Cosg::Program::ActiveVarInfo | |
CosgUtil::AddRangeOperator | |
►CAnimationData | |
CosgGA::FirstPersonManipulator::FirstPersonAnimationData | |
Cosg::ApplicationUsageProxy | |
Cosg::ArgumentParser | |
►Cosg::ArrayVisitor | |
Cosg::AttributeFunctorArrayVisitor | |
CosgUtil::OperationArrayFunctor< T > | |
CosgUtil::RenderStage::Attachment | |
Cosg::Camera::Attachment | |
►Cosg::Drawable::AttributeFunctor | |
CosgUtil::TransformAttributeFunctor | Functor for transforming a drawable's vertex and normal attributes by specified matrix |
Cosg::State::AttributeStack | |
CosgText::TextBase::AutoTransformCache | |
►CosgSim::AzimRange | |
CosgSim::AzimElevationSector | |
CosgSim::AzimSector | |
►CBarrier | |
Cosg::BarrierOperation | BarrierOperation allows one to synchronize multiple GraphicsThreads with each other |
CosgDB::base64_decodestate | |
CosgDB::base64_encodestate | |
CosgDB::Base64decoder | |
CosgDB::Base64encoder | |
►CosgDB::basic_type_wrapper | Basic structure for custom runtime inheritance checking |
CosgDB::type_wrapper< T > | Class template that checks inheritance between a given Object's class and a class defined at compile time through the template parameter T |
►CBlock | |
Cosg::BlockAndFlushOperation | |
►Cosg::RefBlock | |
Cosg::ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation | ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation releases the context for another thread to acquire, then blocks waiting for context to be released, once the block is release the context is re-acquired |
►CBlockCount | |
Cosg::EndOfDynamicDrawBlock | |
Cosg::RefBlockCount | |
CosgAnimation::RigTransformSoftware::BoneWeight | |
CosgAnimation::VertexInfluenceSet::BoneWeight | |
Cosg::BoundingBoxImpl< VT > | General purpose axis-aligned bounding box class for enclosing objects/vertices |
Cosg::BoundingSphereImpl< VT > | General purpose bounding sphere class for enclosing nodes/objects/vertices |
Cosg::buffered_object< T > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< GlyphPtrList > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< ImpostorSpriteList > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< osg::ref_ptr< GLBufferObject > > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< osg::ref_ptr< TextureBufferObject > > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< osgText::TextBase::AutoTransformCache > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > | |
Cosg::buffered_object< ref_ptr< TextureObject > > | |
Cosg::buffered_value< T > | Implements a simple buffered value for values that need to be buffered on a per graphics context basis |
Cosg::buffered_value< GLuint > | |
Cosg::buffered_value< int > | |
Cosg::buffered_value< osg::osg::ref_ptr< osg::Program::ProgramObjects > > | |
Cosg::buffered_value< osg::osg::ref_ptr< osg::Shader::ShaderObjects > > | |
Cosg::buffered_value< unsigned int > | |
Cosg::GLBufferObject::BufferEntry | |
Cosg::BufferObjectProfile | |
Cosg::CameraRenderOrderSortOp | Functor to assist with ordering cameras in the order they should be rendered in |
Cosg::CastAndScaleToFloatOperation | Convenience method for making it easy to cast all pixel channels types to a unit float RGBA form |
CosgParticle::PrecipitationEffect::PrecipitationDrawable::Cell | |
Cosg::ClampedLinearCostFunction1D | |
CosgDB::ClassInterface | ClassInterface provides a general means of checking for supported properties of classes, and getting/setting thoses properties |
CosgAnimation::Timeline::Command | |
CosgDB::SharedStateManager::CompareStateAttributes | |
CosgDB::SharedStateManager::CompareStateSets | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileList | |
CosgTerrain::CompositeLayer::CompoundNameLayer | |
►Cosg::ConstArrayVisitor | |
Cosg::ConstAttributeFunctorArrayVisitor | |
Cosg::Drawable::ConstAttributeFunctor | |
Cosg::ConstShapeVisitor | |
Cosg::ConstValueVisitor | |
►CosgDB::XmlNode::ControlMap | |
CosgDB::XmlNode::Input | |
Cosg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, InSize, OutSize > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 2, 2 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 2, 3 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 2, 4 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 3, 2 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 3, 3 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 3, 4 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 4, 2 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 4, 3 > | |
CosgUtil::ConvertVec< InType, OutType, 4, 4 > | |
Cosg::ConvexPlanarPolygon | A class for representing components of convex clipping volumes |
CosgShadow::ConvexPolyhedron | |
Cosg::CopyOp | Copy Op(erator) used to control whether shallow or deep copy is used during copy construction and clone operation |
►Cosg::CullSettings | |
Cosg::Camera | Camera - is a subclass of Transform which represents encapsulates the settings of a Camera |
►Cosg::CullStack | A CullStack class which accumulates the current project, modelview matrices and the CullingSet |
Cosg::CollectOccludersVisitor | |
CosgUtil::CullVisitor | Basic NodeVisitor implementation for rendering a scene |
CosgUtil::SceneView | SceneView is deprecated, and is now just kept for backwards compatibility |
Cosg::Image::DataIterator | Convenience class for assisting the copying of image data when the image data isn't contiguous |
Cosg::State::DefineMap | |
Cosg::State::DefineStack | |
Cosg::DeleteHandler | Class for overriding the default delete behaviour so that users can implement their own object deletion schemes |
Cosg::depends_on< T, M > | Template class to help enforce static initialization order |
CosgParticle::PrecipitationEffect::PrecipitationDrawable::DepthMatrixStartTime | |
CosgUtil::dereference_clear | |
CosgUtil::dereference_less | |
CosgParticle::DomainOperator::Domain | |
CosgUtil::DrawElementTypeSimplifier | |
CosgShadow::OccluderGeometry::Edge | |
CosgUtil::EdgeCollector | |
Cosg::ElapsedTime | Helper class for timing sections of code |
►CosgSim::ElevationRange | |
CosgSim::AzimElevationSector | |
CosgSim::ElevationSector | |
CosgSim::ElevationSlice | Helper class for setting up and acquiring height above terrain intersections with terrain |
Cosg::State::EnabledArrayPair | |
CosgWidget::Event | |
►CosgWidget::EventInterface | |
►CosgWidget::Widget | |
CosgWidget::Frame::Border | |
CosgWidget::Frame::Corner | |
►CosgWidget::Label | |
CosgWidget::Input | |
CosgWidget::NotifyWidget | |
CosgWidget::NullWidget | |
CosgWidget::Window::EmbeddedWindow | |
►CosgWidget::Window | |
CosgWidget::Box | The Box object is a Window subclass that can be configured to uniformly (or non-uniformly) position it's children either vertically or horizontally |
CosgWidget::Canvas | |
►CosgWidget::Table | |
CosgWidget::Frame | |
CosgDB::ExternalFileWriter | Helper allowing 'intelligent' writing of external files (images, shaders, etc.), regarding to a main file (a scene), especially in plugins |
CosgShadow::ConvexPolyhedron::Face | |
Cosg::fast_back_stack< T > | Simple stack implementation that keeps the back() cached locally for fast access rather than at the back of the vector which is the traditional stack implementation |
Cosg::fast_back_stack< ClippingMask > | |
Cosg::fast_back_stack< ref_ptr< RefMatrix > > | |
Cosg::fast_back_stack< ref_ptr< Viewport > > | |
Cosg::fast_back_stack< Vec3 > | |
CosgDB::Field | Deprecated |
CosgDB::FieldReader | Deprecated |
►CosgDB::FieldReaderIterator | Deprecated |
CosgDB::Input | Deprecated |
CosgDB::FileNameComparator | Functor for helping sort filename in alphabetical and numerical order when using in conjunction with std::sort |
Cosg::FrameBufferAttachment | |
CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap::Frustum | |
CosgWidget::GeometryHints | Hints structure that can be passed to PdfReader and VncClient classes to help guide them on what geometry to build |
CosgTerrain::GeometryPool::GeometryKey | |
Cosg::GLBeginEndAdapter | A class adapting OpenGL 1.0 glBegin()/glEnd() style code to vertex array based code |
CosgText::Text::GlyphQuads | |
CosgText::Text3D::GlyphRenderInfo | |
CosgViewer::GraphicsHandleCarbon | Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables |
CosgViewer::GraphicsHandleCocoa | Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables |
►CosgViewer::GraphicsHandleWin32 | Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32 | |
CosgViewer::PixelBufferWin32 | |
►CosgViewer::GraphicsHandleX11 | Class to encapsulate platform-specific OpenGL context handle variables |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowX11 | |
CosgViewer::PixelBufferX11 | |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowFunctionProxy | |
►CosgGA::GUIActionAdapter | |
►CosgViewer::GraphicsWindow | Base class for providing Windowing API agnostic access to creating and managing graphics window and events |
CosgQt::GraphicsWindowQt | |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded | |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32 | |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowX11 | |
►CosgViewer::View | View holds a single view on a scene, this view may be composed of one or more slave cameras |
CosgViewer::Viewer | Viewer holds a single view on to a single scene |
CosgSim::HeightAboveTerrain::HAT | |
CosgSim::HeightAboveTerrain | Helper class for setting up and acquiring height above terrain intersections with terrain |
CosgUtil::Hit | |
►Cifstream | |
CosgDB::ifstream | |
Cosg::Texture::ImageAttachment | Encapsulates texture image load/store attributes |
Cosg::ImageSequence::ImageData | |
CosgAnimation::InBackFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InBounceFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InCircFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InCubicFunction | |
CosgAnimation::RigTransformHardware::IndexWeightEntry | |
CosgAnimation::InElasticFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InExpoFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutBackFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutBounceFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutCircFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutCubicFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutElasticFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutExpoFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutQuadFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutQuartFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InOutSineFunction | |
CosgDB::InputStream | |
CosgAnimation::InQuadFunction | |
CosgAnimation::InQuartFunction | Quart function |
CosgAnimation::InSineFunction | |
CosgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection | |
CosgUtil::PlaneIntersector::Intersection | |
CosgUtil::PolytopeIntersector::Intersection | |
CosgUtil::RayIntersector::Intersection | |
CosgDB::IntLookup | |
Cosg::KdTree::KdNode | |
►CosgAnimation::Keyframe | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateKeyframe< T > | |
CosgUtil::LessDepthSortFunctor | |
CosgParticle::PrecipitationEffect::PrecipitationDrawable::LessFunctor | |
CosgSim::LightPoint | |
CosgShadow::LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapAlgorithm | |
CosgAnimation::LinearFunction | Linear function |
CosgSim::LineOfSight | Helper class for setting up and acquiring line of sight intersections with terrain |
Cosg::KdTree::LineSegmentIntersection | |
CosgSim::LineOfSight::LOS | |
►Cmap | |
CosgAnimation::VertexInfluenceMap | |
►Cosg::Matrixd | |
Cosg::RefMatrixd | |
►Cosg::Matrixf | |
Cosg::RefMatrixf | |
CosgUtil::CullVisitor::MatrixPlanesDrawables | |
Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, RowN, ColN > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 2, 2 > | |
Cosg::Matrix2Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 2, 3 > | |
Cosg::Matrix2x3Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 2, 4 > | |
Cosg::Matrix2x4Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 3, 2 > | |
Cosg::Matrix3x2Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 3, 3 > | |
Cosg::Matrix3Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 3, 4 > | |
Cosg::Matrix3x4Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 4, 2 > | |
Cosg::Matrix4x2Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MatrixTemplate< T, 4, 3 > | |
Cosg::Matrix4x3Template< T > | |
►Cosg::MixinVector< ValueT > | MixinVector is a base class that allows inheritance to be used to easily emulate derivation from std::vector but without introducing undefined behaviour through violation of virtual destructor rules |
Cosg::DrawArrayLengths | |
Cosg::DrawElementsUByte | |
Cosg::DrawElementsUInt | |
Cosg::DrawElementsUShort | |
►Cosg::MixinVector< osg::ref_ptr< StackedTransformElement > > | |
CosgAnimation::StackedTransform | |
►Cosg::MixinVector< ShapeAttribute > | |
CosgSim::ShapeAttributeList | |
►Cosg::MixinVector< T > | |
Cosg::TemplateArray< T, ARRAYTYPE, DataSize, DataType > | |
Cosg::TemplateIndexArray< T, ARRAYTYPE, DataSize, DataType > | |
Cosg::State::ModeStack | |
Cosg::StateAttribute::ModeUsage | |
CosgAnimation::MorphGeometry::MorphTarget | |
CosgUtil::MultiplyRangeOperator | |
CosgVolume::CompositeLayer::NameLayer | |
CosgUtil::Tessellator::NewVertex | |
Cosg::NodeAcceptOp | Convenience functor for assisting visiting of arrays of osg::Node's |
CosgDB::ExternalFileWriter::ObjectData | |
CosgDB::ObjectGLenum | |
CosgDB::ObjectMark | |
CosgDB::ObjectProperty | |
►Cosg::Observer | Observer base class for tracking when objects are unreferenced (their reference count goes to 0) and are being deleted |
►CosgTerrain::TerrainTechnique | |
CosgTerrain::DisplacementMappingTechnique | |
CosgTerrain::GeometryTechnique | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< T > | Smart pointer for observed objects, that automatically set pointers to them to null when they are deleted |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::Camera > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::Group > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::Image > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::MatrixTransform > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::Node > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::Object > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::TexGen > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osg::Texture2D > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgAnimation::Bone > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgAnimation::Skeleton > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgShadow::MinimalDrawBoundsShadowMap::ViewData > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgShadow::ViewDependentShadowTechnique > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgUtil::CullVisitor > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileSet > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgViewer::osgViewer::View > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgViewer::ViewerBase > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgVolume::MultipassTechnique > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgVolume::osgVolume::Locator > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgWidget::Widget > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgWidget::Window > | |
Cosg::observer_ptr< osgWidget::WindowManager > | |
Cosg::ObserverNodePath | ObserverNodePath is an observer class for tracking changes to a NodePath, that automatically invalidates it when nodes are deleted |
►Cofstream | |
►CosgDB::ofstream | |
CosgDB::Output | Deprecated |
CosgUtil::Optimizer | Traverses scene graph to improve efficiency |
CosgAnimation::OutBackFunction | |
CosgAnimation::OutBounceFunction | |
CosgAnimation::OutCircFunction | |
CosgAnimation::OutCubicFunction | Cubic function |
CosgAnimation::OutElasticFunction | Elastic function |
CosgAnimation::OutExpoFunction | |
CosgDB::OutputStream | |
CosgAnimation::OutQuadFunction | Quad function |
CosgAnimation::OutQuartFunction | |
CosgAnimation::OutSineFunction | |
Cosg::ArgumentParser::Parameter | |
CosgDB::ParameterOutput | |
CosgParticle::Particle | Implementation of a particle |
CosgUtil::PerlinNoise | |
Cosg::PagedLOD::PerRangeData | |
Cosg::PixelStorageModes | |
CosgDB::ImageOptions::PixelWindow | PixelWindow stores the window (in exact pixels) from the overall imagery from which to extract the osg::Image |
►Cosg::Plane | A plane class |
Cosg::InfinitePlane | |
CosgDB::PluginFunctionProxy | |
CosgManipulator::PointerInfo | |
Cosg::Polytope | A Polytope class for representing convex clipping volumes made up of a set of planes |
CosgShadow::DebugShadowMap::ViewData::PolytopeGeometry | |
CosgParticle::PrecipitationEffect::PrecipitationDrawableSet | |
►Cosg::PrimitiveFunctor | A PrimitiveFunctor is used (in conjunction with osg::Drawable::accept (PrimitiveFunctor&) ) to get access to the primitives that compose the things drawn by OSG |
Cosg::TemplatePrimitiveFunctor< T > | Provides access to the primitives that compose an osg::Drawable |
Cosg::TriangleFunctor< T > | Provides access to the triangles that compose an osg::Drawable |
CosgUtil::Statistics | Statistics base class |
►Cosg::PrimitiveIndexFunctor | |
Cosg::TriangleIndexFunctor< T > | |
CosgUtil::ReversePrimitiveFunctor | |
CTriangleLinePointIndexFunctor< T > | |
►CosgVolume::PropertyVisitor | |
CosgVolume::CollectPropertiesVisitor | |
CosgFX::Registry::Proxy | |
CosgShadow::ParallelSplitShadowMap::PSSMShadowSplitTexture | |
►CQGLWidget | |
CosgQt::GLWidget | |
►CQObject | |
CosgQt::QGraphicsViewAdapter | |
CosgUtil::SceneGraphBuilder::QuadricState | |
Cosg::Quat | A quaternion class |
CosgParticle::range< ValueType > | A simple struct template useful to store ranges of values as min/max pairs |
CosgParticle::range< float > | |
CosgParticle::range< osg::Vec3 > | |
CosgParticle::range< osg::Vec4 > | |
CosgDB::ImageOptions::RatioWindow | RatioWindow stores the window (as ratios of 0.0 to 1.0) from the overall imagery from which to extract the osg::Image |
CosgDB::Registry::ReadFunctor | Functor used in internal implementations |
CosgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< T > | Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::Image > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::Light > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::RefMatrix > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::RefMatrixd > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::StateAttribute > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::Texture2D > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osg::Viewport > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osgDB::Options > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osgDB::osgDB::Options > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osgFX::Effect > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< const osgGA::osgGA::GUIEventAdapter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< FileLocationCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< FindFileCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::AlphaFunc > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::AnimationPath > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ApplicationUsage > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Array > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::BarrierOperation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Box > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::BufferData::ModifiedCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::BufferObject > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Callback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Camera > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Camera::DrawCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::CollectOccludersVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ColorMask > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Cone > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ConvexPlanarOccluder > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::CullSettings::ClampProjectionMatrixCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Cylinder > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::DisplaySettings > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Drawable > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Drawable::ComputeBoundingBoxCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Drawable::CullCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Drawable::DrawCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Drawable::EventCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Drawable::UpdateCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::DrawElements > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::DrawElementsUInt > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::EllipsoidModel > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::EndOfDynamicDrawBlock > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Fog > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::FrameBufferObject > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::FrameStamp > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Geode > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GeometryCostEstimator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GLExtensions > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext::ResizedCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext::SwapCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext::Traits > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsCostEstimator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsOperation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsThread > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::HeightField > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Image > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::IndexArray > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::KdTreeBuilder > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Light > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::LightSource > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::LineSegment > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::LineWidth > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Material > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::MatrixTransform > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Node::ComputeBoundingSphereCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor::ImageRequestHandler > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Object > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ObserverSet > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Operation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::OperationQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::OperationThread > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::Camera > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::DisplaySettings > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::FrameStamp > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::Geode > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::GLExtensions > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::GraphicsContext > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::Image > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::KdTree > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::Light > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::RefBlock > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::Referenced > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::RefMatrixd > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::Stats > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::osg::TemplateArray > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::PixelBufferObject > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::PolygonOffset > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::PrimitiveSet > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Program > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Program::ProgramBinary > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ProgramCostEstimator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::RefBlock > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Referenced > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::RefMatrix > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::RefMatrixd > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Script > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Shader > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderBinary > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderComponent > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::ShaderComposer > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Shape > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Sphere > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::State > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::State::DynamicObjectRenderingCompletedCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::StateAttributeCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet::Callback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Stats > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Switch > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TemplateArray > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TemplateIndexArray > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TessellationHints > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TexEnv > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TexGen > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TexGenNode > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture1D::SubloadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture2D > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture2D::SubloadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture2DArray::SubloadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Texture3D::SubloadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TextureCostEstimator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TextureCubeMap::SubloadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TextureRectangle::SubloadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TransferFunction > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::TransferFunction1D > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::UIntArray > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Uniform > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::UniformCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec2Array > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::View::Slave::UpdateSlaveCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osg::Viewport > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::Action > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::Action::Callback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::ActionAnimation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::ActionBlendIn > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::Animation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::LinkVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::osgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::RigTransform > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::Skeleton > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::TemplateKeyframeContainer > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::TemplateTarget > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::TemplateTarget< float > > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::TemplateTarget< osg::Matrixf > > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::TemplateTarget< osg::Vec3f > > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::TemplateTarget< T > > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::Timeline > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgAnimation::VertexInfluenceMap > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::AuthenticationMap > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::BaseCompressor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::DatabasePager > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::DatabasePager::PagedLODList > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::DatabasePager::ReadQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::DatabasePager::RequestQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::DeprecatedDotOsgWrapperManager > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::DotOsgWrapper > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::FileCache > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::FileList > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::FileLocationCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::FindFileCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ImagePager > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ImagePager::ReadQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ImagePager::RequestQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::InputException > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::InputIterator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ObjectCache > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ObjectWrapper > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ObjectWrapperManager > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::Options > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::osgDB::Options > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::OutputException > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::OutputIterator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::ReadFileCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::SharedStateManager > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgDB::WriteFileCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::AnimationPathManipulator::AnimationCompletedCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::CameraManipulator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::CameraManipulator::CoordinateFrameCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::EventQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::EventVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::GUIEventAdapter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TouchData > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::osgGA::EventQueue > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgGA::StandardManipulator::AnimationData > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::CylinderPlaneProjector > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::DraggerCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::LineProjector > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::PlaneProjector > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::RotateCylinderDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::RotateSphereDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::Scale1DDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::Scale2DDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::SpherePlaneProjector > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::TabBoxDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::TabPlaneDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::TrackballDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::Translate1DDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::Translate2DDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgManipulator::TranslatePlaneDragger > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::Counter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::FluidProgram > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::Interpolator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::ModularEmitter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::ParticleSystem > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::Placer > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::PrecipitationEffect::PrecipitationDrawable > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgParticle::Shooter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgShadow::osgShadow::OccluderGeometry > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgShadow::osgShadow::ShadowVolumeGeometry > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgShadow::ParallelSplitShadowMap::FragmentShaderGenerator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgShadow::ShadowSettings > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgShadow::ShadowTechnique > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::BlinkSequence > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::DatabaseCacheReadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::osgSim::LightPointSystem > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::ScalarBar::ScalarPrinter > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::ScalarsToColors > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::Sector > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgSim::SequenceGroup > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::GeometryPool > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::GeometryTechnique::BufferData > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::Layer > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::Locator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::SharedGeometry > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::TerrainTechnique > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgTerrain::ValidDataOperator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgText::Bevel > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgText::Font > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgText::Font::FontImplementation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgText::GlyphGeometry > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgText::Style > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgText::Text > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::CullVisitor::Identifier > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::EdgeCollector::Edge > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::EdgeCollector::Point > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileCompletedCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor::ReadCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::Optimizer::IsOperationPermissibleForObjectCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::osgUtil::CullVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::osgUtil::RenderStage > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::osgUtil::StateGraph > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::PositionalStateContainer > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::RenderBin::DrawCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::RenderBin::SortCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::RenderStage > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::SceneView > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::SceneView::ComputeStereoMatricesCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::ShaderGenCache > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::Simplifier::ContinueSimplificationCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::StateGraph > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::UpdateVisitor > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgViewer::Keystone > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgViewer::OpenGLQuerySupport > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgViewer::osgViewer::Scene > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler::CaptureOperation > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgViewer::ViewConfig > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::AlphaFuncProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::ExteriorTransparencyFactorProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::IsoSurfaceProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::Layer > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::LightingProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::Locator > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::MaximumIntensityProjectionProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::Property > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::SampleDensityProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::SampleDensityWhenMovingProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::SampleRatioProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::SampleRatioWhenMovingProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::TransferFunctionProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::TransparencyProperty > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgVolume::VolumeTechnique > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::BrowserImage > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::CallbackInterface > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::PdfImage > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::ScriptEngine > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::StyleManager > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::VncImage > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::Widget > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< osgWidget::Window > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< ReadFileCallback > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< RefMatrix > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< SamplerType > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< TemplateTarget< float > > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< TemplateTarget< osg::Matrixf > > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< Viewport > | |
Cosg::ref_ptr< WriteFileCallback > | |
►Cosg::Referenced | Base class for providing reference counted objects |
Cosg::ApplicationUsage | |
Cosg::ArrayDispatchers | Helper class for managing the dispatch to OpenGL of various attribute arrays such as stored in osg::Geometry |
Cosg::AttributeDispatch | |
Cosg::CullingSet | A CullingSet class which contains a frustum and a list of occluders |
Cosg::CullSettings::ClampProjectionMatrixCallback | Callback for overriding the CullVisitor's default clamping of the projection matrix to computed near and far values |
Cosg::DisplaySettings | DisplaySettings class for encapsulating what visuals are required and have been set up, and the status of stereo viewing |
Cosg::FrameStamp | Class which encapsulates the frame number, reference time and calendar time of specific frame, used to synchronize operations on the scene graph and other machines when using a graphics cluster |
Cosg::GeometryCostEstimator | |
Cosg::GLBufferObjectSet | |
Cosg::GLExtensions | Main GLExtensions class for managing OpenGL extensions per graphics context |
Cosg::GraphicsContext::ResizedCallback | |
►Cosg::GraphicsContext::SwapCallback | |
Cosg::SyncSwapBuffersCallback | |
Cosg::GraphicsContext::Traits | GraphicsContext Traits object provides the specification of what type of graphics context is required |
Cosg::GraphicsContext::WindowingSystemInterface | Callback to be implemented to provide access to Windowing API's ability to create Windows/pbuffers |
Cosg::GraphicsCostEstimator | |
►Cosg::GraphicsObject | |
Cosg::GLBufferObject | |
Cosg::Program::ProgramObjects | |
Cosg::Texture::TextureObject | |
►Cosg::GraphicsObjectManager | |
Cosg::ContextData | |
Cosg::GLBufferObjectManager | |
►Cosg::GLObjectManager | |
Cosg::GLFrameBufferObjectManager | |
Cosg::GLRenderBufferManager | |
Cosg::TextureObjectManager | |
Cosg::Image::DimensionsChangedCallback | |
Cosg::LineSegment | LineSegment class for representing a line segment |
►Cosg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler | Callback for managing database paging, such as generated by PagedLOD nodes |
CosgDB::DatabasePager | Database paging class which manages the loading of files in a background thread, and synchronizing of loaded models with the main scene graph |
►Cosg::NodeVisitor::ImageRequestHandler | Callback for managing image paging, such as generated by PagedLOD nodes |
CosgDB::ImagePager | |
►Cosg::NotifyHandler | Handler processing output of notification stream |
Cosg::StandardNotifyHandler | Redirects notification stream to stderr (severity <= WARN) or stdout (severity > WARN) |
►Cosg::Object | Base class/standard interface for objects which require IO support, cloning and reference counting |
Cosg::AnimationPath | AnimationPath encapsulates a time varying transformation pathway |
Cosg::AudioSink | Pure virtual AudioSink bass class that is used to connect the audio system with AudioStreams |
Cosg::AudioStream | Pure virtual AudioStream base class |
►Cosg::BufferData | |
►Cosg::Array | |
►Cosg::IndexArray | |
Cosg::TemplateIndexArray< T, ARRAYTYPE, DataSize, DataType > | |
Cosg::TemplateArray< T, ARRAYTYPE, DataSize, DataType > | |
Cosg::BufferTemplate< T > | Template buffer class to be used with a struct as template parameter |
Cosg::BufferTemplate< std::vector< T > > | BufferTemplate specialization for std::vector |
►Cosg::Image | Image class for encapsulating the storage texture image data |
►Cosg::ImageStream | Image Stream class |
Cosg::ImageSequence | Image Buffer class |
CosgQt::QWidgetImage | |
CosgText::Glyph | |
►CosgWidget::BrowserImage | Pure virtual base class that provides the browser interface for integration with 3rd party implementations |
CosgQt::QWebViewImage | |
CosgWidget::PdfImage | Pure virtual base class for interfacing with implementation of PDF reader |
CosgWidget::VncImage | Pure virtual base class for VncImage that is sublcassed by vnc plugin to provide the actual implementation |
►Cosg::PrimitiveSet | |
Cosg::DrawArrayLengths | |
Cosg::DrawArrays | |
►Cosg::DrawElements | |
Cosg::DrawElementsUByte | |
Cosg::DrawElementsUInt | |
Cosg::DrawElementsUShort | |
Cosg::BufferData::ModifiedCallback | |
►Cosg::BufferObject | |
Cosg::AtomicCounterBufferObject | |
Cosg::ElementBufferObject | |
Cosg::PixelBufferObject | |
Cosg::PixelDataBufferObject | This object represent a general class of pixel buffer objects, which are capable of allocating buffer object (memory) on the GPU |
Cosg::ShaderStorageBufferObject | |
Cosg::UniformBufferObject | |
Cosg::VertexBufferObject | |
►Cosg::Callback | |
Cosg::CallbackObject | Callback for attaching a script to a Node's via there UserDataContainer for the purpose of overriding class methods within scripts |
►Cosg::Drawable::CullCallback | |
Cosg::ClusterCullingCallback | Implements cluster culling to cull back facing drawables |
CosgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler | InteractiveImage is an event handler that computes the mouse coordinates in an images coordinate frame and then passes keyboard and mouse events to it |
►Cosg::Drawable::EventCallback | |
►CosgGA::EventHandler | EventHandler is base class for adding handling of events, either as node event callback, drawable event callback or an event handler attached directly to the view(er) |
►CosgGA::GUIEventHandler | GUIEventHandler provides a basic interface for any class which wants to handle a GUI Events |
CosgAnimation::StatsHandler | Event handler for adding on screen stats reporting to Viewers |
►CosgGA::CameraManipulator | CameraManipulator is an abstract base class defining the interface, and a certain amount of default functionality, for classes which wish to control OSG cameras in response to GUI events |
CosgGA::AnimationPathManipulator | |
CosgGA::CameraViewSwitchManipulator | |
CosgGA::DriveManipulator | DriveManipulator is a camera manipulator which provides drive-like functionality |
CosgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator | KeySwitchMatrixManipulator is a decorator which allows the type of camera manipulator being used to be switched by pressing a key |
CosgGA::SphericalManipulator | |
►CosgGA::StandardManipulator | StandardManipulator class provides basic functionality for user controlled manipulation |
►CosgGA::FirstPersonManipulator | FirstPersonManipulator is base class for camera control based on position and orientation of camera, like walk, drive, and flight manipulators |
CosgGA::FlightManipulator | FlightManipulator is a CameraManipulator which provides flight simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation |
►CosgGA::OrbitManipulator | OrbitManipulator is base class for camera control based on focal center, distance from the center, and orientation of distance vector to the eye |
CosgGA::NodeTrackerManipulator | |
CosgGA::TerrainManipulator | |
►CosgGA::TrackballManipulator | |
CosgGA::MultiTouchTrackballManipulator | |
CosgGA::UFOManipulator | A UFO manipulator driven with keybindings |
CosgGA::StateSetManipulator | Experimental class, not been looked at for a while, but which will be returned to at some point :-\ |
CosgViewer::HelpHandler | Event handler for adding on screen help to Viewers |
CosgViewer::InteractiveImageHandler | InteractiveImage is an event handler that computes the mouse coordinates in an images coordinate frame and then passes keyboard and mouse events to it |
CosgViewer::KeystoneHandler | |
CosgViewer::LODScaleHandler | Event handler for increase/decreasing LODScale |
CosgViewer::RecordCameraPathHandler | Event handler allowing the user to record the animation "path" of a camera |
CosgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler | Event handler that will capture the screen on key press |
CosgViewer::StatsHandler | Event handler for adding on screen stats reporting to Viewers |
CosgViewer::ThreadingHandler | Event handler allowing to change the viewer threading model |
CosgViewer::ToggleSyncToVBlankHandler | Event handler for toggling SyncToVBlank |
CosgViewer::WindowSizeHandler | Event handler allowing to change the screen resolution (in windowed mode) and toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode |
CosgVolume::PropertyAdjustmentCallback | |
CosgWidget::CameraSwitchHandler | |
CosgWidget::KeyboardHandler | |
CosgWidget::MouseHandler | |
CosgWidget::ResizeHandler | |
►Cosg::Drawable::UpdateCallback | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateMorphGeometry | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateRigGeometry | |
►Cosg::NodeCallback | Deprecated |
►CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< osg::NodeCallback > | |
►CosgAnimation::UpdateMatrixTransform | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateBone | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateMorph | |
Cosg::AnimationPathCallback | |
Cosg::ClusterCullingCallback | Implements cluster culling to cull back facing drawables |
Cosg::NodeTrackerCallback | |
Cosg::ScriptNodeCallback | NodeCallback for attaching a script to a NodeCallback so that it can be called as an update or event callback |
►CosgAnimation::AnimationManagerBase | |
CosgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager | |
CosgAnimation::TimelineAnimationManager | |
CosgAnimation::Skeleton::UpdateSkeleton | |
CosgGA::EventHandler | EventHandler is base class for adding handling of events, either as node event callback, drawable event callback or an event handler attached directly to the view(er) |
CosgShadow::ShadowTechnique::CameraCullCallback | |
CosgUtil::TransformCallback | TransformCallback is now deprecated, use osg::AnimationPathCallback instead |
►Cosg::StateAttributeCallback | Deprecated |
►CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< osg::StateAttributeCallback > | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateMaterial | |
Cosg::Image::UpdateCallback | Convenience update callback class that can be attached to a StateAttribute (such as Textures) to ensure that the Image::update(NodeVisitor*) method is called during the update traversal |
►Cosg::StateSet::Callback | |
CosgVolume::PropertyAdjustmentCallback | |
►Cosg::UniformCallback | Deprecated |
►CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< osg::UniformCallback > | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateUniform< T > | |
►CosgAnimation::UpdateUniform< float > | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateFloatUniform | |
►CosgAnimation::UpdateUniform< osg::Matrixf > | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateMatrixfUniform | |
►CosgAnimation::UpdateUniform< osg::Vec3f > | |
CosgAnimation::UpdateVec3fUniform | |
CosgShadow::MinimalDrawBoundsShadowMap::CameraCullCallback | |
Cosg::Camera::DrawCallback | Draw callback for custom operations |
Cosg::ConvexPlanarOccluder | A class for representing convex clipping volumes made up of several ConvexPlanarPolygon |
►Cosg::Drawable::ComputeBoundingBoxCallback | Callback to allow users to override the default computation of bounding volume |
CosgAnimation::RigComputeBoundingBoxCallback | |
Cosg::Drawable::DrawCallback | Callback attached to an Drawable which allows the users to customize the drawing of an exist Drawable object |
Cosg::DummyObject | DummyObject that can be used as placeholder but otherwise has no other functionality |
Cosg::EllipsoidModel | EllipsoidModel encapsulates the ellipsoid used to model astronomical bodies, such as sun, planets, moon etc |
►Cosg::GraphicsContext | Base class for providing Windowing API agnostic access to creating and managing graphics context |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindow | Base class for providing Windowing API agnostic access to creating and managing graphics window and events |
CosgViewer::PixelBufferWin32 | |
CosgViewer::PixelBufferX11 | |
►Cosg::Node | Base class for all internal nodes in the scene graph |
►Cosg::Drawable | Pure virtual base class for drawable geometry |
Cosg::DrawPixels | DrawPixels is an osg::Drawable subclass which encapsulates the drawing of images using glDrawPixels |
►Cosg::Geometry | |
Cdeprecated_osg::Geometry | Geometry class contaning deprecated features |
Cosg::QueryGeometry | |
CosgAnimation::MorphGeometry | |
CosgAnimation::RigGeometry | |
CosgUtil::DelaunayConstraint | DelaunayTriangulator: Utility class that triangulates an irregular network of sample points |
CosgWidget::Widget | |
Cosg::ShapeDrawable | Allow the use of Shape s as Drawable s, so that they can be rendered with reduced effort |
►CosgParticle::ParticleSystem | The heart of this class library; its purpose is to hold a set of particles and manage particle creation, update, rendering and destruction |
CosgParticle::ConnectedParticleSystem | ConnectConnectedParticleSystem is a specialise ConnectedParticleSystem for effects like missile trails, where the individual particles are rendered as single ribbon |
CosgParticle::PrecipitationEffect::PrecipitationDrawable | Internal drawable used to render batches of cells |
CosgShadow::OccluderGeometry | OccluderGeometry provides a sepecialised geometry representation of objects in scene that occlude light and therefore cast shadows |
CosgShadow::ShadowVolumeGeometry | |
CosgSim::ImpostorSprite | An ImposterSprite is a textured quad which is rendered in place of 3D geometry |
CosgTerrain::HeightFieldDrawable | |
CosgTerrain::SharedGeometry | |
►CosgText::TextBase | |
►CosgText::Text | |
CosgText::FadeText | |
CosgText::Text3D | |
►Cosg::Group | General group node which maintains a list of children |
Cosg::ClearNode | A Group node for clearing the color and depth buffers |
Cosg::ClipNode | Node for defining the position of ClipPlanes in the scene |
►Cosg::CoordinateSystemNode | CoordinateSystem encapsulate the coordinate system that is associated with objects in a scene |
CosgTerrain::Terrain | Terrain provides a framework for loosely coupling height field data with height rendering algorithms |
►Cosg::Geode | A Geode is a "geometry node", that is, a leaf node on the scene graph that can have "renderable things" attached to it |
Cosg::Billboard | Billboard is a derived form of Geode that orients its osg::Drawable children to face the eye point |
CosgSim::ScalarBar | A ScalarBar is an osg::Geode to render a colored bar representing a range of scalars |
CosgSim::SphereSegment | A SphereSegment is a Geode to represent an portion of a sphere (potentially the whole sphere) |
CosgWidget::Browser | Convenience class that provides an interactive quad that can be placed directly into the scene |
CosgWidget::PdfReader | Convenience class that provides a interactive quad that can be placed directly in the scene |
CosgWidget::VncClient | Convenience Vnc Client class that provides a interactive quad that can be placed directly in the scene |
Cosg::LightSource | Leaf Node for defining a light in the scene |
►Cosg::LOD | LOD - Level Of Detail group node which allows switching between children depending on distance from eye point |
Cosg::PagedLOD | PagedLOD |
CosgSim::Impostor | Impostor - is a form of Level Of Detail group node which allows both switching between children depending on distance from eye point and image caching |
Cosg::OccluderNode | OccluderNode is a Group node which provides hooks for adding ConvexPlanarOccluders to the scene |
Cosg::OcclusionQueryNode | |
Cosg::Projection | Projection nodes set up the frustum/orthographic projection used when rendering the scene |
Cosg::ProxyNode | ProxyNode |
Cosg::Sequence | Sequence is a Group node which allows automatic, time based switching between children |
►Cosg::Switch | Switch is a Group node that allows switching between children |
CosgWidget::WindowManager | |
Cosg::TexGenNode | Node for defining the position of TexGen in the scene |
►Cosg::Transform | A Transform is a group node for which all children are transformed by a 4x4 matrix |
Cosg::AutoTransform | AutoTransform is a derived form of Transform that automatically scales or rotates to keep its children aligned with screen coordinates |
Cosg::Camera | Camera - is a subclass of Transform which represents encapsulates the settings of a Camera |
Cosg::CameraView | CameraView - is a Transform that is used to specify camera views from within the scene graph |
►Cosg::MatrixTransform | MatrixTransform - is a subclass of Transform which has an osg::Matrix which represents a 4x4 transformation of its children from local coordinates into the Transform's parent coordinates |
CosgAnimation::Bone | |
CosgAnimation::Skeleton | |
►CosgManipulator::Dragger | Base class for draggers |
►CosgManipulator::CompositeDragger | CompositeDragger allows to create complex draggers that are composed of a hierarchy of Draggers |
CosgManipulator::ScaleAxisDragger | Dragger for performing scaling on all 3 axes |
CosgManipulator::TabBoxDragger | TabBoxDragger consists of 6 TabPlaneDraggers to form a box dragger that performs translation and scaling |
CosgManipulator::TabBoxTrackballDragger | Dragger for performing rotation in all axes |
CosgManipulator::TabPlaneDragger | Tab plane dragger consists of a plane with tabs on it's corners and edges for scaling |
CosgManipulator::TabPlaneTrackballDragger | Dragger for performing rotation in all axes |
CosgManipulator::TrackballDragger | Dragger for performing rotation in all axes |
CosgManipulator::TranslateAxisDragger | Dragger for performing translation in all three axes |
CosgManipulator::TranslatePlaneDragger | Translate plane dragger consists of a wireframe box representing a plane that can be dragged to translate along the plane |
CosgManipulator::RotateCylinderDragger | Dragger for performing 3D rotation on a cylinder |
CosgManipulator::RotateSphereDragger | Dragger for performing 3D rotation on a sphere |
CosgManipulator::Scale1DDragger | Dragger for performing 1D scaling |
CosgManipulator::Scale2DDragger | Dragger for performing 2D scaling |
CosgManipulator::Translate1DDragger | Dragger for performing 1D translation |
CosgManipulator::Translate2DDragger | Dragger for performing 2D translation |
CosgWidget::Window | |
Cosg::PositionAttitudeTransform | PositionAttitudeTransform - is a Transform |
CosgManipulator::AntiSquish | Class that performs the Anti Squish by making the scaling uniform along all axes |
CosgSim::DOFTransform | DOFTransform - encapsulates Multigen DOF behavior |
►CosgFX::Effect | The base class for special effects |
CosgFX::AnisotropicLighting | This single-pass effect implements a sort of anisotropic lighting that replaces the standard OpenGL lighting model |
CosgFX::BumpMapping | This effect makes surfaces appear bumpy |
CosgFX::Cartoon | This effect implements a technique called 'Cel-Shading' to produce a cartoon-style (non photorealistic) rendering |
CosgFX::Outline | Outline effect |
CosgFX::Scribe | This is a two-passes effect; the first pass renders the subgraph as usual while the second pass switches to wireframe mode, sets up lighting and material to obtain a fixed (user-defined) color and then renders the subgraph |
CosgFX::SpecularHighlights | This effect applies additive specular highlights at fragment level (instead of OpenGL's vertex-level lighting) by using a cube map and reflective texgen |
CosgFX::MultiTextureControl | This node provides control over the which texture units are active and the blending weighting between them |
CosgGA::Widget | |
►CosgParticle::ParticleEffect | |
CosgParticle::ExplosionDebrisEffect | |
CosgParticle::ExplosionEffect | |
CosgParticle::FireEffect | |
CosgParticle::SmokeEffect | |
CosgParticle::SmokeTrailEffect | |
CosgShadow::ShadowedScene | ShadowedScene provides a mechansim for decorating a scene that the needs to have shadows cast upon it |
CosgSim::MultiSwitch | MultiSwitch is a Group node which allows switching between sets of selected children |
CosgSim::OverlayNode | OverlayNode is for creating texture overlays on scenes, with the overlay texture being generated by pre rendering an Overlay Subgraph to a texture, then projecting this resulting texture on the scene |
CosgSim::VisibilityGroup | VisibilityGroup renders (traverses) it's children only when the camera is inside a specified visibility volume |
CosgTerrain::TerrainTile | Terrain provides a framework for loosely coupling height field data with height rendering algorithms |
CosgVolume::Volume | Volume provides a framework for loosely coupling 3d image VolumeTile's with volume algorithms |
CosgVolume::VolumeScene | VolumeScene provides high level support for doing multi-pass rendering of volumes where the main scene to rendered to color and depth textures and then re-rendered for the purposes of volume rendering |
CosgVolume::VolumeTile | VolumeTile provides a framework for loosely coupling 3d image data with rendering algorithms |
►CosgParticle::ParticleProcessor | A common base interface for those classes which need to do something on particles |
►CosgParticle::Emitter | An abstract base class for particle emitters |
CosgParticle::ModularEmitter | An emitter class that holds three objects to control the creation of particles |
►CosgParticle::Program | An abstract ParticleProcessor descendant for modifying particles "on the fly" during the cull traversal |
CosgParticle::FluidProgram | A program class for performing operations on particles using a sequence of operators |
CosgParticle::ModularProgram | A program class for performing operations on particles using a sequence of operators |
CosgParticle::ParticleSystemUpdater | A useful node class for updating particle systems automatically |
CosgParticle::PrecipitationEffect | |
CosgSim::LightPointNode | |
Cosg::Node::ComputeBoundingSphereCallback | Callback to allow users to override the default computation of bounding volume |
►Cosg::NodeVisitor | Visitor for type safe operations on osg::Nodes |
Cosg::CollectOccludersVisitor | |
Cosg::ComputeBoundsVisitor | |
Cosg::KdTreeBuilder | |
CosgAnimation::BoneMapVisitor | |
CosgAnimation::LinkVisitor | This class is instancied by the AnimationManagerBase, it will link animation target to updatecallback that have the same name |
CosgAnimation::RigGeometry::FindNearestParentSkeleton | |
CosgDB::SharedStateManager | |
CosgGA::EventVisitor | Basic EventVisitor implementation for animating a scene |
CosgSim::InsertImpostorsVisitor | Insert impostor nodes into scene graph |
►CosgUtil::BaseOptimizerVisitor | Helper base class for implementing Optimizer techniques |
►CosgUtil::GeometryCollector | |
CosgUtil::IndexMeshVisitor | |
CosgUtil::VertexAccessOrderVisitor | |
CosgUtil::VertexCacheVisitor | |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::CheckGeometryVisitor | |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::CombineLODsVisitor | Optimize the LOD groups, by combining adjacent LOD's which have complementary ranges |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::CombineStaticTransformsVisitor | Combine Static Transform nodes that sit above one another |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::CopySharedSubgraphsVisitor | Copy any shared subgraphs, enabling flattening of static transforms |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::FlattenBillboardVisitor | Flatten MatrixTransform/Billboard pairs |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::FlattenStaticTransformsDuplicatingSharedSubgraphsVisitor | FlattenStaticTransformsDuplicatingSharedSubgraphsVisitor is similar to FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor in that it is designed to remove static transforms from the scene graph, pushing down the transforms to the geometry leaves of the scene graph, but with the difference that any subgraphs that are shared between different transforms are duplicated and flattened individually |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::FlattenStaticTransformsVisitor | Flatten Static Transform nodes by applying their transform to the geometry on the leaves of the scene graph, then removing the now redundant transforms |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::MakeFastGeometryVisitor | |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::MergeGeodesVisitor | Combine geodes |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::MergeGeometryVisitor | |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::RemoveEmptyNodesVisitor | Remove rendundant nodes, such as groups with one single child |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::RemoveLoadedProxyNodesVisitor | Remove loaded proxy nodes |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::RemoveRedundantNodesVisitor | Remove redundant nodes, such as groups with one single child |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::SpatializeGroupsVisitor | Spatialize scene into a balanced quad/oct tree |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::StateVisitor | Optimize State in the scene graph by removing duplicate state, replacing it with shared instances, both for StateAttributes, and whole StateSets |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::StaticObjectDetectionVisitor | Optimize the setting of StateSet and Geometry objects in scene so that they have a STATIC DataVariance when they don't have any callbacks associated with them |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::TessellateVisitor | Tessellate all geodes, to remove POLYGONS |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::TextureAtlasVisitor | Optimize texture usage in the scene graph by combining textures into texture atlas Use of texture atlas cuts down on the number of separate states in the scene, reducing state changes and improving the chances of using larger batches of geometry |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::TextureVisitor | For all textures apply settings |
CosgUtil::TriStripVisitor | A tri stripping visitor for converting Geometry surface primitives into tri strips |
CosgUtil::CullVisitor | Basic NodeVisitor implementation for rendering a scene |
CosgUtil::DisplayRequirementsVisitor | A visitor for traversing a scene graph establishing which OpenGL visuals are required to support rendering of that scene graph |
CosgUtil::DrawElementTypeSimplifierVisitor | |
CosgUtil::GLObjectsVisitor | Visitor for traversing scene graph and setting each osg::Drawable's _useDisplayList flag, with option to immediately compile osg::Drawable OpenGL Display lists and osg::StateAttribute's |
CosgUtil::IntersectionVisitor | IntersectionVisitor is used to testing for intersections with the scene, traversing the scene using generic osgUtil::Intersector's to test against the scene |
►CosgUtil::IntersectVisitor | Deprecated - use IntersectionVisitor instead |
CosgUtil::PickVisitor | Picking intersection visitor specialises the IntersectVistor to allow more convenient handling of mouse picking |
CosgUtil::PrintVisitor | |
CosgUtil::ShaderGenVisitor | |
CosgUtil::Simplifier | A simplifier for reducing the number of traingles in osg::Geometry |
CosgUtil::SmoothingVisitor | A smoothing visitor for calculating smoothed normals for osg::GeoSet's which contains surface primitives |
CosgUtil::StateToCompile | |
CosgUtil::StatsVisitor | StatsVisitor for collecting statistics about scene graph |
CosgUtil::UpdateVisitor | Basic UpdateVisitor implementation for animating a scene |
CosgUtil::VertexCacheMissVisitor | |
Cosg::Program::ProgramBinary | Simple class for wrapping up the data used in glProgramBinary and glGetProgramBinary |
Cosg::RefMatrixd | |
Cosg::RefMatrixf | |
Cosg::RenderBuffer | |
Cosg::Script | |
Cosg::ScriptEngine | ScriptEngine base class for integrating different scripting languages |
Cosg::Shader | Osg::Shader is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glShader |
Cosg::ShaderBinary | Simple class for wrapping up the data used in OpenGL ES 2's glShaderBinary calls |
Cosg::ShaderComponent | |
Cosg::ShaderComposer | |
►Cosg::Shape | Base class for all shape types |
Cosg::Box | |
Cosg::Capsule | |
Cosg::CompositeShape | |
Cosg::Cone | |
Cosg::Cylinder | |
Cosg::HeightField | |
Cosg::InfinitePlane | |
Cosg::KdTree | Implementation of a kdtree for Geometry leaves, to enable fast intersection tests |
Cosg::Sphere | |
►Cosg::TriangleMesh | Exists to support collision detection engines not for doing rendering, use osg::Geometry instead |
Cosg::ConvexHull | |
►Cosg::StateAttribute | Base class for state attributes |
Cosg::AlphaFunc | Encapsulates OpenGL glAlphaFunc |
Cosg::BlendColor | Encapsulates OpenGL blend/transparency state |
►Cosg::BlendEquation | Encapsulates OpenGL BlendEquation state |
Cosg::BlendEquationi | Encapsulates glBlendEquationi function : the index version of glBlendEquation for multiple render target |
►Cosg::BlendFunc | Encapsulates OpenGL blend/transparency state |
Cosg::BlendFunci | Encapsulates glBlendFunci function : the index version of glBlendEquation for multiple render target |
►Cosg::BufferIndexBinding | Encapsulate binding buffer objects to index targets |
Cosg::AtomicCounterBufferBinding | StateAttribute for binding a atomic counter buffer index target |
Cosg::ShaderStorageBufferBinding | |
Cosg::TransformFeedbackBufferBinding | StateAttribute for binding a transform feedback index target |
Cosg::UniformBufferBinding | StateAttribute for binding a uniform buffer index target |
►Cosg::Capability | |
►Cosg::Capabilityi | Encapsulates glEnablei/glDisablei |
Cosg::Disablei | |
Cosg::Enablei | |
Cosg::ClampColor | Encapsulates OpenGL ClampColor state |
Cosg::ClipControl | Encapsulate OpenGL glClipControl functions |
Cosg::ClipPlane | Encapsulates OpenGL glClipPlane() |
►Cosg::ColorMask | Encapsulates OpenGL glColorMaskFunc/Op/Mask functions |
Cosg::ColorMaski | Encapsulates glColorMaski function : the index version of glColorMask for multiple render target |
Cosg::ColorMatrix | Encapsulates OpenGL color matrix functionality |
Cosg::CullFace | Class to globally enable/disable OpenGL's polygon culling mode |
Cosg::Depth | Encapsulate OpenGL glDepthFunc/Mask/Range functions |
Cosg::Fog | Fog - encapsulates OpenGL fog state |
Cosg::FragmentProgram | FragmentProgram - encapsulates the OpenGL ARB fragment program state |
Cosg::FrameBufferObject | |
Cosg::FrontFace | Class to specify the orientation of front-facing polygons |
Cosg::Hint | |
Cosg::Light | Light state class which encapsulates OpenGL glLight() functionality |
Cosg::LightModel | |
Cosg::LineStipple | |
Cosg::LineWidth | LineWidth - encapsulates the OpenGL glLineWidth for setting the width of lines in pixels |
Cosg::LogicOp | Encapsulates OpenGL LogicOp state |
Cosg::Material | Material - encapsulates OpenGL glMaterial state |
Cosg::Multisample | Multisample - encapsulates the OpenGL Multisample state |
Cosg::PatchParameter | Class which encapsulates glPatchParameter(..) |
Cosg::Point | Point - encapsulates the OpenGL point smoothing and size state |
Cosg::PointSprite | PointSprite base class which encapsulates enabling of point sprites |
Cosg::PolygonMode | State Class for setting OpenGL's polygon culling mode |
Cosg::PolygonOffset | PolygonOffset - encapsulates the OpenGL glPolygonOffset state |
Cosg::PolygonStipple | |
Cosg::PrimitiveRestartIndex | Osg::PrimitiveRestartIndex does nothing if OpenGL 3.1 is not available |
Cosg::Program | Osg::Program is an application-level abstraction of an OpenGL glProgram |
Cosg::SampleMaski | Osg::SampleMaski does nothing if OpenGL 3.2 or ARB_texture_multisample are not available |
Cosg::Scissor | Encapsulate OpenGL glScissor |
Cosg::ShadeModel | Class which encapsulates glShadeModel(..) |
Cosg::ShaderAttribute | |
Cosg::Stencil | Encapsulate OpenGL glStencilFunc/Op/Mask functions |
Cosg::StencilTwoSided | Provides OpenGL two sided stencil functionality, also known as separate stencil |
Cosg::TexEnv | TexEnv encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (texture environment) state |
Cosg::TexEnvCombine | TexEnvCombine encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnvCombine (texture environment) state |
Cosg::TexEnvFilter | TexEnvFilter - encapsulates the OpenGL glTexEnv (GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL) state |
Cosg::TexGen | TexGen encapsulates the OpenGL glTexGen (texture coordinate generation) state |
Cosg::TexMat | A texture matrix state class that encapsulates OpenGL texture matrix functionality |
►Cosg::Texture | Texture pure virtual base class that encapsulates OpenGL texture functionality common to the various types of OSG textures |
Cosg::Texture1D | Encapsulates OpenGL 1D texture functionality |
►Cosg::Texture2D | Encapsulates OpenGL 2D texture functionality |
CosgText::GlyphTexture | |
Cosg::Texture2DArray | Texture2DArray state class which encapsulates OpenGL 2D array texture functionality |
Cosg::Texture2DMultisample | Texture2DMultisample state class which encapsulates OpenGL 2D multisampled texture functionality |
Cosg::Texture3D | Encapsulates OpenGL 3D texture functionality |
Cosg::TextureBuffer | Encapsulates OpenGL texture buffer functionality |
Cosg::TextureCubeMap | TextureCubeMap state class which encapsulates OpenGL texture cubemap functionality |
Cosg::TextureRectangle | Texture state class which encapsulates OpenGL texture functionality |
Cosg::VertexAttribDivisor | VertexAttribDivisor state class which encapsulates OpenGL glVertexAttribDivisor() functionality |
Cosg::VertexProgram | VertexProgram - encapsulates the OpenGL ARB vertex program state |
Cosg::Viewport | Encapsulate OpenGL glViewport |
CosgFX::Validator | This class is used internally by osgFX::Effect to choose between different techniques dynamically |
Cosg::StateSet | Stores a set of modes and attributes which represent a set of OpenGL state |
Cosg::TessellationHints | Describe several hints that can be passed to a Tessellator (like the one used by ShapeDrawable ) as a mean to try to influence the way it works |
►Cosg::TransferFunction | TransferFunction is a class that provide a 1D,2D or 3D colour look up table that can be used on the GPU as a 1D, 2D or 3D texture |
Cosg::TransferFunction1D | 1D variant of TransferFunction |
Cosg::Uniform | Uniform encapsulates glUniform values |
►Cosg::UserDataContainer | Internal structure for storing all user data |
Cosg::DefaultUserDataContainer | Internal structure for storing all user data |
►Cosg::ValueObject | |
Cosg::TemplateValueObject< T > | |
►Cosg::View | View - maintains a master camera view and a list of slave cameras that are relative to this master camera |
CosgViewer::View | View holds a single view on a scene, this view may be composed of one or more slave cameras |
►CosgAnimation::Action | |
CosgAnimation::ActionAnimation | |
CosgAnimation::ActionBlendIn | Blend in from 0 to weight in duration |
CosgAnimation::ActionBlendOut | Blend out from weight to 0 in duration |
CosgAnimation::ActionStripAnimation | |
CosgAnimation::Timeline | |
►CosgAnimation::Action::Callback | |
CosgAnimation::RunAction | Callback used to run new action on the timeline |
CosgAnimation::Animation | |
►CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallbackBase | |
CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< osg::NodeCallback > | |
CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< osg::StateAttributeCallback > | |
CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< osg::UniformCallback > | |
CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< T > | |
►CosgAnimation::StackedTransformElement | |
CosgAnimation::StackedMatrixElement | |
CosgAnimation::StackedQuaternionElement | |
CosgAnimation::StackedRotateAxisElement | |
CosgAnimation::StackedScaleElement | |
CosgAnimation::StackedTranslateElement | |
CosgAnimation::VertexInfluenceMap | |
CosgDB::DatabaseRevision | |
CosgDB::DatabaseRevisions | |
CosgDB::FileList | |
CosgDB::ImageProcessor | |
►CosgDB::MapIteratorObject | |
CosgDB::MapSerializer< C, P >::MapIterator | |
CosgDB::MapSerializer< C, P >::ReverseMapIterator | |
►CosgDB::Options | Options base class used for passing options into plugins to control their operation |
CosgDB::ImageOptions | |
►CosgDB::ReaderWriter | Pure virtual base class for reading and writing of non native formats |
CosgDB::Archive | Base class for implementing database Archives |
CosgGA::Device | Device base class from abstracting away from devices/windows that can generate events |
►CosgGA::Event | Base Event class |
CosgGA::GUIEventAdapter | Event class for storing Keyboard, mouse and window events |
CosgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TouchData | |
►CosgManipulator::DraggerCallback | |
CosgManipulator::DraggerTransformCallback | |
►CosgParticle::Counter | |
CosgParticle::ConstantRateCounter | |
►CosgParticle::VariableRateCounter | |
CosgParticle::RandomRateCounter | |
►CosgParticle::Interpolator | An abstract base class for implementing interpolators |
CosgParticle::LinearInterpolator | A linear interpolator |
►CosgParticle::Operator | An abstract base class used by ModularProgram to perform operations on particles before they are updated |
CosgParticle::AccelOperator | An operator class that applies a constant acceleration to the particles |
CosgParticle::AngularAccelOperator | An operator class that applies a constant angular acceleration to the particles |
CosgParticle::AngularDampingOperator | A angular damping operator applies damping constant to particle's angular velocity |
CosgParticle::DampingOperator | A damping operator applies damping constant to particle's velocity |
►CosgParticle::DomainOperator | A domain operator which accepts different domain shapes as the parameter |
CosgParticle::BounceOperator | A bounce operator can affect the particle's velocity to make it rebound |
CosgParticle::SinkOperator | A sink operator kills particles if positions or velocities inside/outside the specified domain |
CosgParticle::ExplosionOperator | An explosion operator exerts force on each particle away from the explosion center |
CosgParticle::FluidFrictionOperator | An operator that simulates the friction of a fluid |
CosgParticle::ForceOperator | An operator that applies a constant force to the particles |
CosgParticle::OrbitOperator | An orbit operator forces particles in the orbit around a point |
►CosgParticle::Placer | An abstract base class for implementing particle placers |
►CosgParticle::CenteredPlacer | An abstract placer base class for placers which need a center point |
CosgParticle::BoxPlacer | A box-shaped particle placer |
CosgParticle::PointPlacer | A point-shaped particle placer |
CosgParticle::SectorPlacer | A sector-shaped particle placer |
CosgParticle::CompositePlacer | A composite particle placer which allows particles to be generated from a union of placers |
CosgParticle::MultiSegmentPlacer | A polyline-shaped particle placer |
CosgParticle::SegmentPlacer | A segment-shaped particle placer |
►CosgParticle::Shooter | An abstract base class used by ModularEmitter to "shoot" the particles after they have been placed |
CosgParticle::RadialShooter | A shooter class that shoots particles radially |
CosgShadow::ShadowSettings | ShadowSettings provides the parameters that the ShadowTechnique should use as a guide for setting up shadowing |
►CosgShadow::ShadowTechnique | ShadowedScene provides a mechanism for decorating a scene that the needs to have shadows cast upon it |
CosgShadow::ParallelSplitShadowMap | |
►CosgShadow::ShadowMap | ShadowedTexture provides an implementation of shadow textures |
CosgShadow::SoftShadowMap | SoftShadowMap provides an implementation of soft shadows with shadow maps |
CosgShadow::ShadowTexture | ShadowedTexture provides an implementation of shadow textures |
CosgShadow::ShadowVolume | ShadowedTexture provides an implementation of shadow textures |
CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap | ViewDependentShadowMap provides an base implementation of view dependent shadow mapping techniques |
►CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowTechnique | ViewDependentShadowTechnique is a base class for all View Dependent Shadow techniques |
►CosgShadow::DebugShadowMap | Class used as a layer for debuging resources used by derived xxxShadowMap classes |
►CosgShadow::StandardShadowMap | |
►CosgShadow::MinimalShadowMap | |
►CosgShadow::MinimalCullBoundsShadowMap | |
►CosgShadow::ProjectionShadowMap< MinimalCullBoundsShadowMap, LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapAlgorithm > | |
CosgShadow::LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapCB | |
►CosgShadow::MinimalDrawBoundsShadowMap | |
►CosgShadow::ProjectionShadowMap< MinimalDrawBoundsShadowMap, LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapAlgorithm > | |
CosgShadow::LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapDB | |
►CosgShadow::ProjectionShadowMap< MinimalShadowMap, LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapAlgorithm > | |
CosgShadow::LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapVB | |
CosgSim::BlinkSequence | |
CosgSim::LightPointSystem | |
CosgSim::ObjectRecordData | When the OpenFlight importer encounters an Object record, it stores the data in one of these classes, and attaches the instance of the class as UserData to the corresponding osgLLGroup node |
►CosgSim::Sector | |
CosgSim::AzimElevationSector | |
CosgSim::AzimSector | |
CosgSim::ConeSector | |
CosgSim::DirectionalSector | |
CosgSim::ElevationSector | |
CosgSim::SequenceGroup | Sequence group which can be used to synchronize related blink sequences |
CosgSim::ShapeAttributeList | |
►CosgTerrain::Layer | |
►CosgTerrain::CompositeLayer | |
CosgTerrain::SwitchLayer | |
CosgTerrain::ContourLayer | |
CosgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer | |
CosgTerrain::ImageLayer | |
CosgTerrain::ProxyLayer | |
CosgTerrain::Locator | |
CosgTerrain::TerrainTechnique | |
CosgText::Bevel | |
CosgText::Font | Pure virtual base class for fonts |
CosgText::Style | |
CosgUtil::PositionalStateContainer | PositionalStateContainer base class |
►CosgUtil::RenderBin | RenderBin base class |
CosgUtil::RenderStage | RenderStage base class |
CosgUtil::SceneView | SceneView is deprecated, and is now just kept for backwards compatibility |
CosgViewer::Keystone | |
►CosgViewer::ViewConfig | Base class for View configurations for setting up Camera and Windowing |
CosgViewer::AcrossAllScreens | |
CosgViewer::PanoramicSphericalDisplay | Spherical display by rendering main scene to a panoramic 2:1 texture and then doing distortion correction to present onto a spherical display |
CosgViewer::SingleScreen | Single camera associated with a single full screen GraphicsWindow |
CosgViewer::SingleWindow | Single camera on a single window |
CosgViewer::SphericalDisplay | Spherical display using 6 slave cameras rendering the 6 sides of a cube map, and 7th camera doing distortion correction to present on a spherical display |
CosgViewer::WoWVxDisplay | Autostereoscopic Philips WoWvx display |
►CosgViewer::ViewerBase | ViewerBase is the view base class that is inherited by both Viewer and CompositeViewer |
CosgViewer::CompositeViewer | CompositeViewer holds one or more views to one or more scenes |
CosgViewer::Viewer | Viewer holds a single view on to a single scene |
CosgVolume::ImageDetails | Data strucutre for passing details about the loading imagery on to osgVolume for use when setting up dimensions etc |
►CosgVolume::Layer | Base class for representing a single layer of volume data |
CosgVolume::CompositeLayer | |
CosgVolume::ImageLayer | |
CosgVolume::Locator | |
►CosgVolume::Locator::LocatorCallback | Callback interface for enabling the monitoring of changes to the Locator |
CosgVolume::TexGenLocatorCallback | |
CosgVolume::TransformLocatorCallback | |
►CosgVolume::Property | |
►CosgVolume::CompositeProperty | |
CosgVolume::SwitchProperty | |
CosgVolume::LightingProperty | |
CosgVolume::MaximumIntensityProjectionProperty | |
►CosgVolume::ScalarProperty | |
CosgVolume::AlphaFuncProperty | |
CosgVolume::ExteriorTransparencyFactorProperty | |
CosgVolume::IsoSurfaceProperty | |
CosgVolume::SampleDensityProperty | Sample density to use when the volume is static relative to the eye point or when moving if no SampleDensityWhenMovingProperty is assigned |
CosgVolume::SampleDensityWhenMovingProperty | Sample density to use when the volume is moving relative to the eye point |
CosgVolume::SampleRatioProperty | Sample ratioto use when the volume is static relative to the eye point or when moving if no SampleRatioWhenMovingProperty is assigned |
CosgVolume::SampleRatioWhenMovingProperty | Sample density to use when the volume is moving relative to the eye point |
CosgVolume::TransparencyProperty | |
CosgVolume::TransferFunctionProperty | |
CosgVolume::VolumeSettings | |
►CosgVolume::VolumeTechnique | |
CosgVolume::FixedFunctionTechnique | |
CosgVolume::MultipassTechnique | |
CosgVolume::RayTracedTechnique | |
CosgWidget::BrowserManager | |
CosgWidget::Style | |
CosgWidget::StyleManager | |
Cosg::ObserverSet | Class used by osg::Referenced to track the observers associated with it |
►Cosg::Operation | Base class for implementing graphics operations |
Cosg::BarrierOperation | BarrierOperation allows one to synchronize multiple GraphicsThreads with each other |
►Cosg::GraphicsOperation | |
Cosg::BlockAndFlushOperation | |
Cosg::FlushDeletedGLObjectsOperation | |
Cosg::ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation | ReleaseContext_Block_MakeCurrentOperation releases the context for another thread to acquire, then blocks waiting for context to be released, once the block is release the context is re-acquired |
Cosg::RunOperations | |
Cosg::SwapBuffersOperation | SwapBufferOperation calls swap buffers on the GraphicsContext |
CosgUtil::GLObjectsOperation | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation | |
CosgViewer::Renderer | |
Cosg::OperationQueue | |
►Cosg::OperationThread | OperationThread is a helper class for running Operation within a single thread |
Cosg::GraphicsThread | GraphicsThread is a helper class for running OpenGL GraphicsOperation within a single thread assigned to a specific GraphicsContext |
Cosg::Program::PerContextProgram | PerContextProgram (PCP) is an OSG-internal encapsulation of glPrograms per-GL context |
Cosg::ProgramCostEstimator | |
Cosg::RefBlock | |
Cosg::RefBlockCount | |
Cosg::Shader::PerContextShader | PerContextShader (PCS) is an OSG-internal encapsulation of glShader per-GL context |
Cosg::Shader::ShaderObjects | |
Cosg::State | Encapsulates the current applied OpenGL modes, attributes and vertex arrays settings, implements lazy state updating and provides accessors for querying the current state |
►Cosg::State::DynamicObjectRenderingCompletedCallback | |
Cosg::EndOfDynamicDrawBlock | |
Cosg::Stats | |
Cosg::TestResult | |
Cosg::Texture1D::SubloadCallback | |
Cosg::Texture2D::SubloadCallback | |
Cosg::Texture2DArray::SubloadCallback | |
Cosg::Texture3D::SubloadCallback | |
Cosg::TextureBuffer::TextureBufferObject | |
Cosg::TextureCostEstimator | |
Cosg::TextureCubeMap::SubloadCallback | |
Cosg::TextureObjectSet | |
Cosg::TextureRectangle::SubloadCallback | |
►Cosg::View::Slave::UpdateSlaveCallback | |
CosgViewer::View::StereoSlaveCallback | |
►CosgAnimation::ActionVisitor | |
CosgAnimation::ClearActionVisitor | |
►CosgAnimation::UpdateActionVisitor | |
CosgAnimation::StatsActionVisitor | |
►CosgAnimation::Channel | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateChannel< SamplerType > | |
►CosgAnimation::KeyframeContainer | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateKeyframeContainer< T > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateKeyframeContainer< Vec3Packed > | |
►CosgAnimation::Motion | |
CosgAnimation::CompositeMotion | |
CosgAnimation::MathMotionTemplate< T > | |
CosgAnimation::SamplerMotionTemplate< T > | |
►CosgAnimation::RigTransform | |
CosgAnimation::RigTransformHardware | This class manage format for hardware skinning |
CosgAnimation::RigTransformSoftware | This class manage format for software skinning |
►CosgAnimation::Sampler | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateSampler< F > | |
►CosgAnimation::Target | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateTarget< T > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateTarget< float > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateTarget< osg::Matrixf > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateTarget< osg::Vec3f > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateCompositeSampler< VALUESAMPLERTYPE, TIMESAMPLERTYPE > | |
CosgDB::AuthenticationDetails | |
CosgDB::AuthenticationMap | |
CosgDB::BaseCompressor | |
►CosgDB::BaseSerializer | |
CosgDB::ListSerializer< C, P > | |
►CosgDB::MapBaseSerializer | |
CosgDB::MapSerializer< C, P > | |
►CosgDB::TemplateSerializer< P > | |
CosgDB::BitFlagsSerializer< C, P > | |
CosgDB::EnumSerializer< C, P, B > | |
CosgDB::GLenumSerializer< C, P > | |
CosgDB::PropByRefSerializer< C, P > | |
CosgDB::PropByValSerializer< C, P > | |
CosgDB::UserSerializer< C > | |
►CosgDB::VectorBaseSerializer | |
CosgDB::IsAVectorSerializer< C > | |
CosgDB::VectorSerializer< C, P > | |
►CosgDB::TemplateSerializer< osg::Matrix > | |
CosgDB::MatrixSerializer< C > | |
►CosgDB::TemplateSerializer< P * > | |
CosgDB::ImageSerializer< C, P > | |
CosgDB::ObjectSerializer< C, P > | |
►CosgDB::TemplateSerializer< std::string > | |
CosgDB::StringSerializer< C > | |
CosgDB::DatabasePager::DatabaseRequest | |
CosgDB::DatabasePager::DatabaseThread | |
CosgDB::DatabasePager::PagedLODList | |
►CosgDB::DatabasePager::RequestQueue | |
CosgDB::DatabasePager::ReadQueue | |
CosgDB::DeprecatedDotOsgWrapperManager | Deprecated |
CosgDB::DotOsgWrapper | Deprecated |
CosgDB::DynamicLibrary | DynamicLibrary - encapsulates the loading and unloading of dynamic libraries, typically used for loading ReaderWriter plug-ins |
CosgDB::FileCache | |
CosgDB::FileLocationCallback | |
CosgDB::FindFileCallback | |
CosgDB::FinishedObjectReadCallback | |
CosgDB::ImageOptions::TexCoordRange | Used as UserData attached to generated osg::Image's |
CosgDB::ImagePager::ImageRequest | |
CosgDB::ImagePager::ImageThread | |
►CosgDB::ImagePager::RequestQueue | |
CosgDB::ImagePager::ReadQueue | |
CosgDB::InputException | |
CosgDB::InputIterator | |
CosgDB::MethodObject | |
CosgDB::ObjectCache | |
CosgDB::ObjectWrapper | |
CosgDB::ObjectWrapperManager | |
CosgDB::OutputException | |
CosgDB::OutputIterator | |
CosgDB::ReaderWriterInfo | |
CosgDB::ReadFileCallback | |
CosgDB::Registry | Registry is a singleton factory which stores the reader/writers which are linked in at runtime for reading non-native file formats |
CosgDB::WriteFileCallback | |
CosgDB::XmlNode | XmlNode class for very basic reading and writing of xml files |
CosgFX::Registry | |
CosgFX::Technique | This is the base class for effect techniques |
CosgGA::AnimationPathManipulator::AnimationCompletedCallback | |
CosgGA::CameraManipulator::CoordinateFrameCallback | Callback class to use to allow matrix manipulators to query the application for the local coordinate frame |
CosgGA::EventQueue | EventQueue implementation for collecting and adapting windowing events |
CosgGA::PointerData | |
►CosgGA::StandardManipulator::AnimationData | |
CosgGA::OrbitManipulator::OrbitAnimationData | |
CosgManipulator::CommandManager | Deprecated |
►CosgManipulator::Constraint | |
CosgManipulator::GridConstraint | Constraint to snap motion commands to a sugar cube grid |
►CosgManipulator::MotionCommand | Base class for motion commands that are generated by draggers |
CosgManipulator::Rotate3DCommand | Command for rotation in 3D |
CosgManipulator::Scale1DCommand | Command for 1D scaling |
CosgManipulator::Scale2DCommand | Command for 2D scaling |
CosgManipulator::ScaleUniformCommand | Command for uniform 3D scaling |
CosgManipulator::TranslateInLineCommand | Command for translating in a line |
CosgManipulator::TranslateInPlaneCommand | Command for translating in a plane |
►CosgManipulator::Projector | Base class for Projectors |
►CosgManipulator::CylinderProjector | CylinderProjector projects points onto the given cylinder |
CosgManipulator::CylinderPlaneProjector | CylinderPlaneProjector projects a point onto a plane relative to the given cylinder |
CosgManipulator::LineProjector | LineProjector projects points onto the closest point on the given line |
CosgManipulator::PlaneProjector | PlaneProjector projects points onto the given line |
►CosgManipulator::SphereProjector | SphereProjector projects points onto the given sphere |
CosgManipulator::SpherePlaneProjector | SpherePlaneProjector projects points onto a sphere, failing which it project onto a plane oriented to the viewing direction |
CosgQt::GraphicsWindowQt::WindowData | |
CosgShadow::ParallelSplitShadowMap::FragmentShaderGenerator | You can overwrite the fragment shader if you like to modify it yourself, own fragment shader can be used |
CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap::LightData | |
CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap::ShadowData | |
CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap::ViewDependentData | |
►CosgShadow::ViewDependentShadowTechnique::ViewData | Base container class for view dependent shadow resources |
►CosgShadow::DebugShadowMap::ViewData | |
►CosgShadow::StandardShadowMap::ViewData | |
►CosgShadow::MinimalShadowMap::ViewData | |
CosgShadow::MinimalCullBoundsShadowMap::ViewData | |
CosgShadow::MinimalDrawBoundsShadowMap::ViewData | |
CosgSim::GeographicLocation | Stores a double precision geographic location, latitude and longitude |
CosgSim::ImpostorSpriteManager | Helper class for managing the reuse of ImpostorSprite resources |
CosgSim::OverlayNode::OverlayData | |
CosgSim::ScalarBar::ScalarPrinter | Users may provide their own ScalarPrinter by deriving from this base class and overriding the printScalar() method |
►CosgSim::ScalarsToColors | ScalarsToColors defines the interface to map a scalar value to a color, and provides a default implementation of the mapping functionaltity, with colors ranging from black to white across the min - max scalar range |
CosgSim::ColorRange | ColorRange is a ScalarsToColors object to define a color spectrum for a scalar range |
CosgTerrain::GeometryPool | |
CosgTerrain::GeometryTechnique::BufferData | |
►CosgTerrain::TerrainTile::TileLoadedCallback | Callback for post processing loaded TerrainTile, and for filling in missing elements such as external external imagery |
CosgTerrain::WhiteListTileLoadedCallback | Helper callback for managing optional sets of layers, that loading of is deffered to this callback, with this callback working out which layers to load, and how to create fallback versions of the layers |
►CosgTerrain::ValidDataOperator | |
CosgTerrain::NoDataValue | |
CosgTerrain::ValidRange | |
►CosgText::Font::FontImplementation | |
CosgQt::QFontImplementation | |
CosgText::Glyph3D | |
CosgText::GlyphGeometry | |
►CosgUtil::CubeMapGenerator | This is the base class for cube map generators |
CosgUtil::HalfWayMapGenerator | This cube map generator produces an Half-way vector map, useful for hardware-based specular lighting effects |
CosgUtil::HighlightMapGenerator | This cube map generator produces a specular highlight map |
CosgUtil::ReflectionMapGenerator | This is the most simple cube map generator |
CosgUtil::CullVisitor::Identifier | |
CosgUtil::DelaunayTriangulator | |
CosgUtil::EdgeCollector::Edge | |
CosgUtil::EdgeCollector::Edgeloop | |
CosgUtil::EdgeCollector::Point | |
CosgUtil::EdgeCollector::Triangle | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileCompletedCallback | |
►CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileOp | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileDrawableOp | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileProgramOp | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileTextureOp | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileSet | |
►CosgUtil::IntersectionVisitor::ReadCallback | Callback used to implement the reading of external files, allowing support for paged databases to be integrated with IntersectionVisitor |
CosgSim::DatabaseCacheReadCallback | |
►CosgUtil::Intersector | Pure virtual base class for implementing custom intersection technique |
CosgUtil::IntersectorGroup | Concrete class for passing multiple intersectors through the scene graph |
CosgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector | Concrete class for implementing line intersections with the scene graph |
CosgUtil::PlaneIntersector | Concrete class for implementing polytope intersections with the scene graph |
CosgUtil::PolytopeIntersector | Concrete class for implementing polytope intersections with the scene graph |
CosgUtil::RayIntersector | RayIntersector implements possibly-infinite line intersections with the scene graph |
CosgUtil::IntersectVisitor::IntersectState | |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::IsOperationPermissibleForObjectCallback | Callback for customizing what operations are permitted on objects in the scene graph |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::TextureAtlasBuilder::Atlas | |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::TextureAtlasBuilder::Source | |
CosgUtil::RenderBin::DrawCallback | |
CosgUtil::RenderBin::SortCallback | |
CosgUtil::RenderLeaf | Container class for all data required for rendering of drawables |
CosgUtil::SceneView::ComputeStereoMatricesCallback | Callback for overidding the default method for compute the offset projection and view matrices |
CosgUtil::ShaderGenCache | |
CosgUtil::Simplifier::ContinueSimplificationCallback | |
CosgUtil::StateGraph | StateGraph - contained in a renderBin, defines the scene to be drawn |
CosgUtil::TangentSpaceGenerator | Generates three arrays containing tangent-space basis vectors |
CosgUtil::Tessellator | Originally a simple class for tessellating a single polygon boundary |
CosgUtil::Tessellator::Prim | |
CosgViewer::DepthPartitionSettings | |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32::WindowData | WindowData is used to pass in the Win32 window handle attached the GraphicsContext::Traits structure |
CosgViewer::GraphicsWindowX11::WindowData | WindowData is used to pass in the X11 window handle attached the GraphicsContext::Traits structure |
CosgViewer::OpenGLQuerySupport | |
CosgViewer::Scene | Scene holds the higher level reference to a single scene graph |
►CosgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler::CaptureOperation | Abstract base class for what to do when a screen capture happens |
CosgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler::WriteToFile | Concrete implementation of a CaptureOperation that writes the screen capture to a file |
►CosgVolume::TileData | Container for render to texture objects used when doing multi-pass volume rendering techniques |
CosgVolume::MultipassTechnique::MultipassTileData | Container for render to texture objects used when doing multi-pass volume rendering techniques |
CosgVolume::VolumeScene::ViewData | |
CosgWidget::Callback | |
►CosgWidget::CallbackInterface | |
CosgWidget::FunctionCallback< T > | |
CosgWidget::ObjectCallback< T > | |
►CosgWidget::ScriptEngine | |
CosgWidget::LuaEngine | |
CosgWidget::PythonEngine | |
CosgDB::RegisterCompressorProxy | |
CosgDB::RegisterCustomWrapperProxy | |
►CosgDB::RegisterDotOsgWrapperProxy | Deprecated |
CosgDB::TemplateRegisterDotOsgWrapperProxy< T > | Deprecated |
CosgDB::RegisterImageProcessorProxy< T > | Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry |
CosgDB::RegisterReaderWriterProxy< T > | Proxy class for automatic registration of reader/writers with the Registry |
CosgDB::RegisterWrapperProxy | |
►Cosg::RenderInfo | |
CosgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation::CompileInfo | |
CosgUtil::SceneGraphBuilder | A class for assisting the building a scene graph that is equivilant to OpenGL 1.0 style calls |
►Cosg::GraphicsContext::ScreenIdentifier | |
Cosg::GraphicsContext::Traits | GraphicsContext Traits object provides the specification of what type of graphics context is required |
Cosg::GraphicsContext::ScreenSettings | Simple resolution structure used by WindowingSystemInterface to get and set screen resolution |
CosgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Scrolling | |
Cosg::ValueObject::SetValueVisitor | |
►CShadowProjectionAlgorithmClass | |
CosgShadow::ProjectionShadowMap< MinimalBoundsBaseClass, ShadowProjectionAlgorithmClass >::ViewData | |
Cosg::ShadowVolumeOccluder | ShadowVolumeOccluder is a helper class for implementing shadow occlusion culling |
CosgSim::ShapeAttribute | |
Cosg::ShapeVisitor | |
CosgUtil::SharedArrayOptimizer | |
CosgWidget::Window::Sizes | |
Cosg::View::Slave | Slave allows one to up a camera that follows the master with a local offset to the project and view matrices |
►CosgWidget::StyleInterface | |
CosgWidget::Widget | |
CosgWidget::Window | |
►CT | |
Cosg::TemplatePrimitiveFunctor< T > | Provides access to the primitives that compose an osg::Drawable |
Cosg::TriangleFunctor< T > | Provides access to the triangles that compose an osg::Drawable |
Cosg::TriangleIndexFunctor< T > | |
CosgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback< T > | |
CosgDB::TemplateRegisterDotOsgWrapperProxy< T > | Deprecated |
CosgUtil::OperationArrayFunctor< T > | |
CTriangleLinePointIndexFunctor< T > | |
CosgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TabletPen | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateCubicBezier< T > | |
►CosgAnimation::TemplateInterpolatorBase< TYPE, KEY > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateCubicBezierInterpolator< TYPE, KEY > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateLinearInterpolator< TYPE, KEY > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateLinearPackedInterpolator< TYPE, KEY > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateSphericalLinearInterpolator< TYPE, KEY > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateStepInterpolator< TYPE, KEY > | |
CosgTerrain::TerrainNeighbours | |
CosgSim::ScalarBar::TextProperties | TextProperties allows users to specify a number of properties for the text used to display the labels & title on the ScalarBar |
CosgUtil::Optimizer::TextureAtlasBuilder | Texture Atlas Builder creates a set of textures/images which each contain multiple images |
Cosg::Texture::TextureProfile | |
►CThread | |
Cosg::OperationThread | OperationThread is a helper class for running Operation within a single thread |
CosgDB::DatabasePager::DatabaseThread | |
CosgDB::ImagePager::ImageThread | |
CosgViewer::Renderer::ThreadSafeQueue | |
CosgVolume::TileID | |
CosgTerrain::TileID | |
Cosg::Timer | Timer class is used for measuring elapsed time or time between two points |
CosgGA::GUIEventAdapter::TouchData::TouchPoint | |
Cosg::KdTree::Triangle | |
CosgWidget::UIObjectParent< T > | |
►CosgWidget::UIObjectParent< Widget > | |
CosgWidget::Window | |
►CosgWidget::UIObjectParent< Window > | |
CosgWidget::WindowManager | |
Cosg::Program::UniformBlockInfo | |
Cosg::State::UniformStack | |
CosgAnimation::RigTransformSoftware::UniqBoneSetVertexSet | |
CosgAnimation::VertexInfluenceSet::UniqVertexSetToBoneSet | |
CosgDB::UpdateWrapperVersionProxy | |
CosgDB::UserLookupTableProxy | |
CosgViewer::StatsHandler::UserStatsLine | |
Cosg::ValueObjectClassNameTrait< T > | |
Cosg::ArgumentParser::Parameter::ValueUnion | |
Cosg::ValueVisitor | |
Cosg::Vec2b | General purpose float triple |
Cosg::Vec2d | General purpose double pair, uses include representation of texture coordinates |
Cosg::Vec2f | General purpose float pair |
Cosg::Vec2i | General purpose integer pair |
Cosg::Vec2s | |
Cosg::Vec2ub | General purpose unsigned byte pair |
Cosg::Vec2ui | General purpose integer pair |
Cosg::Vec2us | |
CosgAnimation::Vec3ArrayPacked | |
Cosg::Vec3b | General purpose float triple |
Cosg::Vec3d | General purpose double triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals |
CosgUtil::Tessellator::Vec3d | |
Cosg::Vec3f | General purpose float triple for use as vertices, vectors and normals |
Cosg::Vec3i | General purpose integer triple |
CosgAnimation::Vec3Packed | |
Cosg::Vec3s | |
Cosg::Vec3ub | General purpose float triple |
Cosg::Vec3ui | General purpose integer triple |
Cosg::Vec3us | |
Cosg::Vec4b | General purpose float triple |
Cosg::Vec4d | General purpose double quad |
Cosg::Vec4f | General purpose float quad |
Cosg::Vec4i | General purpose integer quad |
Cosg::Vec4s | General purpose float quad |
Cosg::Vec4ub | General purpose float quad |
Cosg::Vec4ui | General purpose integer quad |
Cosg::Vec4us | General purpose float quad |
►Cvector | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateKeyframeContainer< T > | |
CosgAnimation::TemplateKeyframeContainer< Vec3Packed > | |
►CosgText::VectorUInt | |
CosgText::String | |
Cosg::VertexAttribAlias | |
CosgAnimation::VertexInfluenceSet | |
►CVertexList | |
CosgAnimation::VertexInfluence | |
►CViewData | |
CosgShadow::ProjectionShadowMap< MinimalBoundsBaseClass, ShadowProjectionAlgorithmClass >::ViewData | |
CosgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult | |
►CMinimalBoundsBaseClass | |
CosgShadow::ProjectionShadowMap< MinimalBoundsBaseClass, ShadowProjectionAlgorithmClass > | |