose float triple. More...
class  Vec3d
 General purpose double triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals. More...
class  Vec3f
 General purpose float triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals. More...
class  Vec3i
 General purpose integer triple. More...
class  Vec3s
class  Vec3ub
 General purpose float triple. More...
class  Vec3ui
 General purpose integer triple. More...
class  Vec3us
class  Vec4b
 General purpose float triple. More...
class  Vec4d
 General purpose double quad. More...
class  Vec4f
 General purpose float quad. More...
class  Vec4i
 General purpose integer quad. More...
class  Vec4s
 General purpose float quad. More...
class  Vec4ub
 General purpose float quad. More...
class  Vec4ui
 General purpose integer quad. More...
class  Vec4us
 General purpose float quad. More...
class  VertexAttribAlias
class  VertexAttribDivisor
 VertexAttribDivisor state class which encapsulates OpenGL glVertexAttribDivisor() functionality. More...
class  VertexBufferObject
class  VertexProgram
 VertexProgram - encapsulates the OpenGL ARB vertex program state. More...
class  View
 View - maintains a master camera view and a list of slave cameras that are relative to this master camera. More...
class  Viewport
 Encapsulate OpenGL glViewport. More...


typedef TemplateIndexArray< GLbyte, Array::ByteArrayType, 1, GL_BYTE > ByteArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray< GLshort, Array::ShortArrayType, 1, GL_SHORT > ShortArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray< GLint, Array::IntArrayType, 1, GL_INT > IntArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray< GLubyte, Array::UByteArrayType, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > UByteArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray< GLushort, Array::UShortArrayType, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > UShortArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray< GLuint, Array::UIntArrayType, 1, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > UIntArray
typedef TemplateArray< GLfloat, Array::FloatArrayType, 1, GL_FLOAT > FloatArray
typedef TemplateArray< GLdouble, Array::DoubleArrayType, 1, GL_DOUBLE > DoubleArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2b, Array::Vec2bArrayType, 2, GL_BYTE > Vec2bArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3b, Array::Vec3bArrayType, 3, GL_BYTE > Vec3bArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4b, Array::Vec4bArrayType, 4, GL_BYTE > Vec4bArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2s, Array::Vec2sArrayType, 2, GL_SHORT > Vec2sArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3s, Array::Vec3sArrayType, 3, GL_SHORT > Vec3sArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4s, Array::Vec4sArrayType, 4, GL_SHORT > Vec4sArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2i, Array::Vec2iArrayType, 2, GL_INT > Vec2iArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3i, Array::Vec3iArrayType, 3, GL_INT > Vec3iArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4i, Array::Vec4iArrayType, 4, GL_INT > Vec4iArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2ub, Array::Vec2ubArrayType, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > Vec2ubArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3ub, Array::Vec3ubArrayType, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > Vec3ubArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4ub, Array::Vec4ubArrayType, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE > Vec4ubArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2us, Array::Vec2usArrayType, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > Vec2usArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3us, Array::Vec3usArrayType, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > Vec3usArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4us, Array::Vec4usArrayType, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT > Vec4usArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2ui, Array::Vec2uiArrayType, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > Vec2uiArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3ui, Array::Vec3uiArrayType, 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > Vec3uiArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4ui, Array::Vec4uiArrayType, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_INT > Vec4uiArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2, Array::Vec2ArrayType, 2, GL_FLOAT > Vec2Array
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3, Array::Vec3ArrayType, 3, GL_FLOAT > Vec3Array
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4, Array::Vec4ArrayType, 4, GL_FLOAT > Vec4Array
typedef TemplateArray< Vec2d, Array::Vec2dArrayType, 2, GL_DOUBLE > Vec2dArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec3d, Array::Vec3dArrayType, 3, GL_DOUBLE > Vec3dArray
typedef TemplateArray< Vec4d, Array::Vec4dArrayType, 4, GL_DOUBLE > Vec4dArray
typedef TemplateArray< Matrixf, Array::MatrixArrayType, 16, GL_FLOAT > MatrixfArray
typedef TemplateArray< Matrixd, Array::MatrixdArrayType, 16, GL_DOUBLE > MatrixdArray
typedef BoundingBoxImpl< Vec3fBoundingBoxf
typedef BoundingBoxImpl< Vec3dBoundingBoxd
typedef BoundingBoxd BoundingBox
typedef BoundingSphereImpl< Vec3fBoundingSpheref
typedef BoundingSphereImpl< Vec3dBoundingSphered
typedef BoundingSphered BoundingSphere
typedef std::list< ref_ptr< GLBufferObject > > GLBufferObjectList
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Object > > Parameters
typedef Matrixd CoordinateFrame
 CoordinateFrame encapsulates the orientation of east, north and up. More...
typedef GLExtensions GL2Extensions
typedef struct __GLsync * GLsync
typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptr
typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr
typedef GLint level
typedef GLint GLenum internalFormat
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei width
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei height
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint border
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum format
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum type
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid * pixels
typedef GLUtesselator GLUtesselatorObj
typedef GLUtesselator GLUtriangulatorObj
typedef void(GL_APIENTRY * _GLUfuncptr) ()
typedef std::pair< double, double > CostPair
 Pair of double representing CPU and GPU times in seconds as first and second elements in std::pair. More...
typedef std::vector< ref_ptr< Node > > NodeList
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image > > ImageList
typedef Matrixd Matrix
typedef RefMatrixd RefMatrix
typedef std::vector< Node * > NodePath
 A vector of Nodes pointers which is used to describe the path from a root node to a descendant. More...
typedef std::vector< NodePathNodePathList
 A vector of NodePath, typically used to describe all the paths from a node to the potential root nodes it has. More...
typedef std::vector< MatrixMatrixList
 A vector of NodePath, typically used to describe all the paths from a node to the potential root nodes it has. More...
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > > RefNodePath
typedef OperationThread OperationsThread
typedef MixinVector< GLsizei > VectorGLsizei
typedef MixinVector< GLubyte > VectorGLubyte
typedef MixinVector< GLushort > VectorGLushort
typedef MixinVector< GLuint > VectorGLuint
typedef std::set< std::string > ShaderDefines
typedef std::vector< osg::ShaderComponent * > ShaderComponents
typedef std::vector< ShadowVolumeOccluderShadowVolumeOccluderList
 A list of ShadowVolumeOccluder, used by CollectOccluderVisitor and CullVistor's. More...
typedef HeightField Grid
typedef unsigned long long Timer_t
typedef Matrix2Template< float > Matrix2
typedef Matrix2x3Template< float > Matrix2x3
typedef Matrix2x4Template< float > Matrix2x4
typedef Matrix3x2Template< float > Matrix3x2
typedef Matrix3Template< float > Matrix3
typedef Matrix3x4Template< float > Matrix3x4
typedef Matrix4x2Template< float > Matrix4x2
typedef Matrix4x3Template< float > Matrix4x3
typedef Matrix2Template< double > Matrix2d
typedef Matrix2x3Template< double > Matrix2x3d
typedef Matrix2x4Template< double > Matrix2x4d
typedef Matrix3x2Template< double > Matrix3x2d
typedef Matrix3Template< double > Matrix3d
typedef Matrix3x4Template< double > Matrix3x4d
typedef Matrix4x2Template< double > Matrix4x2d
typedef Matrix4x3Template< double > Matrix4x3d
typedef Vec2f Vec2
typedef Vec3f Vec3
typedef Vec4f Vec4


enum  Endian { BigEndian, LittleEndian }
enum  ColorSpaceOperation {
enum  NotifySeverity {
  ALWAYS =0, FATAL =1, WARN =2, NOTICE =3,
 Range of notify levels from DEBUG_FP through to FATAL, ALWAYS is reserved for forcing the absorption of all messages. More...


osg::Array::Binding getBinding (const osg::Array *array)
 convenience function for getting the binding of array via a ptr that may be null. More...
bool getNormalize (const osg::Array *array)
 convenience function for getting the binding of array via a ptr that may be null. More...
template<typename T >
void clampGEQUAL (T &value, const T minValue, const char *valueName)
 If value is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value to minValue, and warn that valueName was clamped. More...
template<typename T >
void clampLEQUAL (T &value, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 If value is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value to maxValue, and warn that valueName was clamped. More...
template<typename T >
void clampBetweenRange (T &value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 If value is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp value to specified range and warn that valueName was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArrayElementGEQUAL (A &value, unsigned int i, const T minValue, const char *valueName)
 If value[i] is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value[i] to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArrayElementLEQUAL (A &value, unsigned int i, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 If value[i] is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value[i] to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArrayElementBetweenRange (A &value, unsigned int i, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 If value[i] is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp value[i] to specified range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArrayElementsGEQUAL (A &value, unsigned int first, unsigned int last, const T minValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of value[] in the range (first,last), if the element is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArrayElementsLEQUAL (A &value, unsigned int first, unsigned int last, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of value[] in the range (first,last), if the element is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArrayElementsBetweenRange (A &value, unsigned int first, unsigned int last, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of value[] in the range (first,last), if the element is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to the range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArray3GEQUAL (A &value, const T minValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of the three-element array value[], if the element is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArray3LEQUAL (A &value, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of the three-element array value[], if the element is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArray3BetweenRange (A &value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of the three-element array value[], if the element is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to the range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArray4GEQUAL (A &value, const T minValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of the four-element array value[], if the element is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArray4LEQUAL (A &value, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of the four-element array value[], if the element is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
template<typename A , typename T >
void clampArray4BetweenRange (A &value, const T minValue, const T maxValue, const char *valueName)
 For each element of the four-element array value[], if the element is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to the range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped. More...
CallbackObjectgetCallbackObject (osg::Object *object, const std::string &name)
 Convenience function for getting the CallbackObject associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer. More...
const CallbackObjectgetCallbackObject (const osg::Object *object, const std::string &name)
 Convenience function for getting the CallbackObject associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer. More...
bool runNamedCallbackObjects (osg::Object *object, const std::string &name, osg::Parameters &inputParameters, osg::Parameters &outputParameters)
 Call run(..) on named CallbackObjects attached to specified Object. More...
OSG_EXPORT ContextDatagetContextData (unsigned int contextID)
 Get the ContextData for a specific contextID. More...
OSG_EXPORT ContextDatagetOrCreateContextData (unsigned int contextID)
 Get or create the ContextData for a specific contextID. More...
template<typename T >
T * get (unsigned int contextID)
ContextDataget< ContextData > (unsigned int contextID)
Endian getCpuByteOrder ()
void swapBytes (char *in, unsigned int size)
void swapBytes2 (char *in)
void swapBytes4 (char *in)
void swapBytes8 (char *in)
void swapBytes16 (char *in)
template<typename T >
void swapBytes (T &t)
OSG_EXPORT GeometrycreateTexturedQuadGeometry (const Vec3 &corner, const Vec3 &widthVec, const Vec3 &heightVec, float l, float b, float r, float t)
 Convenience function to be used for creating quad geometry with texture coords. More...
GeometrycreateTexturedQuadGeometry (const Vec3 &corner, const Vec3 &widthVec, const Vec3 &heightVec, float s=1.0f, float t=1.0f)
 Convenience function to be used for creating quad geometry with texture coords. More...
OSG_EXPORT float getGLVersionNumber ()
 Return floating-point OpenGL version number. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool isExtensionInExtensionString (const char *extension, const char *extensionString)
 Return true if "extension" is contained in "extensionString". More...
OSG_EXPORT bool isGLExtensionSupported (unsigned int contextID, const char *extension)
 Return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool isGLExtensionOrVersionSupported (unsigned int contextID, const char *extension, float requiredGlVersion)
 Return true if OpenGL "extension" or minimum OpenGL version number is supported. More...
OSG_EXPORT voidgetGLExtensionFuncPtr (const char *funcName)
 Return the address of the specified OpenGL function. More...
OSG_EXPORT void setGLExtensionDisableString (const std::string &disableString)
 Set a list of extensions to disable for different OpenGL renderers. More...
OSG_EXPORT std::string & getGLExtensionDisableString ()
 Get the list of extensions that are disabled for various OpenGL renderers. More...
voidgetGLExtensionFuncPtr (const char *funcName, const char *fallbackFuncName)
 Return the address of the specified OpenGL function. More...
voidgetGLExtensionFuncPtr (const char *funcName1, const char *funcName2, const char *funcName3)
 Return the address of the specified OpenGL function. More...
template<typename T , typename R >
bool convertPointer (T &dest, R src)
template<typename T , typename R >
convertPointerType (R src)
template<typename T >
bool setGLExtensionFuncPtr (T &t, const char *str1)
template<typename T >
bool setGLExtensionFuncPtr (T &t, const char *str1, const char *str2)
template<typename T >
bool setGLExtensionFuncPtr (T &t, const char *str1, const char *str2, const char *str3)
OSG_EXPORT void flushDeletedGLObjects (unsigned int contextID, double currentTime, double &availableTime)
 Flush all deleted OpenGL objects within the specified availableTime. More...
OSG_EXPORT void flushAllDeletedGLObjects (unsigned int contextID)
 Flush all deleted OpenGL objects. More...
OSG_EXPORT void deleteAllGLObjects (unsigned int contextID)
 Do a GL delete all OpenGL objects. More...
OSG_EXPORT void discardAllGLObjects (unsigned int contextID)
 Discard all OpenGL objects. More...
OSG_EXPORT const GLubyte * gluErrorString (GLenum error)
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluScaleImage (PixelStorageModes *psm, GLenum format, GLsizei wIn, GLsizei hIn, GLenum typeIn, const void *dataIn, GLsizei wOut, GLsizei hOut, GLenum typeOut, GLvoid *dataOut)
 OSG specific gluScaleImage function that allows you to pass in the PixelStoreModes, which enables the code to avoid glGet's that are associated with the conventional gluScaleImage function. More...
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluScaleImage (GLenum format, GLsizei wIn, GLsizei hIn, GLenum typeIn, const void *dataIn, GLsizei wOut, GLsizei hOut, GLenum typeOut, GLvoid *dataOut)
 Traditional GLU gluScaleImage function that sets up the PixelStoreModes automatically by doing glGets. More...
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluBuild1DMipmapLevels (GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLint level, GLint base, GLint max, const void *data)
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluBuild1DMipmaps (GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *data)
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluBuild2DMipmapLevels (GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLint level, GLint base, GLint max, const void *data)
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluBuild2DMipmaps (GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *data)
typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *GLTexImage3DProc)(GLenum target
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluBuild3DMipmapLevels (GLTexImage3DProc glTextImage3DProc, GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLint level, GLint base, GLint max, const void *data)
 Small variation on normal gluBuild3DMipmapLevels as we pass in the function pointer to glTexImage3D rather than rely on GLU style query for this function pointer. More...
OSG_EXPORT GLint gluBuild3DMipmaps (GLTexImage3DProc glTextImage3DProc, GLenum target, GLint internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *data)
 Small variation on normal gluBuild3DMipmapLevels as we pass in the function pointer to glTexImage3D rather than rely on GLU style query for this function pointer. More...
OSG_EXPORT GLUtesselator *GL_APIENTRY gluNewTess (void)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluDeleteTess (GLUtesselator *tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessBeginContour (GLUtesselator *tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessCallback (GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, _GLUfuncptr CallBackFunc)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessEndContour (GLUtesselator *tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessNormal (GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble valueX, GLdouble valueY, GLdouble valueZ)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessProperty (GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, GLdouble data)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessVertex (GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble *location, GLvoid *data)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessBeginPolygon (GLUtesselator *tess, GLvoid *data)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluTessEndPolygon (GLUtesselator *tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY gluGetTessProperty (GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, GLdouble *value)
OSG_EXPORT GeodecreateGeodeForImage (Image *image)
 Convenience function to be used by image loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode(). More...
template<class T >
GeodecreateGeodeForImage (const ref_ptr< T > &image)
OSG_EXPORT GeodecreateGeodeForImage (Image *image, float s, float t)
 Convenience function to be used by image loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode(). More...
template<class T >
GeodecreateGeodeForImage (const ref_ptr< T > &image, float s, float t)
template<typename T , class O >
void _readRow (unsigned int num, GLenum pixelFormat, const T *data, O &operation)
template<class O >
void readRow (unsigned int num, GLenum pixelFormat, GLenum dataType, const unsigned char *data, O &operation)
template<class O >
void readImage (const osg::Image *image, O &operation)
template<typename T , class M >
void _modifyRow (unsigned int num, GLenum pixelFormat, T *data, float scale, const M &operation)
template<class M >
void modifyRow (unsigned int num, GLenum pixelFormat, GLenum dataType, unsigned char *data, const M &operation)
template<class M >
void modifyImage (osg::Image *image, const M &operation)
OSG_EXPORT bool computeMinMax (const osg::Image *image, osg::Vec4 &min, osg::Vec4 &max)
 Compute the min max colour values in the image. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool offsetAndScaleImage (osg::Image *image, const osg::Vec4 &offset, const osg::Vec4 &scale)
 Compute the min max colour values in the image. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool copyImage (const osg::Image *srcImage, int src_s, int src_t, int src_r, int width, int height, int depth, osg::Image *destImage, int dest_s, int dest_t, int dest_r, bool doRescale=false)
 Compute source image to destination image. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool clearImageToColor (osg::Image *image, const osg::Vec4 &colour)
 Compute the min max colour values in the image. More...
OSG_EXPORT unsigned int maximimNumOfComponents (const ImageList &imageList)
 Search through the list of Images and find the maximum number of components used among the images. More...
OSG_EXPORT osg::ImagecreateImage3D (const ImageList &imageList, GLenum desiredPixelFormat, int s_maximumImageSize=1024, int t_maximumImageSize=1024, int r_maximumImageSize=1024, bool resizeToPowerOfTwo=false)
 create a 3D osg::Image from a list of osg::Image. More...
OSG_EXPORT osg::ImagecreateImage3DWithAlpha (const ImageList &imageList, int s_maximumImageSize=1024, int t_maximumImageSize=1024, int r_maximumImageSize=1024, bool resizeToPowerOfTwo=false)
 create a 3D osg::Image from a list of osg::Image. More...
OSG_EXPORT osg::ImagecreateSpotLightImage (const osg::Vec4 &centerColour, const osg::Vec4 &backgroudColour, unsigned int size, float power)
 create a 2D osg::Image that provides a point at the center of the image. More...
OSG_EXPORT osg::ImagecolorSpaceConversion (ColorSpaceOperation op, osg::Image *image, const osg::Vec4 &colour)
 Convert the RGBA values in a Image based on a ColorSpaceOperation defined scheme. More...
OSG_EXPORT osg::ImagecreateImageWithOrientationConversion (const osg::Image *srcImage, const osg::Vec3i &srcOrigin, const osg::Vec3i &srcRow, const osg::Vec3i &srcColumn, const osg::Vec3i &srcLayer)
 Create a copy of an osg::Image. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec2f &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec2f &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec2d &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec2d &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec3f &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec3f &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec3d &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec3d &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec4f &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec4f &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec4d &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec4d &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec2b &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec2b &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec3b &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec3b &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec4b &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec4b &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec2s &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec2s &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec3s &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec3s &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec4s &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec4s &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec2i &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec2i &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec3i &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec3i &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec4i &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec4i &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Matrixf &m)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Matrixd &m)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Vec4ub &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Vec4ub &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Quat &vec)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Quat &vec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Plane &pl)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &input, Plane &vec)
template<typename T >
absolute (T v)
bool equivalent (float lhs, float rhs, float epsilon=1e-6)
 return true if float lhs and rhs are equivalent, meaning that the difference between them is less than an epsilon value which defaults to 1e-6. More...
bool equivalent (double lhs, double rhs, double epsilon=1e-6)
 return true if double lhs and rhs are equivalent, meaning that the difference between them is less than an epsilon value which defaults to 1e-6. More...
template<typename T >
minimum (T lhs, T rhs)
 return the minimum of two values, equivalent to std::min. More...
template<typename T >
maximum (T lhs, T rhs)
 return the maximum of two values, equivalent to std::max. More...
template<typename T >
clampTo (T v, T minimum, T maximum)
template<typename T >
clampAbove (T v, T minimum)
template<typename T >
clampBelow (T v, T maximum)
template<typename T >
clampBetween (T v, T minimum, T maximum)
template<typename T >
sign (T v)
template<typename T >
signOrZero (T v)
template<typename T >
square (T v)
template<typename T >
signedSquare (T v)
float inDegrees (float angle)
double inDegrees (double angle)
template<typename T >
inRadians (T angle)
float DegreesToRadians (float angle)
double DegreesToRadians (double angle)
float RadiansToDegrees (float angle)
double RadiansToDegrees (double angle)
float round (float v)
double round (double v)
bool isNaN (float v)
bool isNaN (double v)
template<typename T >
float computeVolume (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d)
 compute the volume of a tetrahedron. More...
template<typename T >
float computeVolume (const T &f1, const T &f2, const T &f3, const T &b1, const T &b2, const T &b3)
 compute the volume of a prism. More...
OSG_EXPORT double asciiToDouble (const char *str)
 Convert a ascii number to a double, ignoring locale settings. More...
float asciiToFloat (const char *str)
 Convert a ascii number to a float, ignoring locale settings. More...
OSG_EXPORT double findAsciiToDouble (const char *str)
 Detect first ascii POSITIVE number in string and convert to double. More...
float findAsciiToFloat (const char *str)
 Detect first ascii POSITIVE number in string and convert to double. More...
Vec3f operator* (const Vec3f &v, const Matrixd &m)
Vec3d operator* (const Vec3d &v, const Matrixd &m)
Vec4f operator* (const Vec4f &v, const Matrixd &m)
Vec4d operator* (const Vec4d &v, const Matrixd &m)
Vec3f operator* (const Vec3f &v, const Matrixf &m)
Vec3d operator* (const Vec3d &v, const Matrixf &m)
Vec4f operator* (const Vec4f &v, const Matrixf &m)
Vec4d operator* (const Vec4d &v, const Matrixf &m)
template<class ValueT >
void swap (MixinVector< ValueT > &left, MixinVector< ValueT > &right)
template<class ValueT >
void swap (MixinVector< ValueT > &left, std::vector< ValueT > &right)
template<class ValueT >
void swap (std::vector< ValueT > &left, MixinVector< ValueT > &right)
OSG_EXPORT void setNotifyLevel (NotifySeverity severity)
 set the notify level, overriding the default or the value set by the environmental variable OSGNOTIFYLEVEL or OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL. More...
OSG_EXPORT NotifySeverity getNotifyLevel ()
 get the notify level. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool initNotifyLevel ()
 initialize notify level. More...
OSG_EXPORT bool isNotifyEnabled (NotifySeverity severity)
 is notification enabled, given the current setNotifyLevel() setting? More...
OSG_EXPORT std::ostream & notify (const NotifySeverity severity)
 notify messaging function for providing fatal through to verbose debugging messages. More...
std::ostream & notify (void)
OSG_EXPORT void setNotifyHandler (NotifyHandler *handler)
 Set notification handler, by default StandardNotifyHandler is used. More...
OSG_EXPORT NotifyHandlergetNotifyHandler ()
 Get currrent notification handler. More...
template<typename T >
T * clone (const T *t, const osg::CopyOp &copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
template<typename T >
T * clone (const T *t, const std::string &name, const osg::CopyOp &copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
template<typename T >
T * cloneType (const T *t)
osg::StateSetinitOQState ()
osg::StateSetinitOQDebugState ()
template<class T >
void swap (ref_ptr< T > &rp1, ref_ptr< T > &rp2)
template<class T >
T * get_pointer (const ref_ptr< T > &rp)
template<class T , class Y >
ref_ptr< T > static_pointer_cast (const ref_ptr< Y > &rp)
template<class T , class Y >
ref_ptr< T > dynamic_pointer_cast (const ref_ptr< Y > &rp)
template<class T , class Y >
ref_ptr< T > const_pointer_cast (const ref_ptr< Y > &rp)
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (Referenced *p)
void intrusive_ptr_release (Referenced *p)
OSG_EXPORT bool isTextureMode (StateAttribute::GLMode mode)
OSG_EXPORT Matrix computeLocalToWorld (const NodePath &nodePath, bool ignoreCameras=true)
 Compute the matrix which transforms objects in local coords to world coords, by accumulating the Transform local to world matrices along the specified node path. More...
OSG_EXPORT Matrix computeWorldToLocal (const NodePath &nodePath, bool ignoreCameras=true)
 Compute the matrix which transforms objects in world coords to local coords, by accumulating the Transform world to local matrices along the specified node path. More...
OSG_EXPORT Matrix computeLocalToEye (const Matrix &modelview, const NodePath &nodePath, bool ignoreCameras=true)
 Compute the matrix which transforms objects in local coords to eye coords, by accumulating the Transform local to world matrices along the specified node path and multiplying by the supplied initial camera modelview. More...
OSG_EXPORT Matrix computeEyeToLocal (const Matrix &modelview, const NodePath &nodePath, bool ignoreCameras=true)
 Compute the matrix which transforms objects in eye coords to local coords, by accumulating the Transform world to local matrices along the specified node path and multiplying by the inverse of the supplied initial camera modelview. More...
ObjectgetUserObject (osg::Object *object, const std::string &name)
 Convenience function for getting the User Object associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer. More...
const ObjectgetUserObject (const osg::Object *object, const std::string &name)
 Convenience function for getting the User Object associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer. More...
 META_ValueObject (std::string, StringValueObject) META_ValueObject(bool
BoolValueObject META_ValueObject (char, CharValueObject) META_ValueObject(unsigned char
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject META_ValueObject (short, ShortValueObject) META_ValueObject(unsigned short
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject META_ValueObject (int, IntValueObject) META_ValueObject(unsigned int
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject META_ValueObject (float, FloatValueObject) META_ValueObject(double
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject META_ValueObject (Vec2f, Vec2fValueObject) META_ValueObject(Vec3f
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject META_ValueObject (Vec4f, Vec4fValueObject) META_ValueObject(Vec2d
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject META_ValueObject (Vec3d, Vec3dValueObject) META_ValueObject(Vec4d
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject META_ValueObject (Quat, QuatValueObject) META_ValueObject(Plane
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject META_ValueObject (Matrixf, MatrixfValueObject) META_ValueObject(Matrixd
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject META_ValueObject (BoundingBoxf, BoundingBoxfValueObject) META_ValueObject(BoundingBoxd
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject BoundingBoxdValueObject META_ValueObject (BoundingSpheref, BoundingSpherefValueObject) META_ValueObject(BoundingSphered
Vec2d componentMultiply (const Vec2d &lhs, const Vec2d &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec2d componentDivide (const Vec2d &lhs, const Vec2d &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec2f componentMultiply (const Vec2f &lhs, const Vec2f &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec2f componentDivide (const Vec2f &lhs, const Vec2f &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec2s componentMultiply (const Vec2s &lhs, const Vec2s &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec2s componentDivide (const Vec2s &lhs, const Vec2s &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec2ub componentMultiply (const Vec2ub &lhs, const Vec2ub &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec2ub componentDivide (const Vec2ub &lhs, const Vec2ub &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec2us componentMultiply (const Vec2us &lhs, const Vec2us &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec2us componentDivide (const Vec2us &lhs, const Vec2us &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec3d componentMultiply (const Vec3d &lhs, const Vec3d &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec3d componentDivide (const Vec3d &lhs, const Vec3d &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec3f componentMultiply (const Vec3f &lhs, const Vec3f &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec3f componentDivide (const Vec3f &lhs, const Vec3f &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec3s componentMultiply (const Vec3s &lhs, const Vec3s &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec3s componentDivide (const Vec3s &lhs, const Vec3s &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec3ub componentMultiply (const Vec3ub &lhs, const Vec3ub &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec3ub componentDivide (const Vec3ub &lhs, const Vec3ub &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec3us componentMultiply (const Vec3us &lhs, const Vec3us &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec3us componentDivide (const Vec3us &lhs, const Vec3us &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec4d::value_type operator* (const Vec3d &lhs, const Vec4d &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4d. More...
Vec4d::value_type operator* (const Vec3f &lhs, const Vec4d &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4d. More...
Vec4d::value_type operator* (const Vec3d &lhs, const Vec4f &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4d. More...
Vec4d::value_type operator* (const Vec4d &lhs, const Vec3d &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a Vec4d and a (Vec3,1.0). More...
Vec4d::value_type operator* (const Vec4d &lhs, const Vec3f &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a Vec4d and a (Vec3,1.0). More...
Vec4d::value_type operator* (const Vec4f &lhs, const Vec3d &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a Vec4d and a (Vec3,1.0). More...
Vec4d componentMultiply (const Vec4d &lhs, const Vec4d &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec4d componentDivide (const Vec4d &lhs, const Vec4d &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec4f::value_type operator* (const Vec3f &lhs, const Vec4f &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4f. More...
Vec4f::value_type operator* (const Vec4f &lhs, const Vec3f &rhs)
 Compute the dot product of a Vec4f and a (Vec3,1.0). More...
Vec4f componentMultiply (const Vec4f &lhs, const Vec4f &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec4f componentDivide (const Vec4f &lhs, const Vec4f &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec4s componentMultiply (const Vec4s &lhs, const Vec4s &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec4s componentDivide (const Vec4s &lhs, const Vec4s &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...
Vec4us componentMultiply (const Vec4us &lhs, const Vec4us &rhs)
 multiply by vector components. More...
Vec4us componentDivide (const Vec4us &lhs, const Vec4us &rhs)
 divide rhs components by rhs vector components. More...


const double WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378137.0
const double WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR = 6356752.3142
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846
const double PI_2 = 1.57079632679489661923
const double PI_4 = 0.78539816339744830962
const double LN_2 = 0.69314718055994530942
const double INVLN_2 = 1.0 / LN_2
const unsigned int UNINITIALIZED_FRAME_NUMBER =0xffffffff
const Vec3f X_AXIS (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
const Vec3f Y_AXIS (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
const Vec3f Z_AXIS (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

Detailed Description

The core osg library provides the basic scene graph classes such as Nodes, State and Drawables, and maths and general helper classes.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(GL_APIENTRY * osg::_GLUfuncptr) ()
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint osg::border

CoordinateFrame encapsulates the orientation of east, north and up.

typedef std::pair<double, double> osg::CostPair

Pair of double representing CPU and GPU times in seconds as first and second elements in std::pair.

typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei osg::depth
typedef TemplateArray<GLdouble,Array::DoubleArrayType,1,GL_DOUBLE> osg::DoubleArray
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum osg::format
typedef ptrdiff_t osg::GLintptr
typedef ptrdiff_t osg::GLsizeiptr
typedef struct __GLsync* osg::GLsync
typedef void(GL_APIENTRY * osg::GLU_TESS_CALLBACK) ()
typedef GLUtesselator osg::GLUtesselatorObj
typedef GLUtesselator osg::GLUtriangulatorObj
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei osg::height
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> > osg::ImageList
typedef GLint GLenum osg::internalFormat
typedef GLint osg::level
typedef Matrix2Template<float> osg::Matrix2
typedef Matrix2Template<double> osg::Matrix2d
typedef Matrix3Template<float> osg::Matrix3
typedef Matrix3Template<double> osg::Matrix3d
typedef std::vector< Matrix > osg::MatrixList

A vector of NodePath, typically used to describe all the paths from a node to the potential root nodes it has.

typedef std::vector< ref_ptr<Node> > osg::NodeList
typedef std::vector< Node* > osg::NodePath

A vector of Nodes pointers which is used to describe the path from a root node to a descendant.

typedef std::vector< NodePath > osg::NodePathList

A vector of NodePath, typically used to describe all the paths from a node to the potential root nodes it has.

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> > osg::Parameters
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const GLvoid* osg::pixels
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> > osg::RefNodePath
typedef std::set<std::string> osg::ShaderDefines

A list of ShadowVolumeOccluder, used by CollectOccluderVisitor and CullVistor's.

typedef unsigned long long osg::Timer_t
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum osg::type
typedef TemplateIndexArray<GLubyte,Array::UByteArrayType,1,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE> osg::UByteArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray<GLuint,Array::UIntArrayType,1,GL_UNSIGNED_INT> osg::UIntArray
typedef TemplateIndexArray<GLushort,Array::UShortArrayType,1,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT> osg::UShortArray
typedef Vec2f osg::Vec2
typedef Vec3f osg::Vec3
typedef Vec4f osg::Vec4
typedef MixinVector<GLsizei> osg::VectorGLsizei
typedef MixinVector<GLubyte> osg::VectorGLubyte
typedef MixinVector<GLuint> osg::VectorGLuint
typedef MixinVector<GLushort> osg::VectorGLushort
typedef GLint GLenum GLsizei osg::width

Enumeration Type Documentation


Range of notify levels from DEBUG_FP through to FATAL, ALWAYS is reserved for forcing the absorption of all messages.

The keywords are also used verbatim when specified by the environmental variable OSGNOTIFYLEVEL or OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL. See documentation on osg::notify() for further details.


Function Documentation

template<typename T , class M >
void osg::_modifyRow ( unsigned int  num,
GLenum  pixelFormat,
T *  data,
float  scale,
const M &  operation 
template<typename T , class O >
void osg::_readRow ( unsigned int  num,
GLenum  pixelFormat,
const T *  data,
O &  operation 
template<typename T >
T osg::absolute ( v)
OSG_EXPORT double osg::asciiToDouble ( const char *  str)

Convert a ascii number to a double, ignoring locale settings.

float osg::asciiToFloat ( const char *  str)

Convert a ascii number to a float, ignoring locale settings.

template<typename T >
T osg::clampAbove ( v,
template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArray3BetweenRange ( A &  value,
const T  minValue,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of the three-element array value[], if the element is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to the range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

Equivalent to calling clampArray3GEQUAL( value, minValue, valueName); clampArray3LEQUAL( value, maxValue, valueName);

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArray3GEQUAL ( A &  value,
const T  minValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of the three-element array value[], if the element is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArray3LEQUAL ( A &  value,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of the three-element array value[], if the element is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArray4BetweenRange ( A &  value,
const T  minValue,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of the four-element array value[], if the element is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to the range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

Equivalent to calling clampArray4GEQUAL( value, minValue, valueName); clampArray4LEQUAL( value, maxValue, valueName);

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArray4GEQUAL ( A &  value,
const T  minValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of the four-element array value[], if the element is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArray4LEQUAL ( A &  value,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of the four-element array value[], if the element is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArrayElementBetweenRange ( A &  value,
unsigned int  i,
const T  minValue,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

If value[i] is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp value[i] to specified range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

Equivalent to calling clampArrayElementGEQUAL( value, i, minValue, valueName ); clampArrayElementLEQUAL( value, i, maxValue, valueName );

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArrayElementGEQUAL ( A &  value,
unsigned int  i,
const T  minValue,
const char *  valueName 

If value[i] is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value[i] to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

Note this is effectively A[i]=max(A[i],B).

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArrayElementLEQUAL ( A &  value,
unsigned int  i,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

If value[i] is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value[i] to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

Note this is effectively A[i]=min(A[i],B).

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArrayElementsBetweenRange ( A &  value,
unsigned int  first,
unsigned int  last,
const T  minValue,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of value[] in the range (first,last), if the element is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to the range and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

Equivalent to calling clampArrayElementsGEQUAL( value, first, last, minValue, valueName); clampArrayElementsLEQUAL( value, first, last, maxValue, valueName);

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArrayElementsGEQUAL ( A &  value,
unsigned int  first,
unsigned int  last,
const T  minValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of value[] in the range (first,last), if the element is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to minValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

template<typename A , typename T >
void osg::clampArrayElementsLEQUAL ( A &  value,
unsigned int  first,
unsigned int  last,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

For each element of value[] in the range (first,last), if the element is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp the element to maxValue, and warn that valueName[i] was clamped.

template<typename T >
T osg::clampBelow ( v,
template<typename T >
T osg::clampBetween ( v,
template<typename T >
void osg::clampBetweenRange ( T &  value,
const T  minValue,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

If value is between or equal to minValue and maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise clamp value to specified range and warn that valueName was clamped.

Equivalent to calling clampGEQUAL( value, minValue, valueName ); clampLEQUAL( value, maxValue, valueName );

template<typename T >
void osg::clampGEQUAL ( T &  value,
const T  minValue,
const char *  valueName 

If value is greater than or equal to minValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value to minValue, and warn that valueName was clamped.

Note this is effectively A=max(A,B).

template<typename T >
void osg::clampLEQUAL ( T &  value,
const T  maxValue,
const char *  valueName 

If value is less than or equal to maxValue do nothing - legal value, Otherwise set value to maxValue, and warn that valueName was clamped.

Note this is effectively A=min(A,B).

template<typename T >
T osg::clampTo ( v,
OSG_EXPORT bool osg::clearImageToColor ( osg::Image image,
const osg::Vec4 colour 

Compute the min max colour values in the image.

template<typename T >
T* osg::clone ( const T *  t,
const osg::CopyOp copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY 
template<typename T >
T* osg::clone ( const T *  t,
const std::string &  name,
const osg::CopyOp copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY 
template<typename T >
T* osg::cloneType ( const T *  t)
OSG_EXPORT osg::Image* osg::colorSpaceConversion ( ColorSpaceOperation  op,
osg::Image image,
const osg::Vec4 colour 

Convert the RGBA values in a Image based on a ColorSpaceOperation defined scheme.

Vec2us osg::componentDivide ( const Vec2us lhs,
const Vec2us rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec2s osg::componentDivide ( const Vec2s lhs,
const Vec2s rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec2ub osg::componentDivide ( const Vec2ub lhs,
const Vec2ub rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec3us osg::componentDivide ( const Vec3us lhs,
const Vec3us rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec3s osg::componentDivide ( const Vec3s lhs,
const Vec3s rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec3ub osg::componentDivide ( const Vec3ub lhs,
const Vec3ub rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec4us osg::componentDivide ( const Vec4us lhs,
const Vec4us rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec2f osg::componentDivide ( const Vec2f lhs,
const Vec2f rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec4s osg::componentDivide ( const Vec4s lhs,
const Vec4s rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec2d osg::componentDivide ( const Vec2d lhs,
const Vec2d rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec3f osg::componentDivide ( const Vec3f lhs,
const Vec3f rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec3d osg::componentDivide ( const Vec3d lhs,
const Vec3d rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec4f osg::componentDivide ( const Vec4f lhs,
const Vec4f rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec4d osg::componentDivide ( const Vec4d lhs,
const Vec4d rhs 

divide rhs components by rhs vector components.

Vec2us osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec2us lhs,
const Vec2us rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec2s osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec2s lhs,
const Vec2s rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec2ub osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec2ub lhs,
const Vec2ub rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec3us osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec3us lhs,
const Vec3us rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec3ub osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec3ub lhs,
const Vec3ub rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec3s osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec3s lhs,
const Vec3s rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec4us osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec4us lhs,
const Vec4us rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec2f osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec2f lhs,
const Vec2f rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec4s osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec4s lhs,
const Vec4s rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec2d osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec2d lhs,
const Vec2d rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec3f osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec3f lhs,
const Vec3f rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec3d osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec3d lhs,
const Vec3d rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec4f osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec4f lhs,
const Vec4f rhs 

multiply by vector components.

Vec4d osg::componentMultiply ( const Vec4d lhs,
const Vec4d rhs 

multiply by vector components.

OSG_EXPORT Matrix osg::computeEyeToLocal ( const Matrix modelview,
const NodePath nodePath,
bool  ignoreCameras = true 

Compute the matrix which transforms objects in eye coords to local coords, by accumulating the Transform world to local matrices along the specified node path and multiplying by the inverse of the supplied initial camera modelview.

OSG_EXPORT Matrix osg::computeLocalToEye ( const Matrix modelview,
const NodePath nodePath,
bool  ignoreCameras = true 

Compute the matrix which transforms objects in local coords to eye coords, by accumulating the Transform local to world matrices along the specified node path and multiplying by the supplied initial camera modelview.

OSG_EXPORT Matrix osg::computeLocalToWorld ( const NodePath nodePath,
bool  ignoreCameras = true 

Compute the matrix which transforms objects in local coords to world coords, by accumulating the Transform local to world matrices along the specified node path.

OSG_EXPORT bool osg::computeMinMax ( const osg::Image image,
osg::Vec4 min,
osg::Vec4 max 

Compute the min max colour values in the image.

template<typename T >
float osg::computeVolume ( const T &  a,
const T &  b,
const T &  c,
const T &  d 

compute the volume of a tetrahedron.

template<typename T >
float osg::computeVolume ( const T &  f1,
const T &  f2,
const T &  f3,
const T &  b1,
const T &  b2,
const T &  b3 

compute the volume of a prism.

OSG_EXPORT Matrix osg::computeWorldToLocal ( const NodePath nodePath,
bool  ignoreCameras = true 

Compute the matrix which transforms objects in world coords to local coords, by accumulating the Transform world to local matrices along the specified node path.

template<class T , class Y >
ref_ptr<T> osg::const_pointer_cast ( const ref_ptr< Y > &  rp)
template<typename T , typename R >
bool osg::convertPointer ( T &  dest,
template<typename T , typename R >
T osg::convertPointerType ( src)
OSG_EXPORT bool osg::copyImage ( const osg::Image srcImage,
int  src_s,
int  src_t,
int  src_r,
int  width,
int  height,
int  depth,
osg::Image destImage,
int  dest_s,
int  dest_t,
int  dest_r,
bool  doRescale = false 

Compute source image to destination image.

OSG_EXPORT Geode* osg::createGeodeForImage ( Image image)

Convenience function to be used by image loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().

Use the image's s and t values to scale the dimensions of the image.

template<class T >
Geode* osg::createGeodeForImage ( const ref_ptr< T > &  image)
OSG_EXPORT Geode* osg::createGeodeForImage ( Image image,
float  s,
float  t 

Convenience function to be used by image loaders to generate a valid geode to return for readNode().

Use the specified s and t values to scale the dimensions of the image.

template<class T >
Geode* osg::createGeodeForImage ( const ref_ptr< T > &  image,
float  s,
float  t 
OSG_EXPORT osg::Image* osg::createImage3D ( const ImageList imageList,
GLenum  desiredPixelFormat,
int  s_maximumImageSize = 1024,
int  t_maximumImageSize = 1024,
int  r_maximumImageSize = 1024,
bool  resizeToPowerOfTwo = false 

create a 3D osg::Image from a list of osg::Image.

OSG_EXPORT osg::Image* osg::createImage3DWithAlpha ( const ImageList imageList,
int  s_maximumImageSize = 1024,
int  t_maximumImageSize = 1024,
int  r_maximumImageSize = 1024,
bool  resizeToPowerOfTwo = false 

create a 3D osg::Image from a list of osg::Image.

OSG_EXPORT osg::Image* osg::createImageWithOrientationConversion ( const osg::Image srcImage,
const osg::Vec3i srcOrigin,
const osg::Vec3i srcRow,
const osg::Vec3i srcColumn,
const osg::Vec3i srcLayer 

Create a copy of an osg::Image.

converting the origin and orientation to standard lower left OpenGL style origin .

OSG_EXPORT osg::Image* osg::createSpotLightImage ( const osg::Vec4 centerColour,
const osg::Vec4 backgroudColour,
unsigned int  size,
float  power 

create a 2D osg::Image that provides a point at the center of the image.

The colour across th image is computed from a balance between the center color and the background color controlled by the power of the radius from the center.

OSG_EXPORT Geometry* osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry ( const Vec3 corner,
const Vec3 widthVec,
const Vec3 heightVec,
float  l,
float  b,
float  r,
float  t 

Convenience function to be used for creating quad geometry with texture coords.

Tex coords go from left bottom (l,b) to right top (r,t).

Geometry* osg::createTexturedQuadGeometry ( const Vec3 corner,
const Vec3 widthVec,
const Vec3 heightVec,
float  s = 1.0f,
float  t = 1.0f 

Convenience function to be used for creating quad geometry with texture coords.

Tex coords go from bottom left (0,0) to top right (s,t).

float osg::DegreesToRadians ( float  angle)
double osg::DegreesToRadians ( double  angle)
OSG_EXPORT void osg::deleteAllGLObjects ( unsigned int  contextID)

Do a GL delete all OpenGL objects.

Note, must be called from a thread which has current the graphics context associated with contextID.

OSG_EXPORT void osg::discardAllGLObjects ( unsigned int  contextID)

Discard all OpenGL objects.

Note, unlike deleteAllGLjects discard does not do any OpenGL calls so can be called from any thread, but as a consequence it also doesn't remove the associated OpenGL resource so discard should only be called when the associated graphics context is being/has been closed.

template<class T , class Y >
ref_ptr<T> osg::dynamic_pointer_cast ( const ref_ptr< Y > &  rp)
bool osg::equivalent ( float  lhs,
float  rhs,
float  epsilon = 1e-6 

return true if float lhs and rhs are equivalent, meaning that the difference between them is less than an epsilon value which defaults to 1e-6.

bool osg::equivalent ( double  lhs,
double  rhs,
double  epsilon = 1e-6 

return true if double lhs and rhs are equivalent, meaning that the difference between them is less than an epsilon value which defaults to 1e-6.

OSG_EXPORT double osg::findAsciiToDouble ( const char *  str)

Detect first ascii POSITIVE number in string and convert to double.

float osg::findAsciiToFloat ( const char *  str)

Detect first ascii POSITIVE number in string and convert to double.

OSG_EXPORT void osg::flushAllDeletedGLObjects ( unsigned int  contextID)

Flush all deleted OpenGL objects.

Note, must be called from a thread which has current the graphics context associated with contextID.

OSG_EXPORT void osg::flushDeletedGLObjects ( unsigned int  contextID,
double  currentTime,
double &  availableTime 

Flush all deleted OpenGL objects within the specified availableTime.

Note, must be called from a thread which has current the graphics context associated with contextID.

template<typename T >
T* osg::get ( unsigned int  contextID)
ContextData* osg::get< ContextData > ( unsigned int  contextID)
template<class T >
T* osg::get_pointer ( const ref_ptr< T > &  rp)
osg::Array::Binding osg::getBinding ( const osg::Array array)

convenience function for getting the binding of array via a ptr that may be null.

CallbackObject* osg::getCallbackObject ( osg::Object object,
const std::string &  name 

Convenience function for getting the CallbackObject associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer.

const CallbackObject* osg::getCallbackObject ( const osg::Object object,
const std::string &  name 

Convenience function for getting the CallbackObject associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer.

OSG_EXPORT ContextData* osg::getContextData ( unsigned int  contextID)

Get the ContextData for a specific contextID.

Endian osg::getCpuByteOrder ( )
OSG_EXPORT std::string& osg::getGLExtensionDisableString ( )

Get the list of extensions that are disabled for various OpenGL renderers.

OSG_EXPORT void* osg::getGLExtensionFuncPtr ( const char *  funcName)

Return the address of the specified OpenGL function.

Return NULL if function not supported by OpenGL library. Note, glGLExtensionFuncPtr is declared inline so that the code is compiled locally to the calling code. This should get by Windows' dumb implementation of having different GL function ptr's for each library when linked to it.

void* osg::getGLExtensionFuncPtr ( const char *  funcName,
const char *  fallbackFuncName 

Return the address of the specified OpenGL function.

If not found then check a second function name, if this fails then return NULL as function is not supported by OpenGL library. This is used for checking something like glActiveTexture (which is in OGL1.3) or glActiveTextureARB.

void* osg::getGLExtensionFuncPtr ( const char *  funcName1,
const char *  funcName2,
const char *  funcName3 

Return the address of the specified OpenGL function.

If not found then check a second function name, if this fails then return NULL as function is not supported by OpenGL library. This is used for checking something like glActiveTexture (which is in OGL1.3) or glActiveTextureARB.

OSG_EXPORT float osg::getGLVersionNumber ( )

Return floating-point OpenGL version number.

Note: Must only be called within a valid OpenGL context, undefined behavior may occur otherwise.

bool osg::getNormalize ( const osg::Array array)

convenience function for getting the binding of array via a ptr that may be null.

OSG_EXPORT NotifyHandler* osg::getNotifyHandler ( )

Get currrent notification handler.

OSG_EXPORT NotifySeverity osg::getNotifyLevel ( )

get the notify level.

OSG_EXPORT ContextData* osg::getOrCreateContextData ( unsigned int  contextID)

Get or create the ContextData for a specific contextID.

Object* osg::getUserObject ( osg::Object object,
const std::string &  name 

Convenience function for getting the User Object associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer.

const Object* osg::getUserObject ( const osg::Object object,
const std::string &  name 

Convenience function for getting the User Object associated with specificed name from an Object's UserDataContainer.

OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluBuild1DMipmapLevels ( GLenum  target,
GLint  internalFormat,
GLsizei  width,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
GLint  level,
GLint  base,
GLint  max,
const void data 
OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluBuild1DMipmaps ( GLenum  target,
GLint  internalFormat,
GLsizei  width,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
const void data 
OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluBuild2DMipmapLevels ( GLenum  target,
GLint  internalFormat,
GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
GLint  level,
GLint  base,
GLint  max,
const void data 
OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluBuild2DMipmaps ( GLenum  target,
GLint  internalFormat,
GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
const void data 
OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluBuild3DMipmapLevels ( GLTexImage3DProc  glTextImage3DProc,
GLenum  target,
GLint  internalFormat,
GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
GLsizei  depth,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
GLint  level,
GLint  base,
GLint  max,
const void data 

Small variation on normal gluBuild3DMipmapLevels as we pass in the function pointer to glTexImage3D rather than rely on GLU style query for this function pointer.

OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluBuild3DMipmaps ( GLTexImage3DProc  glTextImage3DProc,
GLenum  target,
GLint  internalFormat,
GLsizei  width,
GLsizei  height,
GLsizei  depth,
GLenum  format,
GLenum  type,
const void data 

Small variation on normal gluBuild3DMipmapLevels as we pass in the function pointer to glTexImage3D rather than rely on GLU style query for this function pointer.

OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluDeleteTess ( GLUtesselator *  tess)
OSG_EXPORT const GLubyte* osg::gluErrorString ( GLenum  error)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluGetTessProperty ( GLUtesselator *  tess,
GLenum  which,
GLdouble *  value 
OSG_EXPORT GLUtesselator* GL_APIENTRY osg::gluNewTess ( void  )
OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluScaleImage ( PixelStorageModes psm,
GLenum  format,
GLsizei  wIn,
GLsizei  hIn,
GLenum  typeIn,
const void dataIn,
GLsizei  wOut,
GLsizei  hOut,
GLenum  typeOut,
GLvoid *  dataOut 

OSG specific gluScaleImage function that allows you to pass in the PixelStoreModes, which enables the code to avoid glGet's that are associated with the conventional gluScaleImage function.

Avoiding glGet's allows this gluScaleImage function to be called at any time, from any thread, there is no need to have a graphics context current.

OSG_EXPORT GLint osg::gluScaleImage ( GLenum  format,
GLsizei  wIn,
GLsizei  hIn,
GLenum  typeIn,
const void dataIn,
GLsizei  wOut,
GLsizei  hOut,
GLenum  typeOut,
GLvoid *  dataOut 

Traditional GLU gluScaleImage function that sets up the PixelStoreModes automatically by doing glGets.

; The use of glGet's means that you can only call this function from a thread with a valid graphics context. The use of glGet's will also result in lower performance due to the round trip to the OpenGL driver.

OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessBeginContour ( GLUtesselator *  tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessBeginPolygon ( GLUtesselator *  tess,
GLvoid *  data 
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessCallback ( GLUtesselator *  tess,
GLenum  which,
_GLUfuncptr  CallBackFunc 
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessEndContour ( GLUtesselator *  tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessEndPolygon ( GLUtesselator *  tess)
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessNormal ( GLUtesselator *  tess,
GLdouble  valueX,
GLdouble  valueY,
GLdouble  valueZ 
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessProperty ( GLUtesselator *  tess,
GLenum  which,
GLdouble  data 
OSG_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY osg::gluTessVertex ( GLUtesselator *  tess,
GLdouble *  location,
GLvoid *  data 
float osg::inDegrees ( float  angle)
double osg::inDegrees ( double  angle)
OSG_EXPORT bool osg::initNotifyLevel ( )

initialize notify level.

osg::StateSet* osg::initOQDebugState ( )
osg::StateSet* osg::initOQState ( )
template<typename T >
T osg::inRadians ( angle)
void osg::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( Referenced p)
void osg::intrusive_ptr_release ( Referenced p)
OSG_EXPORT bool osg::isExtensionInExtensionString ( const char *  extension,
const char *  extensionString 

Return true if "extension" is contained in "extensionString".

OSG_EXPORT bool osg::isGLExtensionOrVersionSupported ( unsigned int  contextID,
const char *  extension,
float  requiredGlVersion 

Return true if OpenGL "extension" or minimum OpenGL version number is supported.

Note: Must only be called within a valid OpenGL context, undefined behavior may occur otherwise.

OSG_EXPORT bool osg::isGLExtensionSupported ( unsigned int  contextID,
const char *  extension 

Return true if OpenGL "extension" is supported.

Note: Must only be called within a valid OpenGL context, undefined behavior may occur otherwise.

bool osg::isNaN ( float  v)
bool osg::isNaN ( double  v)
OSG_EXPORT bool osg::isNotifyEnabled ( NotifySeverity  severity)

is notification enabled, given the current setNotifyLevel() setting?

OSG_EXPORT bool osg::isTextureMode ( StateAttribute::GLMode  mode)
OSG_EXPORT unsigned int osg::maximimNumOfComponents ( const ImageList imageList)

Search through the list of Images and find the maximum number of components used among the images.

template<typename T >
T osg::maximum ( lhs,

return the maximum of two values, equivalent to std::max.

std::max not used because of STL implementation under IRIX not containing std::max.

osg::META_ValueObject ( std::string  ,
BoolValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( char  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( short  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( int  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( float  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( Vec2f  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( Vec4f  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( Vec3d  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( Quat  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( Matrixf  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( BoundingBoxf  ,
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject BoundingBoxdValueObject osg::META_ValueObject ( BoundingSpheref  ,
template<typename T >
T osg::minimum ( lhs,

return the minimum of two values, equivalent to std::min.

std::min not used because of STL implementation under IRIX not containing std::min.

template<class M >
void osg::modifyImage ( osg::Image image,
const M &  operation 
template<class M >
void osg::modifyRow ( unsigned int  num,
GLenum  pixelFormat,
GLenum  dataType,
unsigned char *  data,
const M &  operation 
OSG_EXPORT std::ostream& osg::notify ( const NotifySeverity  severity)

notify messaging function for providing fatal through to verbose debugging messages.

Level of messages sent to the console can be controlled by setting the NotifyLevel either within your application or via the an environmental variable i.e.

  • setenv OSGNOTIFYLEVEL DEBUG (for tsh)
  • export OSGNOTIFYLEVEL=DEBUG (for bourne shell)
  • set OSGNOTIFYLEVEL=DEBUG (for Windows)

All tell the osg to redirect all debugging and more important messages to the notification stream (useful for debugging) setting ALWAYS will force all messages to be absorbed, which might be appropriate for final applications. Default NotifyLevel is NOTICE. Check the enum NotifySeverity for full range of possibilities. To use the notify with your code simply use the notify function as a normal file stream (like std::cout) i.e

1 osg::notify(osg::DEBUG) << "Hello Bugs!" << std::endl;
See also
setNotifyLevel, setNotifyHandler
std::ostream& osg::notify ( void  )
OSG_EXPORT bool osg::offsetAndScaleImage ( osg::Image image,
const osg::Vec4 offset,
const osg::Vec4 scale 

Compute the min max colour values in the image.

Vec4f::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec3f lhs,
const Vec4f rhs 

Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4f.

Vec4d::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec3d lhs,
const Vec4d rhs 

Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4d.

Vec4f::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec4f lhs,
const Vec3f rhs 

Compute the dot product of a Vec4f and a (Vec3,1.0).

Vec4d::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec3f lhs,
const Vec4d rhs 

Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4d.

Vec4d::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec3d lhs,
const Vec4f rhs 

Compute the dot product of a (Vec3,1.0) and a Vec4d.

Vec4d::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec4d lhs,
const Vec3d rhs 

Compute the dot product of a Vec4d and a (Vec3,1.0).

Vec4d::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec4d lhs,
const Vec3f rhs 

Compute the dot product of a Vec4d and a (Vec3,1.0).

Vec4d::value_type osg::operator* ( const Vec4f lhs,
const Vec3d rhs 

Compute the dot product of a Vec4d and a (Vec3,1.0).

Vec3f osg::operator* ( const Vec3f v,
const Matrixd m 
Vec3d osg::operator* ( const Vec3d v,
const Matrixd m 
Vec4f osg::operator* ( const Vec4f v,
const Matrixd m 
Vec4d osg::operator* ( const Vec4d v,
const Matrixd m 
Vec3f osg::operator* ( const Vec3f v,
const Matrixf m 
Vec3d osg::operator* ( const Vec3d v,
const Matrixf m 
Vec4f osg::operator* ( const Vec4f v,
const Matrixf m 
Vec4d osg::operator* ( const Vec4d v,
const Matrixf m 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec2f vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec2d vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec3f vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec3d vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec4f vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec4d vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec2b vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec3b vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec4b vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec2s vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec3s vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec4s vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec2i vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec3i vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec4i vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Matrixf m 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Matrixd m 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Vec4ub vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Quat vec 
std::ostream& osg::operator<< ( std::ostream &  output,
const Plane pl 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec2f vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec2d vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec3f vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec3d vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec4f vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec4d vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec2b vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec3b vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec4b vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec2s vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec3s vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec4s vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec2i vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec3i vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec4i vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Vec4ub vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Quat vec 
std::istream& osg::operator>> ( std::istream &  input,
Plane vec 
float osg::RadiansToDegrees ( float  angle)
double osg::RadiansToDegrees ( double  angle)
template<class O >
void osg::readImage ( const osg::Image image,
O &  operation 
template<class O >
void osg::readRow ( unsigned int  num,
GLenum  pixelFormat,
GLenum  dataType,
const unsigned char *  data,
O &  operation 
float osg::round ( float  v)
double osg::round ( double  v)
bool osg::runNamedCallbackObjects ( osg::Object object,
const std::string &  name,
osg::Parameters inputParameters,
osg::Parameters outputParameters 

Call run(..) on named CallbackObjects attached to specified Object.

Return true if at least one CallbackObject has been successfully invoked.

OSG_EXPORT void osg::setGLExtensionDisableString ( const std::string &  disableString)

Set a list of extensions to disable for different OpenGL renderers.

This allows OSG applications to work around OpenGL drivers' bugs which are due to problematic extension support. The format of the string is: "GLRendererString : ExtensionName, ExtensionName; GLRenderString2 : ExtensionName;" An example of is : "SUN_XVR1000:GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" The default setting of GLExtensionDisableString is obtained from the OSG_GL_EXTENSION_DISABLE environmental variable.

template<typename T >
bool osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr ( T &  t,
const char *  str1 
template<typename T >
bool osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr ( T &  t,
const char *  str1,
const char *  str2 
template<typename T >
bool osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr ( T &  t,
const char *  str1,
const char *  str2,
const char *  str3 
OSG_EXPORT void osg::setNotifyHandler ( NotifyHandler handler)

Set notification handler, by default StandardNotifyHandler is used.

See also
OSG_EXPORT void osg::setNotifyLevel ( NotifySeverity  severity)

set the notify level, overriding the default or the value set by the environmental variable OSGNOTIFYLEVEL or OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL.

template<typename T >
T osg::sign ( v)
template<typename T >
T osg::signedSquare ( v)
template<typename T >
T osg::signOrZero ( v)
template<typename T >
T osg::square ( v)
template<class T , class Y >
ref_ptr<T> osg::static_pointer_cast ( const ref_ptr< Y > &  rp)
template<class T >
void osg::swap ( ref_ptr< T > &  rp1,
ref_ptr< T > &  rp2 
template<class ValueT >
void osg::swap ( MixinVector< ValueT > &  left,
MixinVector< ValueT > &  right 
template<class ValueT >
void osg::swap ( MixinVector< ValueT > &  left,
std::vector< ValueT > &  right 
template<class ValueT >
void osg::swap ( std::vector< ValueT > &  left,
MixinVector< ValueT > &  right 
void osg::swapBytes ( char *  in,
unsigned int  size 
template<typename T >
void osg::swapBytes ( T &  t)
void osg::swapBytes16 ( char *  in)
void osg::swapBytes2 ( char *  in)
void osg::swapBytes4 ( char *  in)
void osg::swapBytes8 ( char *  in)
typedef osg::void ( GL_APIENTRY *  GLTexImage3DProc)

Variable Documentation

const double osg::INVLN_2 = 1.0 / LN_2
const double osg::LN_2 = 0.69314718055994530942
const double osg::PI = 3.14159265358979323846
const double osg::PI_2 = 1.57079632679489661923
const double osg::PI_4 = 0.78539816339744830962
const unsigned int osg::UNINITIALIZED_FRAME_NUMBER =0xffffffff
const double osg::WGS_84_RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378137.0
const double osg::WGS_84_RADIUS_POLAR = 6356752.3142
const Vec3f osg::X_AXIS(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
const Vec3f osg::Y_AXIS(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
const Vec3f osg::Z_AXIS(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

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