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osgDB::ReaderWriter Class Reference

Pure virtual base class for reading and writing of non native formats. More...

Inheritance diagram for osgDB::ReaderWriter:
Inheritance graph


class  ReadResult
class  WriteResult

Public Types

enum  Features {
 Bit mask for setting up which feature types are available for read and/or write. More...
enum  ArchiveStatus { READ, WRITE, CREATE }
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > FormatDescriptionMap
typedef std::list< std::string > FeatureList
typedef osgDB::Options Options
- Public Types inherited from osg::Object

Public Member Functions

 ReaderWriter ()
 ReaderWriter (const ReaderWriter &rw, const osg::CopyOp &copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
virtual ~ReaderWriter ()
 META_Object (osgDB, ReaderWriter)
virtual const FormatDescriptionMapsupportedProtocols () const
 Return which protocols are supported by ReaderWriter. More...
virtual const FormatDescriptionMapsupportedExtensions () const
 Return which list of file extensions supported by ReaderWriter. More...
virtual const FormatDescriptionMapsupportedOptions () const
 Return which list of file extensions supported by ReaderWriter. More...
virtual bool acceptsExtension (const std::string &) const
 Return true if ReaderWriter accepts specified file extension. More...
virtual bool acceptsProtocol (const std::string &protocol) const
virtual Features supportedFeatures () const
 Return available features. More...
virtual bool fileExists (const std::string &filename, const Options *options) const
 Determine if a file exists, normally the default implementation will be appropriate for local file access but with plugins like the libcurl based one it will return true if the file is accessible at the server. More...
virtual ReadResult openArchive (const std::string &, ArchiveStatus, unsigned int=4096, const Options *=NULL) const
 Open an archive for reading, writing, or to create an empty archive for writing to. More...
virtual ReadResult openArchive (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
 Open an archive for reading. More...
virtual ReadResult readObject (const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readImage (const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readHeightField (const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readNode (const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readShader (const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readScript (const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeObject (const osg::Object &, const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeImage (const osg::Image &, const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeHeightField (const osg::HeightField &, const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeNode (const osg::Node &, const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeShader (const osg::Shader &, const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeScript (const osg::Script &, const std::string &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readObject (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readImage (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readHeightField (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readNode (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readShader (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual ReadResult readScript (std::istream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeObject (const osg::Object &, std::ostream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeImage (const osg::Image &, std::ostream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeHeightField (const osg::HeightField &, std::ostream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeNode (const osg::Node &, std::ostream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeShader (const osg::Shader &, std::ostream &, const Options *=NULL) const
virtual WriteResult writeScript (const osg::Script &, std::ostream &, const Options *=NULL) const
void supportsProtocol (const std::string &fmt, const std::string &description)
 Specify fmt string as a supported protocol. More...
void supportsExtension (const std::string &ext, const std::string &description)
 Specify ext string as a supported file extension. More...
void supportsOption (const std::string &opt, const std::string &description)
 Specify option string as a supported option string. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from osg::Object
 Object ()
 Construct an object. More...
 Object (bool threadSafeRefUnref)
 Object (const Object &, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
 Copy constructor, optional CopyOp object can be used to control shallow vs deep copying of dynamic data. More...
virtual ObjectcloneType () const =0
 Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type. More...
virtual Objectclone (const CopyOp &) const =0
 Clone an object, with Object* return type. More...
virtual bool isSameKindAs (const Object *) const
virtual const char * libraryName () const =0
 return the name of the object's library. More...
virtual const char * className () const =0
 return the name of the object's class type. More...
std::string getCompoundClassName () const
 return the compound class name that combines the library name and class name. More...
virtual NodeasNode ()
 Convert 'this' into a Node pointer if Object is a Node, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const NodeasNode () const
 convert 'const this' into a const Node pointer if Object is a Node, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual NodeVisitorasNodeVisitor ()
 Convert 'this' into a NodeVisitor pointer if Object is a NodeVisitor, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const NodeVisitorasNodeVisitor () const
 convert 'const this' into a const NodeVisitor pointer if Object is a NodeVisitor, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual StateAttributeasStateAttribute ()
 Convert 'this' into a StateAttribute pointer if Object is a StateAttribute, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const StateAttributeasStateAttribute () const
 convert 'const this' into a const StateAttribute pointer if Object is a StateAttribute, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual UniformasUniform ()
 Convert 'this' into a Uniform pointer if Object is a Uniform, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual const UniformasUniform () const
 convert 'const this' into a const Uniform pointer if Object is a Uniform, otherwise return 0. More...
virtual void setThreadSafeRefUnref (bool threadSafe)
 Set whether to use a mutex to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe. More...
virtual void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of object using C++ style string. More...
void setName (const char *name)
 Set the name of object using a C style string. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Get the name of object. More...
void setDataVariance (DataVariance dv)
 Set the data variance of this object. More...
DataVariance getDataVariance () const
 Get the data variance of this object. More...
virtual void computeDataVariance ()
 Compute the DataVariance based on an assessment of callback etc. More...
void setUserDataContainer (osg::UserDataContainer *udc)
 set the UserDataContainer object. More...
template<class T >
void setUserDataContainer (const ref_ptr< T > &udc)
osg::UserDataContainergetUserDataContainer ()
 get the UserDataContainer attached to this object. More...
const osg::UserDataContainergetUserDataContainer () const
 get the const UserDataContainer attached to this object. More...
osg::UserDataContainergetOrCreateUserDataContainer ()
 Convenience method that returns the UserDataContainer, and if one doesn't already exist creates and assigns a DefaultUserDataContainer to the Object and then return this new UserDataContainer. More...
virtual void setUserData (Referenced *obj)
 Set user data, data must be subclassed from Referenced to allow automatic memory handling. More...
template<class T >
void setUserData (const ref_ptr< T > &ud)
virtual ReferencedgetUserData ()
 Get user data. More...
virtual const ReferencedgetUserData () const
 Get const user data. More...
template<typename T >
bool getUserValue (const std::string &name, T &value) const
 Convenience method that casts the named UserObject to osg::TemplateValueObject<T> and gets the value. More...
template<typename T >
void setUserValue (const std::string &name, const T &value)
 Convenience method that creates the osg::TemplateValueObject<T> to store the specified value and adds it as a named UserObject. More...
virtual void resizeGLObjectBuffers (unsigned int)
 Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. More...
virtual void releaseGLObjects (osg::State *=0) const
 If State is non-zero, this function releases any associated OpenGL objects for the specified graphics context. More...
template<typename T >
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject BoundingBoxdValueObject BoundingSpheredValueObject bool getUserValue (const std::string &name, T &value) const
 provide implementation of osg::Object::getUserValue(..) template More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from osg::Referenced
 Referenced ()
 Referenced (bool threadSafeRefUnref)
 Referenced (const Referenced &)
Referencedoperator= (const Referenced &)
bool getThreadSafeRefUnref () const
 Get whether a mutex is used to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe. More...
OpenThreads::Mutex * getRefMutex () const
 Get the mutex used to ensure thread safety of ref()/unref(). More...
int ref () const
 Increment the reference count by one, indicating that this object has another pointer which is referencing it. More...
int unref () const
 Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is no longer referencing it. More...
int unref_nodelete () const
 Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is no longer referencing it. More...
int referenceCount () const
 Return the number of pointers currently referencing this object. More...
ObserverSetgetObserverSet () const
 Get the ObserverSet if one is attached, otherwise return NULL. More...
ObserverSetgetOrCreateObserverSet () const
 Get the ObserverSet if one is attached, otherwise create an ObserverSet, attach it, then return this newly created ObserverSet. More...
void addObserver (Observer *observer) const
 Add a Observer that is observing this object, notify the Observer when this object gets deleted. More...
void removeObserver (Observer *observer) const
 Remove Observer that is observing this object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static FeatureList featureAsString (Features feature)
 Return feature as string. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from osg::Referenced
static OpenThreads::Mutex * getGlobalReferencedMutex ()
 Get the optional global Referenced mutex, this can be shared between all osg::Referenced. More...
static void setThreadSafeReferenceCounting (bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting)
 Set whether reference counting should use a mutex for thread safe reference counting. More...
static bool getThreadSafeReferenceCounting ()
 Get whether reference counting is active. More...
static void setDeleteHandler (DeleteHandler *handler)
 Set a DeleteHandler to which deletion of all referenced counted objects will be delegated. More...
static DeleteHandlergetDeleteHandler ()
 Get a DeleteHandler. More...

Protected Attributes

FormatDescriptionMap _supportedProtocols
FormatDescriptionMap _supportedExtensions
FormatDescriptionMap _supportedOptions
- Protected Attributes inherited from osg::Object
std::string _name
DataVariance _dataVariance
- Protected Attributes inherited from osg::Referenced
OpenThreads::AtomicPtr _observerSet
OpenThreads::Atomic _refCount

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from osg::Object
virtual ~Object ()
 Object destructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from osg::Referenced
virtual ~Referenced ()
void signalObserversAndDelete (bool signalDelete, bool doDelete) const
void deleteUsingDeleteHandler () const

Detailed Description

Pure virtual base class for reading and writing of non native formats.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::list<std::string> osgDB::ReaderWriter::FeatureList
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> osgDB::ReaderWriter::FormatDescriptionMap

Member Enumeration Documentation


Bit mask for setting up which feature types are available for read and/or write.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReaderWriter ( )
osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReaderWriter ( const ReaderWriter rw,
const osg::CopyOp copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY 
virtual osgDB::ReaderWriter::~ReaderWriter ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool osgDB::ReaderWriter::acceptsExtension ( const std::string &  ) const

Return true if ReaderWriter accepts specified file extension.

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual bool osgDB::ReaderWriter::acceptsProtocol ( const std::string &  protocol) const
static FeatureList osgDB::ReaderWriter::featureAsString ( Features  feature)

Return feature as string.

virtual bool osgDB::ReaderWriter::fileExists ( const std::string &  filename,
const Options options 
) const

Determine if a file exists, normally the default implementation will be appropriate for local file access but with plugins like the libcurl based one it will return true if the file is accessible at the server.

osgDB::ReaderWriter::META_Object ( osgDB  ,
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::openArchive ( const std::string &  ,
ArchiveStatus  ,
unsigned  int = 4096,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Open an archive for reading, writing, or to create an empty archive for writing to.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::openArchive ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Open an archive for reading.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readHeightField ( const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readHeightField ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readImage ( const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readImage ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readNode ( const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readNode ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readObject ( const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readObject ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readScript ( const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readScript ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readShader ( const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual ReadResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::readShader ( std::istream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual const FormatDescriptionMap& osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportedExtensions ( ) const

Return which list of file extensions supported by ReaderWriter.

virtual Features osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportedFeatures ( ) const

Return available features.

virtual const FormatDescriptionMap& osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportedOptions ( ) const

Return which list of file extensions supported by ReaderWriter.

virtual const FormatDescriptionMap& osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportedProtocols ( ) const

Return which protocols are supported by ReaderWriter.

void osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportsExtension ( const std::string &  ext,
const std::string &  description 

Specify ext string as a supported file extension.

Please note, this method should usually only be used internally by subclasses of ReaderWriter. Only in special cases will a ReaderWriter implementation be able to handle a file extension that it wasn't originally designed for. To know whether it's safe to inject a new file extension into an existing ReaderWriter you will need to review the the source code and dependencies of that ReaderWriter.

void osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportsOption ( const std::string &  opt,
const std::string &  description 

Specify option string as a supported option string.

Please note, this should usually only be used internally by subclasses of ReaderWriter.

void osgDB::ReaderWriter::supportsProtocol ( const std::string &  fmt,
const std::string &  description 

Specify fmt string as a supported protocol.

Please note, this method should usually only be used internally by subclasses of ReaderWriter, Only in special cases will a ReaderWriter implementation be able to handle a protocol format that it wasn't originally designed for. To know whether it's safe to inject a new protocol format into an existing ReaderWriter you will need to review the source code and dependencies of that ReaderWriter.

virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeHeightField ( const osg::HeightField ,
const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeHeightField ( const osg::HeightField ,
std::ostream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeImage ( const osg::Image ,
const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeImage ( const osg::Image ,
std::ostream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeNode ( const osg::Node ,
const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeNode ( const osg::Node ,
std::ostream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeObject ( const osg::Object ,
const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeObject ( const osg::Object ,
std::ostream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeScript ( const osg::Script ,
const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeScript ( const osg::Script ,
std::ostream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const
virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeShader ( const osg::Shader ,
const std::string &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Reimplemented in osgDB::Archive.

virtual WriteResult osgDB::ReaderWriter::writeShader ( const osg::Shader ,
std::ostream &  ,
const Options = NULL 
) const

Member Data Documentation

FormatDescriptionMap osgDB::ReaderWriter::_supportedExtensions
FormatDescriptionMap osgDB::ReaderWriter::_supportedOptions
FormatDescriptionMap osgDB::ReaderWriter::_supportedProtocols

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Generated at Wed Nov 11 2015 22:14:55 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.8.10.