OpenSceneGraph  3.5.1
osgViewer Namespace Reference

The osgViewer library provides high level viewer functionality designed to make it easier to write a range of different types of viewers, from viewers embedded in existing windows via SimpleViewer, through to highly scalable and flexible Viewer and Composite classes. More...


class  AcrossAllScreens
class  CompositeViewer
 CompositeViewer holds one or more views to one or more scenes. More...
struct  DepthPartitionSettings
class  GraphicsHandleCarbon
 Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables. More...
class  GraphicsHandleCocoa
 Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables. More...
class  GraphicsHandleWin32
 Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables. More...
class  GraphicsHandleX11
 Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables. More...
class  GraphicsWindow
 Base class for providing Windowing API agnostic access to creating and managing graphics window and events. More...
class  GraphicsWindowEmbedded
struct  GraphicsWindowFunctionProxy
class  GraphicsWindowWin32
class  GraphicsWindowX11
class  HelpHandler
 Event handler for adding on screen help to Viewers. More...
class  InteractiveImageHandler
 InteractiveImage is an event handler that computes the mouse coordinates in an images coordinate frame and then passes keyboard and mouse events to it. More...
class  Keystone
class  KeystoneHandler
class  LODScaleHandler
 Event handler for increase/decreasing LODScale. More...
class  OpenGLQuerySupport
class  PanoramicSphericalDisplay
 spherical display by rendering main scene to a panoramic 2:1 texture and then doing distortion correction to present onto a spherical display. More...
class  PixelBufferWin32
class  PixelBufferX11
class  RecordCameraPathHandler
 Event handler allowing the user to record the animation "path" of a camera. More...
class  Renderer
class  Scene
 Scene holds the higher level reference to a single scene graph. More...
class  ScreenCaptureHandler
 Event handler that will capture the screen on key press. More...
class  SingleScreen
 single camera associated with a single full screen GraphicsWindow. More...
class  SingleWindow
 single camera on a single window. More...
class  SphericalDisplay
 spherical display using 6 slave cameras rendering the 6 sides of a cube map, and 7th camera doing distortion correction to present on a spherical display. More...
class  StatsHandler
 Event handler for adding on screen stats reporting to Viewers. More...
class  ThreadingHandler
 Event handler allowing to change the viewer threading model. More...
class  ToggleSyncToVBlankHandler
 Event handler for toggling SyncToVBlank. More...
class  View
 View holds a single view on a scene, this view may be composed of one or more slave cameras. More...
class  ViewConfig
 Base class for View configurations for setting up Camera and Windowing. More...
class  Viewer
 Viewer holds a single view on to a single scene. More...
class  ViewerBase
 ViewerBase is the view base class that is inherited by both Viewer and CompositeViewer. More...
class  WindowSizeHandler
 Event handler allowing to change the screen resolution (in windowed mode) and toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode. More...
class  WoWVxDisplay
 autostereoscopic Philips WoWvx display. More...

Detailed Description

The osgViewer library provides high level viewer functionality designed to make it easier to write a range of different types of viewers, from viewers embedded in existing windows via SimpleViewer, through to highly scalable and flexible Viewer and Composite classes.

A set of event handlers add functionality to these viewers so that you can rapidly compose the viewer functionality tailored to your needs. Finally the viewer classes can be adapted to work with a range of different window toolkit API's via GraphicsWindow implementations, with native Win32, X11 and Carbon implementations on Windows, Unices and OSX respectively, and other window toolkits such as WxWidgets, Qt etc.

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Generated at Wed Nov 11 2015 22:15:19 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.8.10.