Public Member Functions | |
GraphicsWindowEmbedded (osg::GraphicsContext::Traits *traits=0) | |
GraphicsWindowEmbedded (int x, int y, int width, int height) | |
virtual bool | isSameKindAs (const Object *object) const |
virtual const char * | libraryName () const |
return the name of the object's library. More... | |
virtual const char * | className () const |
return the name of the object's class type. More... | |
void | init () |
virtual bool | valid () const |
Return whether a valid and usable GraphicsContext has been created. More... | |
virtual bool | realizeImplementation () |
Realize the GraphicsContext implementation, Pure virtual - must be implemented by concrete implementations of GraphicsContext. More... | |
virtual bool | isRealizedImplementation () const |
Return true if the graphics context has been realized, and is ready to use, implementation. More... | |
virtual void | closeImplementation () |
Close the graphics context implementation. More... | |
virtual bool | makeCurrentImplementation () |
Make this graphics context current implementation. More... | |
virtual bool | releaseContextImplementation () |
Release the graphics context. More... | |
virtual void | swapBuffersImplementation () |
Swap the front and back buffers implementation. More... | |
virtual void | grabFocus () |
Get focus. More... | |
virtual void | grabFocusIfPointerInWindow () |
Get focus on if the pointer is in this window. More... | |
virtual void | raiseWindow () |
Raise the window to the top. More... | |
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GraphicsWindow () | |
void | setEventQueue (osgGA::EventQueue *eventQueue) |
osgGA::EventQueue * | getEventQueue () |
const osgGA::EventQueue * | getEventQueue () const |
virtual bool | checkEvents () |
Check events, return true if events have been received. More... | |
void | setWindowRectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
Set the window's position and size. More... | |
virtual bool | setWindowRectangleImplementation (int, int, int, int) |
implementation of setWindowRectangle, should be implemented by derived classes More... | |
virtual void | getWindowRectangle (int &x, int &y, int &width, int &height) |
Get the window's position and size. More... | |
void | setWindowDecoration (bool flag) |
Set Window decoration. More... | |
virtual bool | setWindowDecorationImplementation (bool) |
implementation of setWindowDecoration, should be implemented by derived classes More... | |
virtual bool | getWindowDecoration () const |
Set Window decoration. More... | |
virtual void | setWindowName (const std::string &) |
Set the name of the window. More... | |
virtual std::string | getWindowName () |
Return the name of the window. More... | |
virtual void | useCursor (bool cursorOn) |
Switch on/off the cursor. More... | |
virtual void | setCursor (MouseCursor) |
Set mouse cursor to a specific shape. More... | |
virtual void | setSyncToVBlank (bool on) |
Create a new mouse cursor from the usual bitmap data. More... | |
bool | getSyncToVBlank () const |
virtual void | setSwapGroup (bool on, GLuint group, GLuint barrier) |
Set swap group. More... | |
void | getSwapGroup (bool &on, GLuint &group, GLuint &barrier) const |
virtual bool | makeContextCurrentImplementation (GraphicsContext *) |
Make this graphics context current with specified read context implementation. More... | |
virtual void | bindPBufferToTextureImplementation (GLenum) |
Pure virtual, Bind the graphics context to associated texture implementation. More... | |
void | getViews (Views &views) |
Returns the list of views (osgViewer::View) attached to this GraphicsWindow. More... | |
virtual void | requestRedraw () |
requestRedraw() requests a single redraw. More... | |
virtual void | requestContinuousUpdate (bool=true) |
requestContinuousUpdate(bool) is for en/disabling a throw or idle callback to be requested by a GUIEventHandler (typically a CameraManipulator, though other GUIEventHandler's may also provide functionality). More... | |
virtual void | requestWarpPointer (float, float) |
requestWarpPointer(int,int) is requesting a repositioning of the mouse pointer to a specified x,y location on the window. More... | |
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void | add (Operation *operation) |
Add operation to end of OperationQueue. More... | |
void | remove (Operation *operation) |
Remove operation from OperationQueue. More... | |
void | remove (const std::string &name) |
Remove named operation from OperationQueue. More... | |
void | removeAllOperations () |
Remove all operations from OperationQueue. More... | |
virtual void | runOperations () |
Run the operations. More... | |
GraphicsOperationQueue & | getOperationsQueue () |
Get the operations queue, note you must use the OperationsMutex when accessing the queue. More... | |
OpenThreads::Mutex * | getOperationsMutex () |
Get the operations queue mutex. More... | |
osg::RefBlock * | getOperationsBlock () |
Get the operations queue block used to mark an empty queue, if you end items into the empty queue you must release this block. More... | |
Operation * | getCurrentOperation () |
Get the current operations that is being run. More... | |
const Traits * | getTraits () const |
Get the traits of the GraphicsContext. More... | |
void | setState (State *state) |
Set the State object which tracks the current OpenGL state for this graphics context. More... | |
State * | getState () |
Get the State object which tracks the current OpenGL state for this graphics context. More... | |
const State * | getState () const |
Get the const State object which tracks the current OpenGL state for this graphics context. More... | |
void | setClearColor (const Vec4 &color) |
Sets the clear color. More... | |
const Vec4 & | getClearColor () const |
Returns the clear color. More... | |
void | setClearMask (GLbitfield mask) |
Set the clear mask used in glClear(..). More... | |
GLbitfield | getClearMask () const |
Get the clear mask. More... | |
virtual void | clear () |
Do an OpenGL clear of the full graphics context/window. More... | |
double | getTimeSinceLastClear () const |
bool | realize () |
Realize the GraphicsContext. More... | |
void | close (bool callCloseImplementation=true) |
close the graphics context. More... | |
void | swapBuffers () |
swap the front and back buffers. More... | |
bool | isRealized () const |
Return true if the graphics context has been realized and is ready to use. More... | |
bool | makeCurrent () |
Make this graphics context current. More... | |
bool | makeContextCurrent (GraphicsContext *readContext) |
Make this graphics context current with specified read context. More... | |
bool | releaseContext () |
Release the graphics context. More... | |
bool | isCurrent () const |
Return true if the current thread has this OpenGL graphics context. More... | |
void | bindPBufferToTexture (GLenum buffer) |
Bind the graphics context to associated texture. More... | |
void | createGraphicsThread () |
Create a graphics thread to the graphics context, so that the thread handles all OpenGL operations. More... | |
void | setGraphicsThread (GraphicsThread *gt) |
Assign a graphics thread to the graphics context, so that the thread handles all OpenGL operations. More... | |
GraphicsThread * | getGraphicsThread () |
Get the graphics thread assigned the graphics context. More... | |
const GraphicsThread * | getGraphicsThread () const |
Get the const graphics thread assigned the graphics context. More... | |
virtual bool | makeContextCurrentImplementation (GraphicsContext *readContext)=0 |
Make this graphics context current with specified read context implementation. More... | |
void | setSwapCallback (SwapCallback *rc) |
Set the swap callback which overrides the GraphicsContext::swapBuffersImplementation(), allowing developers to provide custom behavior for swap. More... | |
SwapCallback * | getSwapCallback () |
Get the swap callback which overrides the GraphicsContext::swapBuffersImplementation(). More... | |
const SwapCallback * | getSwapCallback () const |
Get the const swap callback which overrides the GraphicsContext::swapBuffersImplementation(). More... | |
void | swapBuffersCallbackOrImplemenation () |
Convenience method for handling whether to call swapbuffers callback or the standard context swapBuffersImplementation. More... | |
void | resized (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
resized method should be called when the underlying window has been resized and the GraphicsWindow and associated Cameras must be updated to keep in sync with the new size. More... | |
void | setResizedCallback (ResizedCallback *rc) |
Set the resized callback which overrides the GraphicsConext::realizedImplementation(), allow developers to provide custom behavior in response to a window being resized. More... | |
ResizedCallback * | getResizedCallback () |
Get the resized callback which overrides the GraphicsConext::realizedImplementation(). More... | |
const ResizedCallback * | getResizedCallback () const |
Get the const resized callback which overrides the GraphicsConext::realizedImplementation(). More... | |
virtual void | resizedImplementation (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
resized implementation, by default resizes the viewports and aspect ratios the cameras associated with the graphics Window. More... | |
Cameras & | getCameras () |
Get the list of cameras associated with this graphics context. More... | |
const Cameras & | getCameras () const |
Get the const list of cameras associated with this graphics context. More... | |
void | setDefaultFboId (GLuint i) |
set the default FBO-id, this id will be used when the rendering-backend is finished with RTT FBOs More... | |
GLuint | getDefaultFboId () const |
virtual bool | isSameKindAs (const Object *object) const |
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Object () | |
Construct an object. More... | |
Object (bool threadSafeRefUnref) | |
Object (const Object &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | |
Copy constructor, optional CopyOp object can be used to control shallow vs deep copying of dynamic data. More... | |
std::string | getCompoundClassName () const |
return the compound class name that combines the library name and class name. More... | |
virtual Node * | asNode () |
Convert 'this' into a Node pointer if Object is a Node, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual const Node * | asNode () const |
convert 'const this' into a const Node pointer if Object is a Node, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual NodeVisitor * | asNodeVisitor () |
Convert 'this' into a NodeVisitor pointer if Object is a NodeVisitor, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual const NodeVisitor * | asNodeVisitor () const |
convert 'const this' into a const NodeVisitor pointer if Object is a NodeVisitor, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual StateAttribute * | asStateAttribute () |
Convert 'this' into a StateAttribute pointer if Object is a StateAttribute, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual const StateAttribute * | asStateAttribute () const |
convert 'const this' into a const StateAttribute pointer if Object is a StateAttribute, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual Uniform * | asUniform () |
Convert 'this' into a Uniform pointer if Object is a Uniform, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual const Uniform * | asUniform () const |
convert 'const this' into a const Uniform pointer if Object is a Uniform, otherwise return 0. More... | |
virtual void | setThreadSafeRefUnref (bool threadSafe) |
Set whether to use a mutex to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe. More... | |
virtual void | setName (const std::string &name) |
Set the name of object using C++ style string. More... | |
void | setName (const char *name) |
Set the name of object using a C style string. More... | |
const std::string & | getName () const |
Get the name of object. More... | |
void | setDataVariance (DataVariance dv) |
Set the data variance of this object. More... | |
DataVariance | getDataVariance () const |
Get the data variance of this object. More... | |
virtual void | computeDataVariance () |
Compute the DataVariance based on an assessment of callback etc. More... | |
void | setUserDataContainer (osg::UserDataContainer *udc) |
set the UserDataContainer object. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | setUserDataContainer (const ref_ptr< T > &udc) |
osg::UserDataContainer * | getUserDataContainer () |
get the UserDataContainer attached to this object. More... | |
const osg::UserDataContainer * | getUserDataContainer () const |
get the const UserDataContainer attached to this object. More... | |
osg::UserDataContainer * | getOrCreateUserDataContainer () |
Convenience method that returns the UserDataContainer, and if one doesn't already exist creates and assigns a DefaultUserDataContainer to the Object and then return this new UserDataContainer. More... | |
virtual void | setUserData (Referenced *obj) |
Set user data, data must be subclassed from Referenced to allow automatic memory handling. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | setUserData (const ref_ptr< T > &ud) |
virtual Referenced * | getUserData () |
Get user data. More... | |
virtual const Referenced * | getUserData () const |
Get const user data. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | getUserValue (const std::string &name, T &value) const |
Convenience method that casts the named UserObject to osg::TemplateValueObject<T> and gets the value. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | setUserValue (const std::string &name, const T &value) |
Convenience method that creates the osg::TemplateValueObject<T> to store the specified value and adds it as a named UserObject. More... | |
virtual void | resizeGLObjectBuffers (unsigned int) |
Resize any per context GLObject buffers to specified size. More... | |
virtual void | releaseGLObjects (osg::State *=0) const |
If State is non-zero, this function releases any associated OpenGL objects for the specified graphics context. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
BoolValueObject UCharValueObject UShortValueObject UIntValueObject DoubleValueObject Vec3fValueObject Vec2dValueObject Vec4dValueObject PlaneValueObject MatrixdValueObject BoundingBoxdValueObject BoundingSpheredValueObject bool | getUserValue (const std::string &name, T &value) const |
provide implementation of osg::Object::getUserValue(..) template More... | |
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Referenced () | |
Referenced (bool threadSafeRefUnref) | |
Referenced (const Referenced &) | |
Referenced & | operator= (const Referenced &) |
bool | getThreadSafeRefUnref () const |
Get whether a mutex is used to ensure ref() and unref() are thread safe. More... | |
OpenThreads::Mutex * | getRefMutex () const |
Get the mutex used to ensure thread safety of ref()/unref(). More... | |
int | ref () const |
Increment the reference count by one, indicating that this object has another pointer which is referencing it. More... | |
int | unref () const |
Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is no longer referencing it. More... | |
int | unref_nodelete () const |
Decrement the reference count by one, indicating that a pointer to this object is no longer referencing it. More... | |
int | referenceCount () const |
Return the number of pointers currently referencing this object. More... | |
ObserverSet * | getObserverSet () const |
Get the ObserverSet if one is attached, otherwise return NULL. More... | |
ObserverSet * | getOrCreateObserverSet () const |
Get the ObserverSet if one is attached, otherwise create an ObserverSet, attach it, then return this newly created ObserverSet. More... | |
void | addObserver (Observer *observer) const |
Add a Observer that is observing this object, notify the Observer when this object gets deleted. More... | |
void | removeObserver (Observer *observer) const |
Remove Observer that is observing this object. More... | |
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virtual | ~GUIActionAdapter () |
virtual osg::View * | asView () |
Provide a mechanism for getting the osg::View associated with this GUIActionAdapter. More... | |
virtual bool | computeIntersections (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &, osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections &, osg::Node::NodeMask=0xffffffff) |
Compute intersections of a ray, starting the current mouse position, through the specified camera. More... | |
virtual bool | computeIntersections (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &, const osg::NodePath &, osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections &, osg::Node::NodeMask=0xffffffff) |
Compute intersections of a ray, starting the current mouse position, through the specified master camera's window/eye coordinates and a specified nodePath's subgraph. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | MouseCursor { InheritCursor, NoCursor, RightArrowCursor, LeftArrowCursor, InfoCursor, DestroyCursor, HelpCursor, CycleCursor, SprayCursor, WaitCursor, TextCursor, CrosshairCursor, HandCursor, UpDownCursor, LeftRightCursor, TopSideCursor, BottomSideCursor, LeftSideCursor, RightSideCursor, TopLeftCorner, TopRightCorner, BottomRightCorner, BottomLeftCorner } |
Mouse cursor types, the same ones already present with ancient glut ... More... | |
typedef std::list< osgViewer::View * > | Views |
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typedef std::vector< ScreenSettings > | ScreenSettingsList |
typedef std::vector< GraphicsContext * > | GraphicsContexts |
typedef std::list< ref_ptr< Operation > > | GraphicsOperationQueue |
typedef std::list< osg::Camera * > | Cameras |
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enum | DataVariance { DYNAMIC, STATIC, UNSPECIFIED } |
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static void | setWindowingSystemInterface (WindowingSystemInterface *wsInterface) |
Set the query the windowing system for screens and create graphics context - this functor should be supplied by the windows toolkit. More... | |
static WindowingSystemInterface * | getWindowingSystemInterface () |
Get the WindowingSystemInterface. More... | |
static GraphicsContext * | createGraphicsContext (Traits *traits) |
Create a graphics context for a specified set of traits. More... | |
static unsigned int | createNewContextID () |
Create a contextID for a new graphics context, this contextID is used to set up the osg::State associate with context. More... | |
static unsigned int | getMaxContextID () |
Get the current max ContextID. More... | |
static void | incrementContextIDUsageCount (unsigned int contextID) |
Increment the usage count associate with a contextID. More... | |
static void | decrementContextIDUsageCount (unsigned int contextID) |
Decrement the usage count associate with a contextID. More... | |
static GraphicsContexts | getAllRegisteredGraphicsContexts () |
Get all the registered graphics contexts. More... | |
static GraphicsContexts | getRegisteredGraphicsContexts (unsigned int contextID) |
Get all the registered graphics contexts associated with a specific contextID. More... | |
static void | setCompileContext (unsigned int contextID, GraphicsContext *gc) |
Get the GraphicsContext for doing background compilation for GraphicsContexts associated with specified contextID. More... | |
static GraphicsContext * | getOrCreateCompileContext (unsigned int contextID) |
Get existing or create a new GraphicsContext to do background compilation for GraphicsContexts associated with specified contextID. More... | |
static GraphicsContext * | getCompileContext (unsigned int contextID) |
Get the GraphicsContext for doing background compilation for GraphicsContexts associated with specified contextID. More... | |
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static OpenThreads::Mutex * | getGlobalReferencedMutex () |
Get the optional global Referenced mutex, this can be shared between all osg::Referenced. More... | |
static void | setThreadSafeReferenceCounting (bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting) |
Set whether reference counting should use a mutex for thread safe reference counting. More... | |
static bool | getThreadSafeReferenceCounting () |
Get whether reference counting is active. More... | |
static void | setDeleteHandler (DeleteHandler *handler) |
Set a DeleteHandler to which deletion of all referenced counted objects will be delegated. More... | |
static DeleteHandler * | getDeleteHandler () |
Get a DeleteHandler. More... | |
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GraphicsContext () | |
GraphicsContext (const GraphicsContext &, const osg::CopyOp &) | |
virtual | ~GraphicsContext () |
virtual Object * | cloneType () const |
Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type. More... | |
virtual Object * | clone (const CopyOp &) const |
Clone an object, with Object* return type. More... | |
void | addCamera (osg::Camera *camera) |
void | removeCamera (osg::Camera *camera) |
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virtual | ~Object () |
Object destructor. More... | |
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virtual | ~Referenced () |
void | signalObserversAndDelete (bool signalDelete, bool doDelete) const |
void | deleteUsingDeleteHandler () const |
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static void | registerGraphicsContext (GraphicsContext *gc) |
Register a GraphicsContext. More... | |
static void | unregisterGraphicsContext (GraphicsContext *gc) |
Unregister a GraphicsContext. More... | |
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osg::ref_ptr< osgGA::EventQueue > | _eventQueue |
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Cameras | _cameras |
ref_ptr< Traits > | _traits |
ref_ptr< State > | _state |
Vec4 | _clearColor |
GLbitfield | _clearMask |
OpenThreads::Thread * | _threadOfLastMakeCurrent |
OpenThreads::Mutex | _operationsMutex |
osg::ref_ptr< osg::RefBlock > | _operationsBlock |
GraphicsOperationQueue | _operations |
osg::ref_ptr< Operation > | _currentOperation |
ref_ptr< GraphicsThread > | _graphicsThread |
ref_ptr< ResizedCallback > | _resizedCallback |
ref_ptr< SwapCallback > | _swapCallback |
Timer_t | _lastClearTick |
GLuint | _defaultFboId |
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std::string | _name |
DataVariance | _dataVariance |
osg::UserDataContainer * | _userDataContainer |
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OpenThreads::AtomicPtr | _observerSet |
OpenThreads::Atomic | _refCount |
inline |
inline |
inlinevirtual |
return the name of the object's class type.
Must be defined by derived classes.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Close the graphics context implementation.
Pure virtual - must be implemented by concrete implementations of GraphicsContext.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Get focus.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Get focus on if the pointer is in this window.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inline |
inlinevirtual |
Return true if the graphics context has been realized, and is ready to use, implementation.
Pure virtual - must be implemented by concrete implementations of GraphicsContext.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
return the name of the object's library.
Must be defined by derived classes. The OpenSceneGraph convention is that the namespace of a library is the same as the library name.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Make this graphics context current implementation.
Pure virtual - must be implemented by concrete implementations of GraphicsContext.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Raise the window to the top.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Realize the GraphicsContext implementation, Pure virtual - must be implemented by concrete implementations of GraphicsContext.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Release the graphics context.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Swap the front and back buffers implementation.
Pure virtual - must be implemented by concrete implementations of GraphicsContext.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
inlinevirtual |
Return whether a valid and usable GraphicsContext has been created.
Reimplemented from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow.
![]() | Generated at Wed Nov 11 2015 22:15:20 for the OpenSceneGraph by doxygen 1.8.10. |